VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Obscure Affairs [v1.37 UE] [sn00p]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great work of art, every frame is endlessly evocative, and every update is extremely anticipated.It’s like reading a novel, like watching a movie, like meeting an ex-lover, like wandering between heaven and earth.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The visuals in this game are amazing. Not just the characters, but the sets and the visual design, too. Visually, sn00p is an incredible talent. Even though a couple of the household girls' faces aren't exactly to my liking, I love that they are distinctive, and prove their worth by having sexy bodies and being eager sex partners. That sort of thing elevates someone's looks, for sure. Even MC is stunningly gorgeous, though he's unreasonably well-endowed. I've seen breast expansion games that don't go as hard into the "huge tits" stratosphere as this game does into making MC's cock an inhuman monster. Normally I wouldn't care, because it's all so fantastic, why demand that realism? But, when he's inside of these stylized girls, who are all tremendously thin, it's obvious that only a 3D model could allow that shape inside of the body. You can't tell me any of these girls give a good blowjob. It's bound to be all teeth. As a lover of buxom women, this game was a bit of a stretch for me, but nothing like the stretching that the girls' jaws and hip bones had to endure. Still, that probably won't ruin one's enjoyment of the sex scenes, because at least the cock looks great. I'm willing to bet that more time was spent making his cock look good than was spent making all of the pussies look good.

    What does ruin this game is the horrible writing. It's bad. Nearly every line is rife with errors, clumsy phrasing, wrong words, and gibberish. It reads like the whole thing was passed through translation software that couldn't handle any word in context, and then no one proofread it. It would greatly benefit from a full rewrite, or a translation from whatever this is to English. Maybe it's beautiful prose in sn00p's native language, I don't know.

    Even if it were rewritten, the plot is uninteresting and thin. Here it is: You're a sexy man with unlimited wealth, and you have 4 very thin but sexy women living with you who all want your sex, all the time, and so you have lots of sex. So, if all you care about is watching very pretty images of a whale cock drilling over a dozen women, and you hate story, this is going to be your favorite game. Me, I wanted to work for a relationship or two, see some character development, and feel like I'm building toward a payoff. Instead, it's instant, constant payoff of nothing.

    -- Edit: I should preface this paragraph by admitting I used a mod that might have allowed more options than the original game. -- I really like the flexibility of letting the player define everything. Do you want these young women to be "models" who call you Daddy? Or, maybe you want these women to be your "slaves," and to call you Master? Flip it, they are your "queens" and they call you Manservant. If the story were good, this flexibility might not work. But, since there's no real story here, your isolated headcanon can define the relationships any way you want.

    As porn, it's hot, and visually outstanding. As a visual novel, it barely qualifies. If sn00p were to do the visuals for a very good writer's work, they'd both be rich.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    if any game was in need of a skip button and for the damn dev to stop asking me to rename people this would be it. This has to be the most times Ive been asked to rename characters, define ages, and state relationships before in any game. Dude.......theres more clicking though the 100000000th blow job and name changes and weird scene shifts. Its simple, pick names for your own characters, finish sex scenes before starting another, and ffs not ever woman needs to be built like a 13 to 17 year old. Some of them are built like this and have old woman faces. Its weird af.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    There is zero build-up for the story nor an explanation how/and why the MC constantly gets into a situation where suspiciously young looking girls worhsip his cock. Way too many characters, with way too little things that seperate them. When a new girl is introduced it takes like two lines of dialogue until she has his dick in her mouth. It really feels more like a collection of spicy pictures rather than a Visual Novel. The renders are good though so +1 for that.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a developer so I don't take points off while doing a review for artistic choices.

    Throwing the MC with into a sexual scene with four young daughters with no explanation of how they got there is an artistic choice to stage a fap fest. That's fine, but it seems like its missing the point of the daddy/daughter sex scenario, which is the taboo relationships and corruption.

    Putting adult faces on the girls' skinny young looking bodies, also an artistic choice, yet jarring.

    What I couldn't understand was how this developer could take so much care with the renders, yet be completely negligent with coding and "story" continuity?!

    We are given a four way choice of which daughter we want to blow us, yet only one choice is presented. How does that not get corrected?!

    The oldest daughter says she's not sure who she wants to give her virginity to and then when the MC fucks her, there is no mention of her being a virgin. It's as if they've been fucking all along and he takes her from behind in a single frame.

