One of my favorite developers. Though the games are growing undeniably formulaic, they are still held up largely by the quality of the art and scenes. I have major gripes with the structure and some of the situations though.
How fast for them to get corrupted on scale of 10? were there alot of corruption scenes in this? thanks in advance
Scenes unlock based on story progress and a corruption number. Because each scene raises corruption, it ends up in a situation where for a awhile there will be barely any scenes, then suddenly you go from 30 corruption to 100 as each scene snowballs to the next. But the corruption number doesn't affect the content of the scenes, only whether they are unlocked. The majority of the scenes are multi part progressions from low key surreptitious lewdness to open sex, with later parts gated behind story progression, which may scratch your corruption itch, and are generally high quality. Due to these mechanics there may be some dissonance depending on the order you do them, as the heroine could be acting completely slutty one moment and prudish the next, but if you progress all event chains evenly it's mostly okay.
is there a lot of scenes on defeat or will most of the scenes happen playing the game?
Has very few defeat scenes iirc. A few extra scenes if you lose to the game bosses, of which there are only a couple. Some you can continue from others are dead ends. Vast majority of scenes are progression chains that happen by talking to npcs.