Unity - Completed - NPC Capture Academy [v2023-04-21] [Oinari Soft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 2022-09-25

    Story: Ok, the game don't have one (1/5)

    Originality: I like this idea, there is another game that did this already, so it's not a NEW idea (Imperial Gatekeeper). The other game is much more polished than this one, but I believe that if this is a work in progress, it could be a good game at the end. (4/5)

    Sound: Just simple sounds of touch and scenes, and music. Nothing big here, but could be better (2/5)

    Playability: I like this style of game. It's like Papers Please, and it works out fine. The game is too easy if I could say something else, but nonetheless pretty good. (4/5)

    Performance: The game runs nice enough, it's a simple game, so nothing to worry. (5/5)

    Bugs: I had some sound bug, I don't know why, but after running the game for a while it started to have some weird sounds. (3/5)

    Animations: Simple animations, nothing big here. They aren't the most polished ones, but are good enough (4/5)

    Amount of content: Unfortunately, the game is still being developed. So there aren't much to do here. The good thing is that the game generates random characters, and this could be good to maintain playability. (3/5)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Finally something with clever idea and good realization! Nowadays there aren't a lot of content like this.
    No NTR stuff, even the "rape" here is clearly soft, I'd say this is almost vanilla.
    Good drawings and ok gameplay.
    Kinda hate that in English text is too slow, and time limit doesn't feel very necessary, but overall didn't care.
    Great and very simple game. Need more like this!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay I like Puzzle Games, so if this game gets finished, I'll add another star, if it stays like it is, I'm removing a star. That being said, this is what I think until I see that G-Dang [Completed] tag by the top of the thread.

    The Imperial Gatekeeper was cool. I like the papers please style hentai puzzle game. There's something to be said about the exhillerating stress of spotting the error in a document in a timely manner, the premise that i have the power to allow entry or deny peons as I see fit, and the ability to punish deliquents for cheating the system.

    This game has all that, and the art is pretty good too. That being said, there is so much room for improvement, you could move an indoor pool in here.

    The "challenge" of spotting the error? Wayyy too easy. If they added more to this puzzle element alone I think that would make me harder than the women do. Please please PLEASE update the puzzles and I will thank you lots.

    The UI is kinda bugged. The dialogue between you and the girls actually prevents me from pressing any of the buttons on my dashboard, so if I wanna rush through a ton of visitors in one run, I have to wait for them to shut up. If you fix that, the game will feel a lot smoother. Also one of the rooms on the stage select won't open but I'll chalk that up to the game being unfinished.

    The H-Scenes? Good. I like em. But there too few of them, so few I could finish them in one day if I tried. (Along with the fact that the girls give you their cheat sheet on the back of their ID) More H-Scenes would be stellar, but even a new scenario would be cool.

    In totality, make the puzzles more puzzle-y, fix the UI, and add more seggs. Do all this and this game a 4 or 5 star. Do none of this and you make me and my dick sad. :(
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, it's basically as others have said. I really hope more development is done to make this a good game; It has a really good framework similar to the imperial gatekeeper but that framework is just BARELY used today. You can fuck any girl for any reason, good or bad, there is no story, scene selection is okay but poor... but art and core gameplay mechanics look promising.

    I expect to improve this score in future, but today it sucks
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Unimaginative, boring, and generally devoid of content. On the other hand, the art is pretty good and there's animation. Generally, that'd be enough for me to just say that the game has potential and move on. I have two specific qualms with this game that make me less forgiving, though:

    1: The game costs money. It's pretty unprecedented as far as I can remember to release something to dlsite that isn't even close to being a completed game and expect people to pay money for it. Even in the west this would be very strange but in Japan it's practically unheard of. Especially because this is less early access and more first demo territory. Although with that said most (free) demos I've played of Japanese h games are far more complete than this


    2) Papers please is pretty old now. So is that other Japanese h game that was modeled after it. There's been plenty of time to come up with systems that work well and are fun, but there's not even a trace of that here.

    Okay, but what specifically are the issues with the game? Well, for one thing, the stages are all the same from a gameplay perspective. Where in papers please new elements would constantly be introduced, for this game it's always the same document with the same things to look out for. The year that the girls are in changes and so do acceptable class numbers, but that doesn't matter. Both before and after the changes these were things you had to look out for, and it's literally the only gameplay thing that changes. And from what I saw, every girl who had incorrect documents had 3+ things wrong, making it entirely brainless. It's basically impossible to get anything wrong. The only consequence for not playing the game correctly is that you don't get as many stars, but it seems that all the stars do is give you more money (which can only be used to purchase one item--and very cheaply may I add, so you don't have to worry). This means that there are no consequences for raping someone who hasn't done anything wrong. So generally, the gameplay is meaningless.

    But hey, that's fine, right? The gameplay doesn't have to be good, it's a demo! Surely the h content is good, right? Wrong. Yeah, the animations are pretty good. But there are only a few, and to get to them you just have to wait around clicking over and over until the girl climaxes and you can move on. Again, entirely brainless. This isn't to mention how all the girls pretty much look the same anyway. I don't care if it's an early release, if you expect people to pay money for your game you better have something tangible. If you're missing gameplay, than the h content needs to be good, and vice versa. This game does neither. I'll tack on an extra star because the art is good, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for this one.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The separate space for special guidance has different style animation and lower quality.

    There's an invisible timer between functions, but not interactions (plays activation animation, but does not function).

    Date is important, yet untranslated.
    Stamp is important, but there are no school stamp examples.

    Fairly lacking so far- feels like an unfinished minigame that overstays its welcome.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has an interesting art style but other than that it is super basic.

    Some of it is due to its unfinished state but a few design decisions have a negative Impact on gameplay enjoyment for me.
    To name a few, whole setting makes little sense, you are free to molest girls as hard as you want with no game mechanic limitations, there is a severa lack of dialogue and animations variety that updates are unlikely to fully fix.

    If you hoped for more advanced TIGK, this is not it, it might become something simillar but it does not add to the genre.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok. For an initial release its VERY good. The art is amazing and all of the basic functionality is there. Legit the only thing it needs is more content. Build on what you already have and it will turn out amazing. Would love to see the interactions with the girls be expanded on and the addition of different shop items. This is exactly the type of game I like.