RPGM - Completed - NTR Knight's Story - I Fight Without Knowing That My Beloved People Are Being Fucked [v1.3] [Bitch Bokujou]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a shit game! The story makes no sense, the fights are boring af, the scenes are totally exaggerated.

    This game is a 2 out 5 AT MOST.

    I am still rating this 4 out of 5 because this game has the hottest and craziest vacuum blowjob scene in all of hentai.

    It will never be forgotten ;)

    Do not play this game, but download it and watch the scene. Hilarious and hot af.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an RPG game where u play as a dude who wants to be a pro knight, and in the mean time, u guessed it, getting cucked away from potential love interests.

    + great character design : all the females look very hot and breedable, and there are 3 of them with different physiques that will satiate everyone's needs.
    + extra ntr subplot : it's like finding extra french fries left in the bag when u originally thought getting cucked from 3 love interest are bad&good enough. ntr experts would probably notice and unlock the subplot at the very start of the game, but even so, it was a treat indeed.
    + ahegao faces : what i can say, ahegao faces are fappable and the ahegao voice line added an extra spice to it...uh, was there a voice line? i really don't remember, maybe it was just me. it's that good.
    + pregnancy

    - generic grindy fights : gameplay's very generic. there's no sexual element during the fights, u just level up to defeat enemies. grind is a neccesity to the progression of the story and that's just lame when i'm just here for fapping.
    - boring game overs : no defeat scenes are a let down. and then it's grinding time again.
    - repetitive progression : u do quest, u fight monsters, u complete quests, u get cucked scenes and repeat. this's just basically it. the bare back bone of the game that has no other game mechanics is a bit too simplistic and unimaginative.
    - lame shops

    * NTR comedy? : comedy can be subjective, but the question i must ask is: does comedy mix well with NTR? i think it's generally not so much. keeping ntr light hearted with comedy decreases trauma, but that also decreaes the sexual impact of the NTR. however, comedy is almost always welcome in the game, it really depends on what u want with the game, like, do u prefer a latte NTR or an espresso NTR?
    * Niche dirty fetish : some will love it, some will hate it. it's not for everyone, but it's there.

    SCORE: 3.5/5
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good start to a potentially great NTR series of games as this could get a sequel if the de could be bothered.. which, while still very unpolished, manages to merge several interesting concepts and tell a story by perfectly getting to the point of the NTR theme: humiliation, corruption, shame and guilt.
    I only read this NTR/corruption genres on the antagonist perspective and mostly filtering out some of the main characters dialogue of the narrative, so I'm glad seeing some games that has that theme too.
    Definitely did noticed a few bugs here and there but not to the point that you need to restart the game to eliminate the bug.
    Gameplay is kinda good, the first hour of the game is kinda boring but after you get to see a lot of hot stuff. I enjoy the animations and the story is whatever, I only really care about the NTR aspect of the game personally anyway. There's a story there and it's fine.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me start off by saying this game is more of a 3 -star, however, I think that it does NTR so well that it bumps the rating to a 4 even with the amount of grind that is required.

    NTR Knight's Story is a game that truly gets what's good about NTR. Though this game has a light-hearted tone and doesn't take itself too seriously, the NTR still has that perfect dash of betrayal that all good NTR does. And the NTR is not only limited to the H-scenes, as with lewd skills being learnt byt he female party members, sometimes even a normal fight will remind you just how far these girls have fallen.

    If that's all I had to say, this game would be perfect. However, the one thing holding this game back is the ungodly amount of grind required, grind that is cookie-cutter rpgmaker combat with almost nothing new or engaging (apart from the previously mentioned skills). Your horny enjoyment will be broken up by long stretches of running through the same generic dungeon fighting the same enemies with different sprites. It can be a real mood killer.

    BUT, if you really enjoy NTR and can push through the grind then you are in for one of the best NTR games on this site! I'd say it's worth a try, what else are you doing with your life, you're reading a porn game review, y'know?

    tl;dr despite the large amount of grind, if NTR is your cup of tea you owe it to yourself to at least give this game a try
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The peak of the NTR games, this is the most fantastic game in the history, the whores females are very thick and bitches, with bigs bobs, my knowledge is limited for my language, for that i will tell my honest feeling in spanish (also for write more fast): Este puto juego me trajo mas diversion y calentura que todos los ntr y doujins de esta tematica (exceptuando algunos que otros como otome dori) esta mierda esta muy buena, cuando estas completamente inmerso en los que cuckean al prota lo disfrutas mas, dandole duro a todas esa putitas faciles, sobretodo a la pequeña loli con ganas de que la rellenen como a un pavo hasta explotar (por cierto soy lolicon), por eso este juego ni siquiera merece una puntuacion numerica ya que no se pueden transcribir los sentimientos logrados,este juego me marco para siempre, cada vez que lo vea me voy si o si me calentare.

