VN - Ren'Py - Of Birds and Bees [v0.7] [DiscipleOfVirginia]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This tries to be both a Lovecraftian horror and a porn game; and it overwhelmingly succeeds at both.
    The two genre work well together, avoiding the boring stories of most dialogue heavy porn games.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok ... there is one choice, and then nothing for ages. I skipped thru to see if there are any. But when they come I had no idea what is going on.
    I skipped because I got confused with the door/phone stuff. No idea what that is meant to be.

    I couldn't even understand whom I follow later on ... wasn't clear for me at that point (when you have a choice to keep using something for some ppl to transform them or not). It might even be a multiple protag game - not sure.

    There might be a good story, but the game was unable to keep me engaged to try to understand it. I tried some time, but I felt I play a kinetic novel (beside that single choice) and that is a turn off for me - that's why I started skipping.

    The renders are mediocre at best and often very grainy.

    Probably just not my game - even if the tags were interesting, the presentation and the way the game is progressing is just not my thing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is truly something that will make you remember it for a long time. The scenes are some of the hottest I've seen in any game, and it's not even complete yet. There's plenty of scenes for everyone to enjoy, since they are all optional.

    Be careful if the game gives you lots of hot scenes back to back, because the bill will come due.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This project can already be called art.
    The Mel and Amy route are the hottest routes I have seen so far. Although I am not a Bimbo fan, but this time everything appeals to me. (It's not so overstated as AB).
    The detailed unique characters of the story and the sensitively created atmosphere between fear and lust, make the game a highlight.
    The hot scenes are more elaborated in B&B than in his previous game. Which is what moved me to become a Patron some time ago.
    This is definitely the best of the Old&Young genre the gaming world has to offer at the moment.

    Looking forward to more and hope that the updates do not come out every half year. 3 updates of such a cool stuff in a year would be more fitting
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good, it inspired me to write my first review. I'll tackle the things I didn't like first.

    There are grammatical errors and there is some odd dialogue every now and then. It is certainly not major and I am being nit-picky by mentioning it.
    I am not a fan of the female models. The Kim Kardashian tits and butt thing doesn't really do it for me.

    Having said that, those two things don't detract from the rest of the game. The story is mind-blowingly good. I love Lovecraftian literature and this is really, really good. Creepy as all heck. Nice, suspenseful build-up. I love the inclusion of Scandanavian mythology. My Bumblebee is all class.
    I also enjoy corruption games and the slow build-up in this one is excellent. The corruption sequences in this game are some of the best I have ever experienced in any game. It's just class.

    I truly hope that we will see the game through to completion.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good. This game has an interesting story, good renders and a female protagonist who is gradually being corrupted. This game isn't an all out sex fest like a lot of corruption games and it amazes me how much content is in this release with it just being a demo.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR I wanted to update this review as it has been 4 versions since I wrote it. It has gotten...not worse but less. Of birds and bees is on version 7 and there is still almost no scenes with the main girl. The story is meh, and although his previous work was like this too it was balanced by the amount of lewd content, this has no such balance.

    This game is so focused on story, that it has neglected its purpose on this site. That wouldn't be bad, honestly, if it had the writing and depth of being a DIK, but it doesn't. While the horror is cool in theory it's mixed too much into the corruption and thus loses it's horror appeal as we go from terrifying to nonsense pretty fast.

    Another major gripe I have with the whole "multiple characters" is that authour's think its fine to lewd side characters and ignore the MC, it's not. This MC has been fantasized about by other characters for 7 versions and so little has been done with her.

