I know this is a little old but - when you go into the general store the evening when Filia is being used for "product testing," the store owner has moved the table aside to open a path into his little dungeon. The pickaxe can be found there, a bit north of the stairs. Humorously, once you've done that you can go into the dungeon from the well at any time, and there's a little bit of an Easter Egg in that from Wednesday evening through Thursday night, Eric is imprisoned there. Leon (MC from NTRPG, and the one Eric stole Tiris from) is also down there digging out a hole up at the top. Once he finished on Thursday evening, you'll see him with his hood up and an evil glowing face under his hood (I honestly didn't realize it was still Leon until I saw the sprite sheet). He's got a sword in his hand, and slowly makes his way to Eric's cell (he's outside of the main gate in the evening, and right in front of Eric's cage at night). What happens after that isn't stated, but the next morning the store owner notes to Mars that one needs to have resolve to kill another man, and you can see Eric and his entourage preparing to leave the village down at the entrance (where Kaede usually blocks you from leaving). Eric is butt-naked and running back and forth in front of the village. I guess Leon lacked the resolve to kill him for revenge* and instead just... stole his clothing? Gave him a circumcision? Ass-raped him? Who knows.
*Honestly, in NTRPG Leon never struck me as actually being disturbed by his friend getting turned into a cum dumpster. If anything, he seemed to enjoy watching her get fucked. I think the only cases where there was any indication he had a problem with the situation were when watching with Eric's sister, and Eric opts to creampie Tiris. And even then, it's not a big reaction - he seems a bit concerned the first time Eric creampies her, but ignores it and fucks Eric's sister. After that, the only indicator is when you repeat the scene and it notes Leon using Eric's sister's pussy to console himself.
Personally, I find both games to be far more enjoyable if you take advantage of the fact the MC is a silent protagonist and assume he's OK with (and possibly even is excited about) what's going on.
This game is masterpiece and I hated every minute of it.
Assume MC enjoys being cucked, and the game becomes
far more enjoyable.
The third ending, the so called good ending, is but a start over for our MC in which we refuse to undo the seal and destroy the keys to doing it. This strips us of our ability to be brought back, and serves as a cruel joke from a bunch of assholes because nothing changes but the lack of the seal being made. The entire hell that follows was always going to come, and there is nothing you can do about it haha...oh yeah like I said before that's the good ending (Fucking assholes.)
Yeah, that ending seems rather off in terms of continuity. I can accept Ragnas was on his way there already and used the unsealing of the tomb as a convenient excuse to get the villagers behind him (or maybe he already knew of the tomb and intended to unseal it himself to get to the treasure), but the fact that his entire entourage that originally didn't show up until after the storm comes with him is problematic. I also think Mars is a bit of an idiot for breaking the orbs, considering they gave him a reset point in case he later screwed up. Seriously man - just get Filia and yourself away from where the big hole is going to open,
then unseal the tomb.
The fourth ending is the true good ending which requires you to acquire 100K in gold which is best done by taking the gold brick and selling it and returning to the cave to do over the world. This is not only stupidly unfulfilling as its abrupt and lacks any lead in or feeling.
Yeah, I wish there had been more to it than just ending 3 + a quick blurb about Mars taking Filia and Marie away from the village and a picture of him making pizzas.
In the best of worlds, Mars would have figured out a way to leverage the tomb to become more powerful than Ragnas, letting him be the alpha male of the village (which by the end of the game is basically a giant brothel).
If I had access to RPGMaker (and the skill and patience to do it), I'd love to make the above as a mod to the original game.
Not to mention that it comes paired with the knowledge of the gold brick...which lets you know that there never was any dragon on further investigation and thought haha. So they managed to actually make the entire game worse with that nugget of wisdom.
Indeed. The tomb was only ever protected by demons (that Mars probably
could have beaten if he'd had an actual sword instead of a stick), and filled with all kinds of knowledge and a fortune in gold. Ragnas is a pretty serious bastard.
Truth be told, my primary complaint about the game is the lack of Marie content (although Marie Xmas helps make up for that). It sucked that it was pretty blatantly obvious she was having sex with Abel but the game wouldn't let you see any of it, instead wanting to have some Big Reveal at the orgy scene.