    This kind of thing just smacks of pure carelessness, and for that alone it deserves no more than two stars.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I normally complete games even if I'm not fond of them but this game was not for me and I left during Chapter 2. This is purely subjective, the render work is incredible from a technical standpoint, but I do not like the look of the girls,. Something is off about them that I cannot put my finger on, the faces are odd and everything is too bright for me.

    Again, the work is great from a technical standpoint and there are fetishes here that some may really enjoy. However, if those kinks aren´t the main driver you'll find that the story is clunky, thin and altogether insufficient to carry you.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    One of the best games in the world. Absolutely great graphics and style. Great sex themes. Bunch of guys, who doesn't appreciate that.
    execution of this game, as I said is great: bunch of loving daughters, only slim bodies, only rich places for sex. Somebody can't believe in this game setting, but it works. Everything just mirrors a dev's vision, which is always a good thing, no? Definetely yes for me, it mirrors my ideas to this life too

    It turns out there are scenes in showcase mode. and there are even hidden scenes for eliza (or diana? even this mod confuses them, haha) after watching at least one sex scene with her, two square windows appear on the right.
    of course, from the point of view of the gameplay, you still need to find it .. and notice the pale interface on the pale background of the game,
    but in terms of surprises, a nice plus)
    upd. hidden scenes are no longer hidden in the new update, everything is good
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent quality and quantity of foot fetish content, in an intriguing storyline. The game presents several secondary characters to have sex interactions with, and despite focusing on young looking female characters at the beginning, MILFs will ultimately make their appearance along the way. Unfortunately, from my personal point of view, it lacks content with pantyhose / collants / nylons but this doesn't affect the game quality. This is a solid 5 stars game, that aspires - together with Beyond Persona and a couple of others - to become the definitive and inspired game experience for feet lovers.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Obscure Affairs [v3.20 Ultimate Edition] Rating: 2.5*

    Nice Renders
    Good Character Models

    Story: There is not much of a story and the choices don´t seem to matter much. You are basically thrown in to a Harem game, which wouldn´t be bad if it wasn´t for the next point.

    Sex Scenes:
    The Sex scenes are really short and it makes it look like he can´t last ten seconds, which is a shame, because the scene renders look pretty good.
    But what I find very odd tho, is that very few scenes are animated, and the rest isn´t. I don´t understand that really, and it feels like the game was rushed in development.

    The Dialogues feel really artificial. It´s like watching a porn flick with shitty actors that need to say the age or other stuff repeatetly during sex which is weird.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Obscure Affairs [v3.20 Ultimate Edition]

    Nothing much of the story / game options at least for now; maybe need to check the further versions. Just too much crazy about fictitious sexuality.
    If you are fascinated to explore the incest with the young teen daughters this would fulfill the thirst. This can be looked as the positive side of the game/story

    • In case of dreaming about open incest with petite young teens daughters this will give the quench
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations; especially mom & aunt riding the MC
    • Playability and performance are all just OK no issue
    • Good to notice little bit of seduction with the third party like Ashley

    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music
    • Nothing much of the story / game options left for the player
    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious for sexuality
    • Missing seductiveness in sexual approach; Nudity and feeling between forbidden relationship like father/daughter is not expressed well. It’s taken granted as very normal/usual activity not forbidden at all.
    • Grammar needs some improvement.
    • Content is too less / not enough.
    • Errors:
    • Game options like ‘Checking her FACE’ / ‘Checking her LEG’ the dialogue following the option is highlighting the wrong option from the one you have chosen
    • Mixing of italic font for thinking in mind to saying it loud
    • No clarity about dreaming and actual especially the beginning of scenes with Ashley
    • No clarity of the end of the story/game, it just ends after some dialogues, no proper signal as game end. Too bad
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to like this but there are negatives. The renders are actually very nicely done. The girls though, they are too skinny, to the point of looking emaciated. And the faces, they are rather haggard and old looking. Maybe this is simply a preference for some users? Sadly, not me. It is way too easy to make much better looking girls. I do it almost every day with Daz. There really isn't an excuse so it must be a preference. Therefore, I will decline from progressing any further into the game as there are plenty of other options out there.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    good start, but after 3.2 they changed the style of the game. It is Stille very pretty, but just another game. Nothing to do about it about the changes, this is completely up to the programmer/writer of the story
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I will preface this review by saying I am not kink-shaming anyone. My reviews are based on the content and only the content. That being the case, I will say, right up front, this VN is heavy in the Loli domain. If that is not your thing, move on.