    Sadly, this game is not worth the effort. The story isn't good enough to play it for, and the lewd scenes with the MC are pitiful.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    What do you get when you mix Spooky + Sexy? Apparently bimbos and porcupines! This is surely a wild mix up of genres but I'm down for it 100% and if you like corruption or NTR (or cheating) then you will like this too. Now there is a lot of story and dialog here but because the creepy story pulled me in I didn't mind it one bit, and it totally seems like a bit of a slow burn which is great. I say slow burn because there isn't much sex in this yet, sure theres boobs and ass and some scenes of sex but for a proper slow burn you cant have NTR happening right away.
    - Spooky Story: How can that banner and main picture not pique your curiosity? The story is spooky and interesting for sure and even if it does sometimes get a little long winded with dialog, like the underage bar dialog scene lasted too long, its never WAY too much. Also the setting seems to be part of the corruption that the whole story revolves around so its not just "set dressing" its integral.
    - Fan of NTR / Corruption: I'm personally a fan of those genres and although games like "corruption" are fun to play because they are simple (give potion = more corruption) its also nice to have a game where you can slowly see the corruption happening. I'm not even really a fan of the "bimboification" genre but its done so well I can't help but like it too.
    - Good Renders and Visuals: This could easily look really stupid but the developer manages to make the lighting and spooky scenes just right. Also I greatly appreciated the many scenes of regular dialog that are rendered where there's some eye candy in the shot (main girls ass), who doesn't love something to look at!? Many scenes of office dialog are made readable because of the great shots of ass, not to mention it plays into the story.

    - Some Visuals not great: This is a bit of a nitpick but some scenes set outdoors are very empty and flat, like outside the main house it looked fake (also the door was open at night?) Very minor problem though no star taken off.
    - More Spooky: Sometimes there's long breaks in the spooky events and I kinda wanted more, like put a wasp in the background or something, in the beginning I was constantly looking into windows and backgrounds for a face or ghost but I eventually stopped because the spooky events don't blur over too much.

    All in all check this game out!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought I'd review early since I think some of the other early reviews are from people who haven't read DiscipleofVirginia's Autumn Boulevard or played much in the horror genre and so aren't aware of what to expect, and I'd like DoV to keep working. :)

    In a nutshell (some of this review might be flavored by Autumn Boulevard, which Of Birds and Bees seems to be imitating quite a bit):

    This is a typical "she loves orgasms so much she can't resist rapes" corruption plot, but with some unique flavoring:
    1. very atmospheric horror (good use of music/sound, good art and staging, and classic use of heightened domestic normalcy to create a looming sense of supernatural dread)
    2. grotesque sexual elements, in keeping with the Lovecraftian horror (e.g., bimbo appearance even for non-bimbos; freakishly ugly rapists; mutilation; gross-out kinks; etc.)
    3. above average storytelling: real plot/mystery, likeable characters with something to lose, etc.
    Given how consistently this is following Autumn Boulevard in tone, art, plot, and kinks (although simpler in plot and gameplay, helped by the move to Renpy), I assume these reflect DiscipleofVirginia's personal interests. If that increases the chances of a finished game/VN, more power to him/her! But I will say that for me, personally:
    • I think the "overwhelmed by pleasure" corruption genre is overdone, and it wasn't that great to start with: it ends up destroying MCs (and thus the stories). At least DiscipleofVirginia works hard to add some depth to it (e.g., the MC explains to herself that she's desperately alone, etc.). But I wish corruption games/VNs would try some new reasons for MCs to get corrupted, and I think DoV is a good enough developer to do it. For example, instead of the desire for pleasure caused by massive orgasms, have the "corruption" entirely driven by drugs/blackmail/tricks. (Those are already in this VN and much of the genre, but only to start scenes, which then end with the MC discovering mind-blowing pleasure for inexplicable reasons.) And in the case of this particular story, the insanity element means the MC could submit to things while out of her mind or believing she's hallucinating. Allowing the MC to stay proud/arrogant and outraged would keep the corruption feeling fresh for longer. (One thing I liked about Autumn Boulevard was that the MC was so compelled by their mission and impending death that even being raped wasn't that big of a deal. I think having the Of Birds and Bees MC realizing she's losing her mind or something might help excuse some terrible decisions too.)
    • It's very common in the genre (and in this VN) to switch into the rapists' heads to hear them thinking dirty about the MC. But it ruins a lot of the scariness of those characters. DiscipleofVirginia's plots are interesting in that he/she often makes the rapists human enough (or enemies horrific enough) that the rapists can go from ally to enemy and back in a matter of a couple scenes. So maybe getting in their head helps humanize them and also foreshadow stuff for people just here for the sex scenes. But I'd love to have some mystery too: is the creepy guy next door just unlucky in his looks? or does he have a torture dungeon downstairs?
    • The exaggerated body parts (outrageous lips, breasts, butt, bellies, jowls, body hair) is not an interest of mine. I appreciate that having every character carrying an element of the grotesque around them is in keeping with the horror element, but it's just immersion-breaking for me. (I will say, Amy's transformation is surprisingly modest and effective. And the other blonde sidekick girl -- Amanda?? --- is bimbo-ish enough to make the point without being over the top too). I can almost overlook the ludicrous hips/butts -- that seems to be in every game these days (perhaps pervasive obesity is redefining our perception of beauty?) -- and I actually like the rapists/villains in corruption games being visible evil/gross, but at a certain point, the exaggerated body features (especially the overarched eyebrows and the LIPS) just break immersion. (I actually do like that the MC's lips give her a kind of sarcastic, skeptical smirk that helps explain her attackers' resentment.)
    I can tell when I enjoy a game when I -- as a professional writer -- want to get involved to make sure it doesn't fail (and unfortunately, Patreon never seems to be enough). I did have that instinct here, so I'll be keeping a very close eye.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has the potential to be good buuuut (talking about butts) there are waaaay to much small talk, lack of sex and mediocre characters. Barely any erotic stuff yet. There is barely any erotic tension. Only ugly old men molesting and dreaming of the hot girls of the story and a hot girl losing it (not in a sexy way). It's especially disappointing cause it visually looks pretty sweet. If there was less pointless small talk and more plot I'd like this way more.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    A lovecraft world with sex. Probably the reference to Lovecraft here only serves to excuse the unfounded sequence of images. Images alternate in the same scene that completely redesign the room within a few screens, even though you are currently in the real world. There are very long passages without a picture, where you can only admire a black background.
    Big ass as a day, and that has to be a fetish of the developer, because there are plenty of open-ups of several female butts, but they have nothing in the least resemblance to real anatomy and look more ridiculous than sexy.

