Not crazy at all, probably not a coincidence either. This looks more like some typical lazy dev excuse to me, laughable to look at none the less.
Yeah, there is. Someone remembers Brozeks
Magus Lab and
Servant's Chamber yet?
As far as I can tell it's enough to basically make some big drama over nothing, accuse your partner in
crime development of doing nothing, drop the project, split, vanish, do not reply to patreon comments about anything and look at those gullible, hopeful souls throwing away their money for over 2, 3 years, despite the fact that the projects were already dead and never meant to be updated ever again.
As far as I recall, the
Breeding Season gone the exact same way. Project was derailed, focused on sidequests, dudes made drama, accused one another of putting not enough effort towards the development, split and brought the Cloud Meadow to the audience... Don't know by which one, or both, I don't give a damn.
So... these are the kind of stories I remember... How about your experiences guys? Anything original regarding some milking dev cliche tropes?