Technobrake work a lot, just not on Nymphomania Priestess.
Since the start of this game, he finished 3 other game & one doujinshi I believe, so this game is clearly not his priority.
He still try to update it frequently even tho the update add no real content so his patreon doesn't unsub.
To be honest he is very smart, working on a game, make people pay monthly for it, while working on other game & doujinshi to sell them.
Dude is clearly making banks, good for him he is talented af.
Plus he recycle CG between his games, if you guys played any of his other game, you will notice that a lot of CG are literally the same, he re-use almost every template he can. (Thats why sometimes a CG don't really fit a character, like Yarizo who get a normal sized dick from time to time, because the scene wasn't made for him).
Hate the game, not the player, if people are really mad about it, they can only protest with their wallet.
Probably won't happen tho.