НoneВостаннє я дивився на цей піж майже рік тому, тож до чого саме прийшла історія цієї гри? на кшталт, у нього вже є якесь закінчення для Жреця та Ельфа? Хтось може сказати мені, будь ласка?
There is no progress in the story. only new places on the map. but nothing significant for history. Only mini NTR events.The last time i check on this pj was almost over a year ago, so, what exactly where the story of this game come to? like, he got some ending for the Priest and Elf yet? Can somebody tell me pls ?
As the old saying goes, there are no girls on the Internet.Simply use they. But from what I can see they is he he is they
That's my boi. And if they was a girl mc would have had a bigger pp and yaziro still having a big pp but a brutal end the same end would have probably been with the priestess too as she enjoys his ppAs the old saying goes, there are no girls on the Internet.
thanksbro read the log to know that. But to answer your question truthfully nope we still can't
It's okay sorry if I sounded rude had a frustrating moment going on at that time (no cappin)thanks
Cheat brother cheat you can look for my comment on the prev threads just scroll back to 24 or some more I explained how to cheatHow to increase intelligence guys ?
I don't think it is a permanent change. At the moment i believe it only works on that eventquick question guys, how do we can become a gigachad jimmy? I want to experiment on something by turn into gigachad mc and walk around and do all the sex stuff and see if there is different reaction/cg dick size between each cg.
Depends. For me the ultimate goal is for a mod to come out where I can play as Yarizo and marry the priestess away from Jimmy.What is the ultimate goal?
She is from one of the minigames, megitsune I think. I tried looking for a dl link some time ago and didnt findView attachment 3705516
Who is this girl?