    The four primary LI's, just by looking at body size and anatomy, are definitely per-adolescent, no matter what the author may claim. The two youngest LI's represent characters no more than 12 years old. The next two are maybe 14 and 16 or so. Now these are just cartoon characters in a fictional story, so no grief given here. Hard core loli is not my cup of tea, but I have my own kinks others may find objectionable so I am giving no shade on anyone else.

    The art is good, especially the MC and the more adult LI's. The younger LI's look a little anorexic but not too bad.

    There is little animation and it is rough at best.

    The writing isn't bad, no grammar or typographical errors.

    The real weakness in the game is the story, or lack there of. There is a lot of sex, tons of it even. No build up, no tension just nearly endless gratuitous sex. There is little plot. The characters are fairly one dimensional. The story doesn't build up the characters or make the player care about them in any way.

    Some may enjoy the loli-fappiness. I prefer a good story as well.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i love it. looking forward to new updates.
    Eliza, Alice and Diana look a bit weird, but okay. Leah is hot as fuck. On the boat you get to know more hot girls and all of them are craving for your dick.
    But still not sure what the story is going to tell us.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Good renders, but story is quite lacking at this point. The lack of animations make MC seem like a real quick shot. He looks roided up, but there's no obvious explanation for this. It's not like we see training equipement at home. He's apparently loaded but we have no idea what he works at. Some char designs are real good, but there were some I didn't like as much. Personality wise, several of the chars kinda blend together. Hopefully that will change in later builds. The English in this game is, not quite awful, but pretty bad too.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all story jumps right into the good stuff, which is in my opinion superior to slow burn games where You have to do hour of a story or some kind of minigame.

    Render quality is the best aspect of the game. You can see the care and quality just by screenshots.

    Story is hit or miss, but in the end it depends if You are interested in deep story in this kind of games. I'm not so I don't care that much.

    I found this game by searching for foot fetish tags, and both feet models and scenarios are very high quality. Game is clearly foot fetish friendly so if this is also Your kink it is a must play. I would also say that it would be hard to find three better games in the foot fetish genre better than this one.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Cmon? Am I getting a different game than some of you are? How in the hell is this POS anywhere near a 4 let alone even a 3 for that matter. There is no story whatsoever to this psycho fetish fantasy. There is also pretty much no animation either. No animation means that what could have been this pile of rubbish one saving grace, that being the many many sex scenes, are just a bunch of jerky images ending as fast as they started. Not very pleasant.

    Ok story......uhhh......guy makes pancakes......there are very young girlies running around sleeping with a middle aged bodybuilder with a transplanted huge cock. Oh and dude has a doctor he discusses his weird sex with then has fantasy sex with her. Something to do with his ex being crazy? Don't know not caring that I did not figure that out any more than I did any of the rest of it. UMMMM.....thinking the dev may have been roid raging when he wrote this trash fire.

    Hope you are into Loli and weird sexual fetishes because that is about the extent of this game. Hey if that is what you are into then you will absolutely adore this beastie. If you want some story, any story at all, then just run like hell before this beastie manages to eat you.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    A concatenation of one lewd scene after another, involving loli and foot fetish. There is nothing for you here if you are not partial to these kinks.
    The so-called story is incoherent and non-existent, mostly due to awful English. All I could deduce is that the ex-wife is conspiring something and that the protagonist makes pancakes. Even the pillow talk sounds like google translate, making it very 'obscure'.
    Speaking of obscure: the loli's look like they have molten alien baby faces. Don't know how to describe them better than that. Also, the male protagonist looks like Dolf Lundgren's evil twin, and his penis has the size of a baseball bat that magically disappears into the girl's orifices.
    The title of this game is spot on, in an unintentional way.
    But hey, if you like some of that footsie fun, beggars can't be choosers.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The thing that strikes you first and hard is the spectacular quality of the renders. They're damn smooth and makes everything that much more fluid. The second thing that strikes you, and strikes perhaps harder - is the fact that the entire thing is played out like a bad porno.

    There's zero pacing, no story or character development. Just "haha I'll cum in my housemates mouth." It's exceedingly awful in that regard. But hey, nice renders right? It's worth a look just for the kinks and quality, but other than that it belongs in the dumpster.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking hell the renders in this are amazing. The actual scene writing is well done and there's a lot of variation. Some of the models are a bit peculiar and I wish there was a bit more variety, but they're to a high intentional design. Still can't figure the story out and that bothers a lot of people, but I think it's still forming. Wish they were on Patreon to support. Look forward to future releases.