    For all love and good will. There are no more than two points.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It´s a very long demo version of a game, if you like big butts you might risk a look. Technically it´s full of optical mistakes, grainy renders, wierd perspectives and an absolutely uncatchy plot.
    The missing of sex scenes is the smalest problem of this game.
    No proper character developing to fell i love with or simply identify, like or believe.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has some pretty good potential. So far it shows a promising foundation to it's plot. The character models are bootylicious so if you're a assman I definitely recommend.

    As far as cons go the game is still in it's infancy, and as such has no sex scenes yet. Hopefully once Disciple of Virgina get's Autumn Boulevard (also highly recommend) finished, they can give this very promising concept the attention it deserves.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Game looks really promising!

    Since its just a demo/prologue there isn't much to talk about and therefore it will be more on the superficial side:

    + interesting fresh story
    + many interesting characters
    + female mc
    + mc with a cute face and nice bubble butt
    + full of old, more or less ugly guys
    + music is not annyoing

    - mc's hairstyle
    - mc's boobs are a bit too small for a big boobed tag imho
    - still very early in progress :cry:

    graphics are okay. i would say in the upper third section of games in general
    stepdad could look either older or not that handsome but its ok
    still nothing really creepy happened but again its just a prologue so its fine.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of is:

    + Nice Graphics
    + Long Game Play
    + Fresh Faces
    + Different Story

    - No Sex Scenes (Demo)

    Nice Game,its different than the rest, has alot of New faces that I haven't seen before and that makes me burn with anticipation for the future releases.the Demo doesn't have any Sex scenes, but will tell you about the Characters and there Postion in the Game (Without the Sex).
    Like I said, I loved how the Game started and I hope that it wont turn out into a grinding Gameplay because what I have seen so far is very promising and should bring a couple of Patreons along the way, I,m sure in.....

    My Advisory:
    Damn worth the Download
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Start

    Uber hot Cuties and old pervs is just the perfect combination.

    And the nightmares could be a good story also.
    I just hope it doesn´t become an excuse to some wierd stuff like futa and stuff.

    A slow corruption with some blackmail and all the other tags would make this a true winner!