VN - Ren'Py - Of Birds and Bees [v0.7] [DiscipleOfVirginia]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I literally had to come back and write a review months later just to say this is one of if not my number 1 favorite game on this site... (other contenders probably like Cyberslayers and Goons Raid Her) I still haven't finished playing through Autumn Boulevard but the lore, the tonal shifts, the horror, the renders, and obviously what brought me here in the first place, the ugly bastards, also the oddly tender moments when the ugly bastards face the horrors and bond with the mc... It is truly the greatest western horror VN I've ever seen... And I can't lie the doll tattoo the dumu en (probably misspelling that) I would actually get that tattooed as this game is responsible for getting me into the dollification sub-genre of bimbofication (already was a fan of bimbofication, another under-represented kink on here).. Well done and please finish this Disciple of Virginia; lol I maybe bring this dev up as an erotic horror example more than any other indie dev that's how enamored I am with this and Autumn Boulevard (but I'm more of an Of Birds And Bees fan let's be honest)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor Poor Poor - The writing in this game is atrocious, it tries to be smart intelligent and edgy but fails on almost all fronts.

    The story has POTENTIAL but the writing does not live up to the premise of the story. Everything is long winded and meandering, it's like a movie that's 9 hours long when with a better script writer it could be condensed down to less than 3.

    If you want some porn in your VN BEWARE, check the pictures on the front page, not counting Oral, their is literally 1-2 actual sex scenes and this VN started in 2019!! What have they been doing you ask? Mainly a horror type plot, and introducing us to 80 damn different forgettable characters.

    The premise and some of the character models are really good. If you are a slow burn person this will be your jam, if you actually want some adult content. Fast forward pass the story portion and you will get to some hot setups that have zero payoff atm, but the setup is kinda hot.

    Pretentious and Boring sadly.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this but the story just jumps from place to place randomly within the same thought. Between conversations and internal dialogue, then to a random 'foreshadowing' nonsensical phrase thrown in without a segway to build suspense and mystery, then sudenly cut to another scene. I feel no emotional connection to any characters, you get at brief backstory but they aren't developed at all. The horror and the porn seem like they could both exist independent of each other in two separate games/stories (at least up to the point I played). I would like to believe the horror/mystery gets better but it wasn't keeping my attention enough to bother finding out. The bulk of the story was just purposefully confusing and unexplained concepts masquerading as mystique. The renders are slightly above average overall but some scenes have below grade visuals. Every female character shot, even during mundane conversations, is a pure fanservice closeup of a butt, there was no subtlety.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game, but not for the faint hearted.

    It has an interesting horror story and just like the previous game there is a range of character routes that highlight specific fetishes which wont be for everyone but if you enjoy domination, corruption, bimbofication and old/ugly then you will love this game. There is a good amount of ass worship content. I also like how the bimbo and mtf content is tied to side characters, it keeps you caring about their stories.
    I must give a special mention to the lesbian domination route, its honestly amazing, the slow subtle corruption is great and im really suprised its a rare theme in adult games as it was insanely hot.
    Renders are great, theres a variety of models. I did notice some clipping during animations which was a shame.
    One negative i have was during a choice there was no warning that it would lead onto an ending, it was quite alot of content so needed to go back to an earlier save.

    Im really looking forward to the route endings and hope they are just as depraved as the ones in autumn boulevard.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is all over the place and choices are rare, more like
    non-existent. you met a dozen of character in second and next time you need to remember who is who ! you got a cryptic story mixing slice of life moment and "horror" moment with no build up or reasons.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on v0.7

    I agree with the reviews before. What a bad game. The renders are at least mediocre. The story is absolutely "Meh".
    Lewd scenes are more than rare - basically not to mention.
    You can't even really skip through the boring content, as there are scripted delays every couple of renders, meaning the skip stopps and you have to wait for trasitions or until the animated part like dark screens are over.
    For me at least the download has been a big waste in time and bandwidth.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, how does this have such a good rating ????
    So I downloaded this pig of VN....was it really 8 GB of wasted data?

