
Jul 5, 2018
Here's the gallery save if anyone is interested, the gallery is a pain in the ass to navigate but it is what it is.
Bit concerned with it being a damn Registry file. Where do I put it, because I ain't trusting double-clicking it.


Mar 8, 2020
Bit concerned with it being a damn Registry file. Where do I put it, because I ain't trusting double-clicking it.
Yes, you shouldn't double-click on something unknown, :)
BUT you can easily view the contents of registry files with a text editor.
( mouse right click - open with... / I prefer Notepad++ )

I opened the file in the text editor and copied the text -
For your information, here as pure text what is in the registry file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00​
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GuroMangaProduction\Nyctophobia2: New Dawn ]​
"Screenmanager Stereo 3D_h1665754519"=dword:00000001​
"Screenmanager Resolution Width Default_h680557497"=dword:000006a4​
"Screenmanager Resolution Height Default_h1380706816"=dword:000002bc​
"Screenmanager Resolution Use Native Default_h1405981789"=dword:00000001​
"Screenmanager Fullscreen mode Default_h401710285"=dword:00000003​
"Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802"=dword:000006a4​
"Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771"=dword:000002bc​
"Screenmanager Fullscreen mode_h3630240806"=dword:00000003​
"Screenmanager Resolution Use Native_h1405027254"=dword:00000000​
"Where do I put it" -> mouse right-click on the *.reg file and select 'Merge'
As you can see in the "source text" of the registry file, an entry would be made under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GuroMangaProduction\Nyctophobia2: New Dawn
So I don't see any code in this registry file that endangers your system.

To included readme file

I simply threw the "readme.txt" into the translator (I can't read/understand Japanese), :D
here is the translation (Since I don't know if the website is safe, I added spaces to the link so that it is not clickable.)
Search for doujin game save data, if you have a request
https : // doujin-savedata . blog .jp /
【how to use】
・Please use this save data by overwriting the file with the same name in the folder where the corresponding game is installed.
[Precautions for use]
・Please use at your own risk
・The poster is not responsible for any problems that may occur due to the use of this save data.
Please use at your own risk.
・We recommend that you back up your save data just in case.
・Please note that we cannot respond to data differences due to different versions of the game.

saved and attached as file: View attachment readme_en_(Nyctophobia2 save.reg).txt


Oct 6, 2018
This guy has dedication to his fetish though, I'll give him that. Despite his games not selling too well, cuz most people don't get off on women getting chopped to pieces (what a surprise), he still keeps chugging along.
To be fair, most people want a competently designed game, not a buggy mess where the final boss is literally impossible to beat because you literally have 0 I-frames after getting hit, meaning the beam attack instantly kills you.

Even as a gore porn games go it's half-assed. Most enemies don't actually have game over scenes, just copypasta of the same like 4 gore states. Why bother with something so mid-at-best when Blue Mad Diode is still cooking for gore enthusiasts as we speak.


Sep 27, 2017
Yeah its all gore porn/necrophilia all of the scenes are either gory or you're dead which isn't my jam. If you don't like that stuff then this is a waste of time.


Jan 7, 2019
Just as an example:
If in a fantasy game the sky with clouds or distant hills with forests are AI-generated, then I don't really care.
Why does an artist who can create everything other than clouds or hills need an AI to draw clouds or hills?

graphics genuinely look rly nice, especially the level art for pic 5
Did you just spawn today or something? The bar for "rly nice" is a lot higher than you think it is.


Jun 22, 2018
How can someone give a rating of 1 star without writing anything? I like the Ryona game and I do not understand that people who don't like a type of game feels allowed to give rating like that without any written part..

When I do rate something is asking me for 150 words...


Sep 24, 2018
I agree.
This is a website for porn games, right? And most tags are specifically about the porn.
So if the characters and porn is are AI generated, then it should get the tag, if the porn isn't AI, then it doesn't need the tag IMO.
If it's using AI to make background assets or icons, that seems perfectly reasonable for a solo developer.

View attachment 3249511
BG here seems to be AI, but the character art doesn't, but I'll play it and see for myself.
I don't think we'll do ourselves any good if we tag a game that has a few elements of AI gen with the same seal of disapproval as something that's entirely AI slop.
I agree, AI tags would only really be appropriate for games that use it for their character art and/or scenes - ie the "primary" art in the game. Anything else is... less than ideal, but fine on the scale of things - if it means more expedient development, and it looks okay, then I can even see it as an asset. Miss me with that shit for H-scenes though - which represent a minefield of potential anatomical fuckery and - golly gee whizz - looks generic, bland and soulless when produced by a machine.
The character art definitely looks AI-generated to me - not enough to be certain, but the lighting is sus and that tends to be the biggest give-away. "Partially" could mean anything from generating the character art and touching it up a little, to drawing the lines and had the AI color it in, or only using it for background and scenery.

Anyway, as for the game its self - are there any non-guro scenes? What's the proportion?
Answerered here:
TL;DR in basically all the sex scenes she's dead/dying/seriously injured. Not my cup of tea.

Why does an artist who can create everything other than clouds or hills need an AI to draw clouds or hills?
It comes down to expediency. Would you rather have a game take three, five, ten times as long for the artist(s) to draw every different kind of inanimate object that's going to be included as scenery - or would you rather they spent a tenth of that time and still have those things look passable if not decent - and either release the game sooner, or spend more time on manually creating the art and content that really matters? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of AI art as a whole, but I can't deny its genuine benefits in this regard. Not to say that this is how many H-game devs are currently taking advantage of it.
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2020
The sidescroller game is good, i like it so far but the keyboard mapping is horrible. Can't play it like this, i mean i'm not like a secretary. Apparently there is also no way to reassign the keys.

Sarah Ali

Active Member
Sep 14, 2023
Good grief.. this honestly looks amazing, ngl. But looks can often times be deceiving once you see something out for yourself. This is a hentai game first, side-scroller horror second, hence it should have good H-contents and not dull ones


Jul 22, 2022
Did you just spawn today or something? The bar for "rly nice" is a lot higher than you think it is.

yeah i know i just like the level design, specifically the art style
3.80 star(s) 4 Votes