Can't even look at this nonsense... Stop it.
Long story short: The game was on Vx Ace engine. Alpha 0.50b is the last Vx Ace engine version that has the story. Then technobrake decided at this point to switch the engine to MV, because his presumed project was bigger than the Vx Ace engine could handle. Let's not forget about that the MV has bigger picture resolution too. Techno started to port the content from Vx Ace game to MV, without the story. Why? Because he has plans to rewrite it... When? God knows when. Somewhere around version 0.80? These are just rumors, but they give you the idea that this isn't gonna happen soon. Anyways, it's such a clusterfuck at this point that nobody gives a damn about anything, even reading the thread.
And that Vx Ace 0.51 in the OP is a MV 0.51 version of the game. It is just mislabeled by some mod, who apparently doesn't give a damn as well. It used to be Vx Ace 0.50a download area there. I got no clue why 0.50 got removed from the OP in the first place. Ask some mod, see if they give a damn.