After a good year of not having any other games released on F95, Mopp4Studios definitely has to have improved with this one, right? ..Right?
The models are bad. It's a trend with Mopp4Studios, as every single game gives the main female character a huge ass, boobs, yet an impossibly tiny waist. Think of an hourglass figure, but the middle part is practically just a line. The furniture looks okay, but none of the placement or condition makes sense.
The sound is loud, annoying, and low quality. To scare you at one point, you'll get to hear santa laugh really loudly and have it loop indefinitely. Other than that laughing, the only sound you really get is the sound of the character's high heels (she has no shoes on, fyi), the outside, and the radio. Oh, you also get some generic sex audio at the main menu, but that's it.
Spoiler alert for anybody actually interested in playing the game, this is basically how it goes: We start off with a fast, yet sloppy sex scene as the main menu. Good way to introduce the game, I guess. Clicking start just makes the guy cum like 20 times, making white textures spray out from the protagonist's impossibly proportioned body. Once you get started, there's no real indication of what you have to do. Once you open a present to find a porn magazine, you go to the fridge, get nothing from it, go open another present, and your partner is gone. So then you have to walk out into the freezing cold with absolutely nothing on (because you're a nudist, which is only referenced in the title), looking for him. You go back inside and open another present for some reason, and are told to look in the truck. Lo and behold, it's your boyfriend, without his head but with the same boner from before! You go back inside and your bathroom is unlocked. You walk in, and Santa is blocking the doorway. The only thing you can do is approach him, but if you do that, you get bitch smacked and die, marking the end of the game.
What a shitload of fuck.