
Mar 3, 2021
The Bordello: Calarel WIPs

I don't remember if I said this anywhere else, but yes, Calarel is the focus for this next Bordello animation.
This go-around she's fed up with her current establishment and is seeking gainful employment in bigger and better places. That's where Rose, the owner of a competing bordello, comes in. Calarel has to give an impressive performance in order to make the leap, but are the big leagues too big for her?
For this animation I'm aiming for a shorter runtime than the last, but more positions. I'd like to try more of a montage approach this time around just to see how it goes. So that means more poses but less variations. I feel like this approach is easier because of the absence of transitions but we'll see in retrospect.
Along with simulation, fidelity is a big focus for me on this one. Hence why I've prepared more custom assets, switched over to cycles, and brought in more color. It's a different workflow but I think it will pay off. I'll make a separate post later about the environments, props, and clothing I've developed for this short.
Working with direct sunlight is tough. Most people highly recommend that it's only ever used as a back light, but I have a lot of shots to distinguish from one another so it forces me to get creative with it. A ray-trace engine helps soften the challenge.


Perpetually Horny
May 16, 2021
I'd really love to see this petite redhead girl on the right getting absolutely manhandled (futahandled?:unsure:) by big futa cock sometime in the future. Or possible those gnome girls he showcased earlier. I think my life would then be complete. I find this series really hot. I hope he continues with all the characters.
Aug 31, 2020
so much complaining about the characters, why not just find something that fits what you want instead of hoping things will change
I don't even follow this thread, just saw that it was a recent one that got an update... anyway

Dayum, these gurls are ugly as hell, buddy! :oops:
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Mar 3, 2021
Bordello Asset Showcase

Since one of the focuses for this next Bordello animation is the visuals, I spent a lot of time in pre-production developing assets. These range from environments to wardrobe to characters and I thought I'd just make a post to show some of them off.
This particular short is set in a different bordello, so I had to design a new environment, 'Rose's Petals', from the ground up. In the future this is something I'd like to hire out for, but I like to develop a decent understanding of processes before I do something like that. In my opinion, it just helps you manage things and helps you assess someone's capabilities.
The script calls for two sets in this establishment: the atrium and Rose's room/office. I had imagined this building as a sort of sanctuary garden in the middle of the city; something which in many ways stands in contrast to the bordello we're used to. Since the script eludes to this place being strictly run underneath its pleasant facade, I needed to come up with a design that communicated that.

I settled on a design that contrasts the free and organic nature of the plant life with very regimented, almost prison-like lines. It's a little bare of props right now but I prefer to keep things rather empty in the beginning and then fill out the background according to what shots I'm using. I haven't done much outdoors environmental design, so this is a nice way of dipping my toes into that as well.

With the office I just wanted to communicate what Rose was all about, like her focus on work and vanity. There are a couple important props mentioned in the script but other than that it was pretty free-form. I white-boxed everything which helped develop the flow/broad-strokes of the room, but I still struggle with detail. Much time was spent modeling stuff that I probably shouldn't have, like potion bottles, quilts or shelves.
It's something I'd like to get better at, but if I could find an environmental artist who's way better than me to do stuff like that then that'd be fine too. Ideally I could just send someone a mock-up or diagram and have them figure everything else out. I have to keep my eye out for opportunities like these that can lighten the load.
I've been relying on some pre-existing assets for clothing for quite some time. They're rather hard to work with and especially difficult to simulate. So I set out with a team to create a lot of more efficient, higher quality, simulation-ready assets that I could work with instead. I have an interest in medieval fashion, so it was kind of fun.
Here are a few:

So we set out to retopo, paint, and rig a collection of tops, skirts, and dresses. I don't need that many for this particular animation, but it's a library I can build up and use over time. For example, Darcey is making a guest appearance in this animation and since she's essentially out-and-about with Calarel, it doesn't make sense for her to be wearing a raggedy corset. I could get away with it, but as I mentioned before I'm placing an importance on the visuals. Thus, she gets her own custom dress.
This is another thing I would be perfectly happy with hiring out for in the future, but for now I'm just developing my understanding of the pipeline.
Because of the modular system we built out for the models, it's incredibly easy to make extras. However the script calls for some featured extras, including one with speaking lines, so I wanted to make them unique. Even though they're only on screen for a few seconds, they can help expand the world. Plus I can use them in other things too.
Here are two notable ones:

The gnome was fairly straight-forward, but it's still tough making the short races work correctly in motion. I didn't really have any pre-existing options for Goliaths, so I had to build a bunch myself, including the tattoos. I'd like to create more races in the future, like Tritons or Dryads, but that might be a little time-consuming for now. I'm pretty sure I could pull those off though.
Anyways, I just wanted to show some behind the scenes stuff I work on during periods of radio silence. And this doesn't even include the rigging, troubleshooting, testing, research, practice, and so-on. If I just stuck to animating it would be way easier, but I'm trying to develop a variety of skills here and this is just part of the process.
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