    Its a long a lotta of reading. The story is mediocre, ok, its kinda of sucky, but I like good stories, so I stuck with it for a while......and then some more......and then I realized, the accompanying renders were kinda also kinda lame.

    And then I realized this is really a NwV (novel with visuals) pretending to be a VN. And guess what, at that point I realized that the novel portion sucked.

    It also had lots of useless visuals or visuals that were out of sync with the story. But frankly, the (lengthy) story writing really took away from the overall experience. Also - no lewd scenes or H-scenes, so there's that too :(

    Why was this even here.

    Renders were above average. Models were also above average. Story/concept however, was horrible.

    Recommendation to DEV....simply your story, less words and more renders....otherwise this remains an undownloaded snoooz feast.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Of Birds and Bees [v0.7 Beta] [DiscipleOfVirginia]

    Without a doubt this was probably the worse download I've ever made on F95Zone. Literally over 8gb of nothing. A wasteland of content. With eyes fixated on my screen for an hour, I intently read the developing story. And I read. Annnnnd I read some more. After an hour, the game finally prompted me with a decision to choose a preselected route for the characters.

    At no point are you immersed into an elaborate world of decision making. Instead everything is predetermined and you become a silenced audience member spamming the space bar to end the torture.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The music is great at setting a theme. And that's it. It's a pity for the music to be wasted on a so-called game (that isn't a game) such as this, because it should be linked with something of quality, instead of a visual novel that's got nothing interesting to offer.
    I don't understand how this (not a game) visual novel could have a 4 star rating. Foreplay (forestory) is for things that are interesting. The characters aren't interesting, cut out the fore-play and get to the action, if any such thing exists, it certainly hadn't by the end of my third session of going back in & hoping it'd get somewhere. I could accept not having the same tastes, if it had offered something. It didn't.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Of Birds and Bees [v0.6]

    I could see why people would like this game, I guess. But this one just isn´t for me. It´s very creative, but all over the place and gets boring really quickly because you wait and wait until something sexual happens, and the only time that happened was in some dreams.
    I stopped after a long while, because it felt like 99% horror and maybe 1% sexual, that felt very vanilla and boring.
    There´s just too much talking and horror sequences that I don´t find interesting.
    It looks very creative and ambitious, but the Dev failed to make a xxx game out of it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very good Horror game, it's very rare to get horror (mostly?) without jump-scare but this game do it and it do it well. Sadly, the story and the xxx do not mix very well together so we get the impression of playing two different game...

    So, much (all?) scenes are completely optional... And it feel like it. What I mean is it's like two different game and both game don't really interact with each other.

    I would really have liked it if there where real difference, for example having Klaudia replace Ryan in a story scene because we are on the Klaudia route . I know it's minor (that's why I don't lower my score) but it would have diminish the impression of playing two different game.

    Other thing it's kinda sad that if you are not on the road of a character, they don't get any scene. Amy for example, if you are not on the Bimbo road, she get absolutely no scene and this is sad.

    Anyway, this is a really good game and I like it a lot.

    P.s: Lesbification is now one or my preferred tag.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR I basically hate horror in all forms: movies, books, pornography -- and this is definitely a creepy/scary vibe game -- but I still recommend it 5/5 for DAT ASS ALONE!

    I'd suffer through just about any fear for the asses in this game. Sweet Mother Mary are there some hot renders in this. Also I must admit, "ugly old bastard" is low key one of my favorite kinks (it's rare on F95 too).

    So even if you are a total horror porn pussy like me -- I still recommend this game to you. I didn't experience any jump scares in my playthrough, all the horror stuff is telegraphed with music changes or dream sequences. When that came up I just took the ole headphones off (incase of blood curdling screams) and skimmed through the horror bits to get back to the naughty bits.

    Seriously blown away after all these years I'm still finding absolute gems like this on here. Major props to the dev, this is a super unique title. FRESH.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Games does a nice job setting a creepy and atmospheric vibe at first but its sooooo disjointed and the poor english makes it very hard to follow.

    Feels like there is just too much going on at once. It doesn't call itself multiple protag but you don't spend that much time with Melaine compared to everyone else and it's so jump I just gave up.

