VN Ren'Py NSFW [rawmagic] [Development Thread]

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in the update. Where I live, we've been having some very heavy rains, and I don't know if anyone lives in a place like this, but here it floods easily. With these rains, the city is underwater. Water even got into my house, but we didn't have major damages because we live on the second floor. However, the optical fiber broke, and since many people had issues, it took almost a week to fix. But aside from this mess, everything is okay now.

Regarding update 2.5, there are 2 animations in the rendering queue, with one currently at frame 94 out of 130. As soon as these animations are done, I'll release the update.

About update 3.0, I'm finishing the third part I mentioned in the last update. It's theoretically simpler and a bit shorter, but I had some difficulties with some scenes, in addition to the problems with the weather, so it took a bit longer than I expected. But I'm finishing the static part and moving on to the animations. Sorry for the update with nothing new; it had to be rushed, but I promise to bring more spoilers in the next ones. We'll have another update this Friday. Thanks for your attention, guys, and sorry again!


Nov 24, 2022
I'm confused.. Is your game officially out or do you just post your updates in here?

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021
I'm confused.. Is your game officially out or do you just post your updates in here?
Hey man, the game is already released. Chapters 1 and 2 are out, I'm currently working on 3 and 2.5 which is a 'remake' of 1 with some improvements. If you want to take a look, you can access the game's thread or download it from
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Nov 24, 2022
Hey man, the game is already released. Chapters 1 and 2 are out, I'm currently working on 3 and 2.5 which is a 'remake' of 1 with some improvements. If you want to take a look, you can access the game's thread or download it from
Will do, thanks!

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021
CH2.5 Changelog

Hey guys. So, the 2.5 update is coming out tomorrow, the last animation is almost finished, so I wanted to talk a bit about the changes in the update:

Remake Ch1: My biggest motivation was that chapter 1 had a much lower quality compared to 2 and 3, and this was bothering me, mainly because I want to open a page on and didn't want to release it like that. Since the chapter is quite short, I "remade" its render. The idea is not a complete remake, but just to improve the quality of the render itself, so the poses remain the same, and so does the content. The only thing I changed were the textures, some camera angles, the lighting, and post-work. It's FAR from perfect, and to be honest, when I finished, there were things I wanted to redo haha but since it was just to improve, I left it as it is. I posted some after and before(in this order) renders in so you can get an idea. The most important thing here was that I redid the animations of the chapter, making them longer and smoother. There are 2 of them that I still didn't like the final result, but as I said, the idea was not to spend too much time here, so it was the best I could do within the time frame I gave myself. I hope you like the changes.

CH2: In chapter 2, I made a new anal animation. The idea was to change the chapter so the player could choose the bets they were making, having the chance to win or not (unlike today where you always win), and if you won, you had the chance to return the money and thus unlock the anal. The problem is that when I tried to change these things, I ended up having many problems changing the renders, and it would take too much time to do it, so I just added the new animation, unfortunately without this gameplay component. Maybe in the future, I'll do a complete remake of chapters 1 and 2, expanding the story since the future chapters will be much longer, and then I'll add more gameplay.

GUI: Additionally, I removed the introduction of the stories where that "witch" talked a bit about them. My idea with this was to give more life to the stories and to make it easier to add more gameplay, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted, and I think it was more of a hindrance than a help, so I removed that part for now, and maybe in the future, I'll add it back. In its place, I added a screen so the player can choose which chapter they want to watch.
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: JOHNG241

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021

Hey everyone, ch2.5 is now released. Here's a summary of the updates (if you want to see the updates in detail, I've written a )

  • Ch1
    - All images from ch1 have been redone and rerendered to improve quality.
    - All animations have been redone to be more complex and more compatible with the animations from ch2 and (future) ch3.
    -Menus have been added to control the animations.
  • CH2:
    -A new anal animation has been added.
  • Additionally, the content that came before the chapters has been removed, and now we have an initial menu to choose which chapter you want to play.

    That's about it; I hope you guys enjoy it!

    Don't forget to let me know what you think; it's crucial for me to keep improving!

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021


Hey everyone. This week I've been working solely on the animations for the third part, trying to make increasingly larger animations, with some reaching up to 240 frames in this update. Although this does impact development time a bit, I think it makes the characters feel more alive and "organic". So far, one animation is finished, two are rendering, and one is in progress. There might still be two more animations in this part, but I'm still thinking about it.

Additionally, I started a new practice this week, creating more static renders. My idea is to set up an extras area in the game where these character renders will be available. Moreover, I want to start giving more value to my paying Patreons. I'm still figuring out the exact details, but for now, my Patreons will have access to the 4k version of these renders and will also get early access to them, probably 1 or 2 weeks in advance. For now, I'll produce one render per week to not impact the development, but in the future, I want to increase this quantity. The one I posted now is an example of this, and from next week onwards, they will be published on Patreon with a longer lead time.

That's it for today, folks. Thank you all for your attention, and see you next week.

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021

Hey everyone. This week I have some news. I'm finishing up the third part (I'm at the end of the last animation) and after that, I'll finally move on to the final part of the story. So, I'm thinking about assembling a team of beta-testers for this story. I'd like to get some opinions on how it's shaping up before I officially release it. For this initial test, I'd prefer a small team; I'm not sure of the exact number yet, but priority will be given to patrons and people who already have experience with this. For future stories, I plan to expand the team. So, if you're interested, send me a message here, and I'll explain more details about what I'm thinking. That's it for this week, folks. See you next week.

Raw Magic

Game Developer
Feb 2, 2021

Hey everyone, it's been a while since we last saw each other. Well, I messed up some time ago and ended up losing about 70% of the files for ch3. This got me really down, and I ended up feeling unmotivated for a while. But I managed to redo everything, and in the end, it turned out better than the first version, so it wasn't that bad after all.

Well, there's just one scene left to finish ch3, which is the final scene. I don't know yet how long it will be, but so far we have about 700 renders and 11 animations, totaling almost 2000 renders in the render queue haha.

It's worth mentioning that there are still some spots open for beta testers. I plan to release ch3 to the beta testers next Friday, so if anyone is still interested in helping the development of the game, just send me a DM.
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