The amounts of times I paid 10$ on a NTR game on DLSite and end up deleting it in 15 mins... reviews on DLSite aren't good indicators at all, almost all games there are 3/10 at best, and this author has zero good games on his resume, thats the difference here
Yeah good rep sells, ironically that is 1 reason i always pirate games before playing unless i am really certain i am going to like what i buy (or can play at all in my PC).
Weird thing about dlsite is that all those crappy games are aparently popular in japan? I mean someone ahs to be buying them.
Anyway i think this particular game has put out demos and the like plus all the info on CI-EN, so technically people should know if its good or not (or at least be hopefull it is xD), i personally didn't follow the dev on CIEN so i have no idea, i don't even know what its about or how real the NTR is.