I want to add more choices in the future including going back and adding some more paths in.
I didn't want to follow the tragic route of game with 100 choices that delivers on none before the dev gets burnt out trying to maintain them all and progress is snails pace due to all the possibilities needing to being scripted and rendered.
That looks like a very reasonable approach. As long as the existing routes are kept intact, there is no problem to add more branches later on. It would feel like a expansion, and I think nobody can be against that. I only hope you won't add a branch where everything with Georgia goes to a dark hell. That would be a addition I would never play (yeah - I am a sucker for mostly happy endings, sorry).
I said it before and I say it again. I love the models in this VN. They feel very realistic, and I think that this adds to the VN in a very big and positive way...