Thank you so much for worrying about Big S Studio and our NTRAHOLIC Remix project.
You have some reasonable points about why we should be careful about partnering with Critical Bliss,
Yours and Jelhelae's words did raise an alarm, so we will keep our eyes open and make sure nothing bad happens to the NTRAHOLIC Remix project.
If CB abandons NTRAHOLIC Remix, then we will take it as a lesson learned, move on, and try to continue the NTRAHOLIC Remix ourselves.
I feel very sorry for the supporters and developers of past projects that CB abandoned or put on hold.
But I kindly ask everyone to consider the NTRAHOLIC Remix project and their past projects separately.
There is nothing much we can do about their abandoned project. All I can do is ask CB what happened and what they will do about it.
Seems like some people don't really care about how we are trying to finish making the game but focus more on CB's previous works. Maybe we'll just shut up trying to convince our fans and just give whatever the update we can give until we get a playable public demo ready to be released.