Always weird in these games/hentais that the manager is some god like entity in the company that can seemingly do whatever. With no consequences and the employees are like their slaves. Like in this game in a pharmaceutical if the "genius" sceintist that is their money maker is hurt or offended in anyway chances are high that everyone involved will be either out of a job or even sent to the police. It's also weird how everyone in JP settings are seemingly crazy about keeping their employment even working for so called black companies, doing overtime everyday and working for free, even having their free time and vacation controlled and to some degree abused.
Like I don't know how true it is but I've heard and read mutliple accounts on how bosses would force their workers to hang out with them after work often going to pubs drinking or even forcing them to go to see sex workers if their in the mood even if the worker is married. Heck I've even heard of bosses forcing employees to babysit their kids during their vactations becaues the boss wanted to go on a vacation.
Still is it really like this in the JP workplaces?
Not at all, trust me I worked in a Japanese company and the rules on the workfloor are insane, to that is Europe and American companies way tamer, Like you can't have family pictures on your desk, every document, item and other things need to be propper stocked in their regular space, there may no speck of dust be found anywhere on the closets, desk and so on. In foreign countries you just have to be on time at work, not 5 min late, but in Japan self you even demanded to be 1 hour before work time at your work to do some excercises to keep your body healthy.
What is true is though Managers tend to be very bossy and strict, but they can't use it force sex on their workers, because that would damage the company, even a manager who uses company funds will be punished severaly, that probably why they out this in VNs as it all wishes they can't do in real. Beside the strict decency in Japan, they also very depraved when they not on the workfloor, basicly because in most big cities most men and women are single as they have barely time to seek a relation. It being early at work till pretty late, then to release some tention they go to those special sex bars (why specialy well it not like a brothel as they can only watch, not touch like in Europe or USA) or sleep in some of the box hotels to be back early at time at work. TBH i would never wanna live in japan.