Well, this Dev seems to be into the really old NTR cliches. They're heavily represented in this game and from looking at his other games, it seems like it's the big thing they're into. I'm surprised that there's a non-NTR end at all tbh. I'm also surprised that, while it's difficult to get, it's not unreasonably so, just takes a few hours and a little patience. Though I suppose all the grind makes it all the more amusing to get to the hot-stuff after at whatever pace you want.
I remember trying out one of his previous games, the twins one, and I remember giving up on it. Partly because the non-NTR path was so annoying as to be unreasonable (seriously, needing to protect the little shit in battle all the time was too super annoying to deal with...). The other reason I gave up on it was because the twins' expressions looked way too derpy in their standing art.
For this game though, while it's definitely grindy to beat it without Kaede getting fucked, it's not particularly hard to do so. Beat the final boss with Kent being level 9. You just need to get all the good gear you can, a bunch of consumables, and pay attention to the boss pattern... and the bosses all have fixed patterns, so that makes things even easier, though you might need to load a save once to fully take advantage of it.
Not the worst way to waste a bunch of hours, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have nothing better to do and feel like wasting time with something braindead. Otherwise, going full on with the NTR is where all the smut happens.
Speaking of said smut... it depends pretty heavily on the text for this one. So if you don't enjoy all the really dumb, old school misogynistic NTR cliches of super weak-slut bitch that easily falls to cock, alpha dick male that can't be won against because of his alpha chad-cock and a cuck with a dick that's smaller than the average little finger on the hand (literally, it's that small, it's hilarious)... then you're just not gonna have a good time with it. The CG variety is pretty low.
However, as someone else said, if I wanted CGs, I wouldn't be looking for games that are fully translated.
Personally, I liked the scenes and their ridiculously exaggerated dialogue, partly because they put enough effort in it so it makes sense in universe with the rapist dude's pheromones and Kaede's masochist tendencies. The guy even acknowledges that she's especially pathetic compared to other women, so it's not just him being an Alpha chad or whatever, but her being stupidly weak to his brand of fucking.
Still wouldn't spend money on this tho. >.>"