I don't really know what Tech is really doing at this point. Now I might not know just how complex or hard it is developing NymPri specifically but comparing it from other RPG Maker games and NymPri just doesn't seem like it should have taken that long to develop. The one RPGM game that I could think of that is in a way similar to NymPri in that it's been multiple years since its development with no end goal in sight, and that is Legend of Queen Opala: Origin.
Both games are still not finish and seems to have devs that seems to keep delaying the game. Its been years since they made actual worth or massive improvements/updates to the game. But the difference between this two games are that Legend of Queen Opala is much more polished and that is because the dev is spending god awful time on unecesarry parts of the game just to make it "Good" like changing the sounds to make it more "high quality" or add more unecesarry Random chances/trigger like if you bring Companion X with Companion Y there will be a random chance that they get fucked differently. Another is spending time in "world building" by changing certain old sprites or arts just to fit the updated current narative of the game. Now there's nothing wrong with this and will make a much better product in the end, but when you spend like years making Side Quest rather than finishing the Main Storyline then its a problem.
Now Tech's game on the other hand are all pretty rough and buggy. NymPri's starting/early content of the game are not just buggy but lacking in some content and feature, and this the VX I'm talking about and not the questionable MV port. Like Fuck, why are there options to do certain things only for the game to tell you that the feature is still not added. Tech delaying NymPri hard by making others games or porting his older games to MV or Mobile, instead of just focusing on NymPri's questionable state.
Wasn't LQO:O kind of the product of multiple people working on it? I may be wrong, but I remember there were multiple artists on it. As far as I know, TB is pretty much doing it mostly solo, plus not everyone has the willpower to go through that sort of job considering Nymphomania Priestess is turning into something far bigger than any other games he has made.
Games like Haramase Island and Nymphomania Paradox had a set goal established and worked about just like any RPGM games on this website. There is no 'sense of urgency' or 'plot'. Nymphomania Priestess feels more like a 'playground for ideas', the sort of game where a game-maker is testing out if they can branch out to do something different than the usual.
While this is an interesting concept, it has a troublesome drawback: there is possibly not a single end goal set. With Techno letting others decide what new scenes, pairings and situations for him to put in the game, he pretty much renders the plot impossible to fully decipher and it could lead to several rewrites in that regard.
Likewise, the porting is a mixed bag of things: good thing is that it expands his capacity to make new stuff in the game, bad thing is that porting takes a lot of time and it can be buggy as some stuff that works in the previous version of RPG maker do not necessarily work with the newer one.
I would say that a comparison like that is not truly correct, but I do agree that Techno is taking too many risky gambles at once and see what kind of shit sticks to the wall. At this point, he either fully commit to get the game in a working bugless shape, or he can just ditch the product and do something like his previous games.