And this could have been an issue and a major criticism of the authors first work, which may or may not have included a caked up gypsy with a gun (Again, we are only speaking in hypotheticals here)? And this is them rectifying said issue?
(This all being hypothetical of course)
A. B. 's only 2 flaws:
- Mandatory Saving every minute, as it likes pressing its own X button.
This part did improve a lot though down the road.
- No way to get past title screen / main menu, if launched on a mobile (mouse-only)
Aside from that, A B is perfect.
I currently have no PC, the only thing that makes me miss it:
no A B
Generally A B has more attractive men than o B n B
Ratio wise.
Attractive fat old men VS Unattractive ladyboys with all teeth intact
A B wins
This is my idea of the most beautiful, most attractive adonis:
Take the average clan member from Hills Have Eyes
Take the average Wrong Turn brother
Have them do the Fuuuuuusion Dance from Dragonball
Take this Hybrid into a character generator in a From game, like D.Souls or E.Ring, and press 500x on "Generate Similar" or "Randomize Similar" button or how it's called
If such a stunningly beautiful individual came to life in front of me, I would worship this obvious god.