i gotcha, I'll be the true hero for today.

Nymphomania Priestess Ver 0.32:
1. Added many new graphics/pictures for outfits when it comes to Priestess's poses. (Still a huge WIP)
2. Added dynamic and random sexual harassment events with Yarizo during combat.
3. Added 2 new skills in the game. One for the protag to learn in the Tavern (Dancing Unicorn).
One for the Priestess at Church.
4. Added an "Invincible Cheat Shield" in your inn room for Fap mode.
(Please see below post for more information about the new combat system!)
Whats is new for combat?!
1. Priestess and other followers now have "turns" during combat!
The Priestess and followers can now attack the enemy along with using items.
Order of combat turns for now is Protagonist → Priestess → Follower → Enemy
The Priestess and a few followers will always listen to your command, but Yarizo and other planned followers have a chance to not listen to your orders and go rogue instead.
2. Enemies now have "HATE Tokens". The enemy will target the character who acquires the most "HATE Tokens" during combat.
"HATE Tokens" are acquired by the specific character attacking the enemy or using skills on the enemy.
3. Enemies who can have sex during combat now have "Horny Tokens". "Horny Tokens" are acquired if there are 1 or more females in your party.
If Horny Tokens reaches 10, the enemy will only target female characters in your party.
4. Added a weapons system. Weapons now have Strength and other Stat requirements.
One-handed weapons will do less damage but gain less fatigue.
While two-handed weapons will do more damage, but gain more fatigue.
5. Changed how Fatigue is gained in combat.
Characters now gain fatigue in combat. Attacking and Skills + fatigue.
The amount of fatigue gained depends on the weapon you are wielding.
Attacking the enemy will + fatigue whether you hit or miss the enemy.
If a female follower is "bounded", she begins to gain fatigue per turn.
"Doing nothing" will decrease fatigue points per turn.
6. Combat with Maximum Fatigue.
The max fatigue points is 100. Once reached, they will be "Exhausted".
When a character is exhausted, they will suffer heavy attributes nerfs.
If a female is exhausted in combat and is "bound" by the enemy,
she will be unable to struggle and instantly be graped in the next turn...
Manage all character's Fatigue Points wisely!!!
7. Added many new, randomized Sexual Harassment with Yarizo, with more to come soon!
Harassment events are random during combat and when the Priestess faints in combat.
We advise you NOT to cheat Yarizo's Addiction and Relationship status. Otherwise, Harassment in combat will not work and will be bugged.
What a long post, please please please report any bugs you find in combat to us! Leave any comments about how you feel about the new combat system!
See you guys in the next update!