    Por ultimo los puntos que hacen que este juego sea unico:
    Mujeres de todo tipo que sienten algo por el prota terminan cukeandolo
    Terminan preñadas y les encanta
    Cogen a su puta madre necesitada
    Cogen y roban a su amiga de la infancia
    Humillan al protagonista
    Expresiones faciales de las GOD
    Buen dibujo (lo defrome en algunos dibujos le da el toque)
    Historia interesante y atrapante
    Hay poco juegos como estos, ojala hagan mas asi.
    I was playing literally all games that deserve be download but games like this are few
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Love in a cup

    The best of NTR. You have the simp, the easily distracted girls, and the obese, ugly old bastard. What more do you need?

    Game has hilarious storyline and fantastic CG. The only problem someone might have is that you're playing the simp, but it's quite difficult to develop feelings for a man this intelligent. Seriously, you must play this game if you enjoy NTR.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The NTR aspect of the game was quite satisfying, but sadly the grind and default combat system makes this game supper annoying to progress and enjoy. Doing quests becomes repetitive as you keep getting new girls and going to king, rinse and repeat... Any mistake you do will result in game over where you will have to start from the last save you made, not to mention that fights are locked in and you cannot escape.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This RPG is NTR at it's finest. Great graphic,great gameplay and amazing storyline. Damn the only con is it's length which is not long but is average for most adult rpg i think. Again, highly recomended if you are into NTR.

  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This NTR game does not pull any punches, the NTR is hardset. You WILL get cucked in this game, no matter how you go about it. You will be looked down on, insulted and treated like a fool. All the people close to you will abandon you and the only recourse you have is in the ending where you can get some amount of revenge as a repreive. The scenes are appropriately intense, and it plays like an actual RPG, I.E., Lots of grinding and going back and forth to figure out what your supposed to next, because as far as i can tell, there is no good questlog or hints to remind you what to do. They will appear in dialogue that you can miss and you will be clueless.
    Or maybe that's just a me thing, could very well be. Still, ultimately a three star for just how much this game treats the protag like shit ( I know that's what NTR is, I am aroused by it, and I also hate it, not good for my heart. If you are sensitve to heartbreak and degradation, avoid this game. If you are immune or are like "That's my fetish!", proceed.)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Take the next few sentences with these salt grains:

    1) My first review ever
    2) My fist NTR expierience ever

    -As with most of the games I pick, I DL'd cuz the art looked interesting, and although I've never picked up an NTR game before, I was feeling spicy.

    -Reviews ranged wildly from laughably bad to (not a joke) "my favorite rpg hentai game ever"

    -GAMEPLAY (0/10)
    Literal ass. Stock rpgmaker fights, defualt enemies, no interesting combat system or twist to grab my attention. COMPLETE snooze fest.

    On top of that, some H-scenes or story dialogue choices will END YOUR GAME with no forewarning and force you to replay from last save. Save before every event.

    On top of THAT, fights towards the end get stupidly grindy. Cheated just to get past the dumb difficulty spike. All it did was lengthen game time.

    -CG (7/10)
    The character models look aight, personal preference but I enjoy 'em. The H-scenes were about what you expect, nothing mind-blowing, censored cg but whatever, they look pretty decent.

    ...Not much else to address there...idk

    -STORY (-0.5/10) OR (6/10)
    Pretty funny. Again, I don't have much forte in NTR, but I could tell this was pretty vanilla for an NTR adventure. Girls turn from innocent virgins into sex pigs upon 000000.34 seconds after cock insertion.

    Comical because friends just watch as their other friends get taken to be raped and don't give a fuck, MC is hilariously clueless and honestly, I find that more enjoyable than a serious NTR. I would give the hilarious writing a 6/10 just cuz it made me haha, but I could see a more sophisticated NTR enjoyer to be pretty peeved at this shit.

    OVERALL - Yea, like a 3/10. Mainly for gameplay. I play H-games because its NOT a doujin, so I expect there to be polish in ALL aspects. The CG saves it in some regard, but not enough for me to comeback to.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly this was a pretty good RPGM game that did really well in building itself as an RPG game. The CG were pretty good but I think for this game its good to appreciate that it is an RPG game and that it actually was able to balance the game to play like one. A lot of RPGM games that add RPG aspects are pretty garbage. I didn't feel there was any useless space in the game either.

    The only thing I would complain about with this game would probably be the lack of a log for helping with direction or where to go next. Its not difficult to figure out where to go next but having a quest log or missions log would have made the game better for sure.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Solid game but although I'm not sure if it's me or what but this game is way too difficult for no reason at certain parts. It seems like there's a good order in which to do the quests in, but the game does not recommend the order or give you any clue. Some missions are better to complete first as opposed to others. I downloaded this game around a year ago then put it down because it was too difficult, I pick it up and try again a year later and still get stuck. All of my units were adequately geared and yet the game is still too difficult for no reason at all
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Mediocre art, terrible plot and grindy, boring RPGmaker battles. Skip, skip, skip this game and you're missing nothing of note.