    Lovecraftian themes lend themselves to sexiness very well (like the game Lust for Darkness) but this is probably the least sexy game I've played. There is no buildup or eroticism and the scenes are so few and far between. I'm sure Ryan and Amy will eventually fuck but after like 2 hours of boringness I quit before it happened when it could've been some interesting and erotic scenes of them fucking and her semi transforming like she was in the bathroom. But instead it's just old men dreaming about girls and spanking so it's like two different genres just slapped together in a gross sandwhich.

    Game has a great idea and foundation/world building but horrible execution. Not fun to play or read.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A wild fucking game. Definitely worth a shot if you're into the horror adult VN genre. The creepiness gave me Katalist but in 3d vibes, but its all about female corruption, with multiple ladies being slowly mindfucked with a whole bunch of European style mythology and horror. Really cool, unique concept with incredible models and sex appeal bookended by craziness.

    Great work dev! Excited to see how this all ends. Love that little raccoon fucker.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the best game I`ve played so far. It appels perfectly to my kinks. Specifically groping, spanking, humilation, big ass and male domination (Not really BDSM though, just like man having power over women in a day to day way). It is a horror themed stor so it contains unrealistic elements during the story-bits which are very intersting if you are into it. If you are not you can skip it. The sex stuff is always realistic and without supernatural elements. Which is perfect because you can choose to enjoy the horror story bits if you`re into it but if youre playing for the erotic content it wont bother you at all.

    It has SO many animations, all of really high quality. Mostly groping and spanking animations and some sex animations as well, but they are all insanely good, as well as the images. Everything is of the highest quality honestly.

    Also from what I`ve read there are many posts here asking for groping specifically from older man, this game contains A LOT of that if you're into it.

    There is so much content in this, even if you skip through all the story bits it will take a VERY long time for you to finish it. Great game!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My guy is the king of renders and assets, have stroked my hog to this a multitude of times. Plus this is one of the few games where I actually am interested in the lore and the meat of the story that isn't sexually related.

    Add some BBC content please, thanks.
    Likes: kehe
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Weird mix of horror and "silly female protagonist porn game" that works.
    - Story and horror are decent, for an adult game atleast.
    - Mc is hot af and her corruption is neither too fast nor too slow.
    - ugly bastards are ugly
    - best lesbian sub/dom route i have seen yet
    - not finished

    Conclusion: 5/5 loved everything about this game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    :lepew: I'm not one to comment much but I'll tell you what I think about the game I'm a big fan of games with a female protagonist and this is one of my favorites because it has everything I like most about the mystery horror genre, lots of options to follow. So this is what I think about the game

    Excellent renderings and visuals
    excellent soundtrack
    Excellent character models
    Excellent and unique story
    excellent writing
    good character development
    Unique characters with different personality..
    Good sex/indecency scenes
    smooth animations
    Perfect mix of story and lewd content
    It seems that choices have consequences this is good in a game with a supernatural theme that's it folks I recommend it's a great game with a really hot mc :devilish:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished with v0.5 and I can say being impressed. I could not play it in the evenings or nights, as I was lowkey scared. The story building, the voice effects, music and the rest created an atmosphere I really felt the horror element creeping in. Well done!

    I was into getting intimate non-consensually with the various old perv characters (one of my personal favourite kinks) and wasn't disappointed in that regard. The actions and motives seemed somewhat plausible for a VN with all the manipulative elements.

    What 'Of Birds and Bees' was lacking, however, were the meta narrative elements between sequences of different scenes and I occasionally was left with the feeling I did not quite understand what's happening when the scene suddenly shifted to another setting with no clear explanation.

    Really looking forward to it being completed and play it again, and see how the story pans out in the end.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Of all the devs that cuck their patrons, no one makes you feel more appreciated than DiscipleOfVirginia. Always posts on Patreon, even is super active here too. You know you have quality content when you can comfortably release updates a week after being given to patrons.
    Oh, and then slap on top that not only is one quality game being made, but two are. When Birds and Bees was first announced I was like *grumble grumble* moar sylvessa *grumble grumble* but hot damn is that VN good. Need more devs like this. (y)