    Poor even by the standards of low cost RPGmaker games, again, even the art doesn't 'save' it, because the art is... nothing special.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR at it's finest. You got the fat ugly old bastard, the easily mind broken girls, and the simp. What more can you ask for?

    Game has great CG and a hilarious story. The only issue that someone might have is that you're playing the simp, but it's very hard to get attached to a guy this dense. Seriously, if you like NTR, you got to play this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game, the artist "Bitch Bokujou" drew everything. the art and story are kinda funny, it's all ntr, in terms of an RPG game it's better to just use cheat plugin for RPGM MV or RPGSaveEditor, Well if you like the art you will like the game
    Likes: Daioh
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Apparently this game was made by Harvey Weinstein with the amount of rape, blackmail, and forced cucked sex. The game loses its charm when the girls go from rape victims to slutty bimbos in one scene. Personally I would've appreciated a more drawn out corruption process with a bit more seduction but instead I got fat king blackmailing and raping women in order to have them fall in love with him.

    The combat system was trash with some severe over-powered bosses. It's kinda a let down when you grind in order to build your character only to find out its impossible to beat some of the main bosses. Not to mention the bugs that caused the gallery to not save almost half of the scenes.

    The endings are total shit. Contrary to what the game suggests there's only bad endings. I would've again appreciated an ending where you either get revenge, get the girls, save your mother or somehow had any redemption story. Instead you only get bad endings which spoils the game for me. You have to be into severe hardcore NTR in order to enjoy the game. I do enjoy some NTR games but this was just a boring plot, little choice, bad endings, and nothing you do in the game or the bosses you beat changes that. It's a major let down.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a middle of the road offering for me. First, the good. The NTR is great. I especially love how the characters cover for each other, some of the dialogue is great. The ending is fun too.

    The bad though, is the art. Every character has elastic lips, tits so large they are unnatural and disgusting. The main bull is an old, fat guy who is clearly Chad Thundercock. The characters are also dressed as the town cumdumps (nipple pasties aren't armor, and one has a bottom piece so thin her pussylips stick out the sides). They also go from "OMG my virginity that I was saving for my childhood friend" to "OMG more cock master" in all of one session. Between the bad art and these deep characters, It ruins it for me. Thankfully, the NTR make it a middle of the road offering.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Sex scenes were alright, with pretty good art if you're into exaggerated proportions. But in terms of story, the women's morals degenerate so fast you can pretty much assume there was never anything to lose in the first place. It also seems unnecessary to make the protagonist an inconsiderate lover after the game has spent hours trying to get you to feel bad for him. Not to mention how much of the plot revolves around characters just not talking to each other about obvious stuff. I just kinda stopped caring much.

    Scene and CG recollection don't cover all scenes in the game, particularly annoying in the case of the hidden ending which takes serious work to get to. You also have to save your game after a scene to add it to the recollection menu, even if you plan to reload to before you saw it, a peculiarity which bit me a few times.

    Both the true ending and the hidden ending were bugged for me - true ending had the character walk into a wall and the game locked up, while hidden ending requires some items that the game can fail to give you when you are supposed to get them.

    Game also gets pretty grindy around the 1/3 mark and really very grindy if you want the hidden ending.

    Speaking of that hidden ending (which I had to hack the game to see) I guess it was meant to be humorous but I just found it irritating how the game teases you with the idea that the protagonist might stop being a dumbass for once but then goes lol nope.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game does satisfy the criteria for NTR as a result of SPH. Full marks just for that. A little grindy but rpgv save editor can fix that. CGs are excellent (if blurred). I really wanted the MC to get a little more action though, but oh well.

    Personal opinion below, you may skip (my thoughts)
    Up until now, I had just the mildest fascination about NTR. But when I played NTR Knight, I truly grasped the meaning behind it. Women cucking behind your back and belittling you for a tiny cock. My heart was pounding throughout the playthrough and that has not happened in at least 10 years of me watching pornography and playing ero-games. Would I attempt to do this in real life? Fuck NO! Something primitive inside makes me boil with anger and want to go on a killing spree. And yet, if it is in fiction, it feels really hot and makes me angry at the same time. I was hard throughout the playthrough but I could not bring myself to fap on it. Time to go visit the therapist.
  20. 5.00 star(s)



    I am still laughing!! The game is a total parody on NTR and dives deep down into cliches to the point of absurdity!

    This is almost too funny to fap to, be warned! I'd strongly recommend some sort of cheat like the cheat menu to progress through the game, because the whole humor is totally worth it till the end!! XD