VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Oh Daddy [v1.0 Full] [Nightaku]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Wierd game. Story doesnt make too much sense and its cut for the next game. It would be nice if the sub-stories were more fleshed out.
    Renders are ok and animations are fine. The models look good as well.
    Just a vanilla game with some nice renders nothing more in my opinion.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    With the quality of the renders we're seeing today, it seems somebody has to create a game with some forethought before they start typing in Dialog. The game is missing:
    • Audio. Seems an easy fix.
    • Some of the worst dialog on this site. And this is grading it against Modern Porn Dialog (which is obviously better and more thought out)

    F95Zone needs to hold a bake sale, and hire some writers. It seems weird we even expect these graphical artists to write dialog in the first place.

    It is not going well.

    EDIT: It just seems like a catastrophic waste of these people animation abilities to still expect them to write the story.

    Edit 2: You could probably test this by chosing games NOT made by a dude with a weird name, but instead a weird team name.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I've skipped good chunk of text, because I'll be honest - writing is not author's strongest suit, nor it is the focus, BUT i didn't notice any netorate, so the tag seems misleading.
    What to expect:
    • silent game
    • runtime is 2-3 hrs
    • not much anticipation or filler - daughter has planned for intimate relationship from the beginning and father's not objecting to it. Which means - there is no corruption, the D is kind of a slut by default
    • half animations are nice, other half is lousy
    • visuals are alright, but daughter's face looks like barbie doll's (personally not a fan)
    • dialogue's mostly flirting or naughty talk
    The fact that the game split in 2 parts in confusing. Second part is too short to be a standalone download. It also feels like it was sloppily put together in a hurry, as it seems to have missing scenes / narrative, and also even reuses some assets from the first part.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible story no build up just sex, sex and sex again even if you refuse to fuck you daughter the choice don't matter because you will fuck it anyway:poop:...and same repetitive cheap jokes sex nothing special, don't waste your time on this one.
    Most of the tags you will not find in the game for the example ntr don't exist.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I have ever played! Graphically it's amazing, and the animations are very fluid. The story for the moment caught me, for its air of mystery. For the moment my stars are 5, and I hope DEV continues along this line. Impatient to see how it continues. In short, amazing.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is built in the same spirit as Dating my Daughter. Unlike DmD the corruption of the daughter is super fast. The sex scenes does not vary much. The animations are quite good but the transition between them is bad. The ending is a bit disapointing (not existing). The characters are quite good.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It's a game similar to Dating My Daughter. In terms of story, Oh Daddy's pace is faster and you can get to the sex scenes without much effort. Oh Daddy also has slightly better renders and animations, but the lack of music and sound effects makes the scenes a bit dull. While I'm happy with the fast paced of the plot, there are still parts where the character is too much of a blabbermouth. The content of the dialogs should have been reduced a bit more. Nothing that is already happening makes sense. The main character and the daughter in Oh Daddy have no motivation or purpose. The father suddenly turns into an incest pervert. And the little girl suddenly behaves like a slut who can't think of anything else but sucking cock. Still, it's an above average game that accomplishes what it sets out to do. I haven't played it for too long so I can't go into details, I'll update the review if I finish it completely.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked this game, BUT.....

    There´s three kinds of abandonment.
    One, the honest one: Stop working on that game and declare it "abandoned"

    Two (dishonest): Cut that game short and declare it completed although loose ends and chracter storylines end up in nirvana.

    Three (most dishonest): Declare the game "completed", end the story on a cliffhanger, promise a continuation and never deliver.

    "Completing" a game with "to be continued" is simply BS.

    THIS game will never continue!

    Prove me wrong, Nightaku!

    (I beg you!)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it does exactly what it says on the tin. If you don't like the description, you aren't going to like the material. If you do, you'll like it. It's shallow, it's purely porn material, and that's enough for the product being made. That's all there is. Light reading material between sex scenes. It's one of the few AVNs on here that doesn't promise more than it needs to.

    Would I say it's good? Eh, not especially. The models and how the characters act is suspect, the corruption just starts at 10 and doesn't go down, once you see 5 minutes you've basically seen all of it. Wasn't something I especially liked. But I'm rating it on whether someone else would enjoy it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Personally it's hard for me to find the attractiveness of a little girl that is trying so damn hard to dress and act like a big girl.

    Most of the time i just felt sorry for Sara, and a little cringed. She could get a better education, better friends, which will enable her to have a higher value as a human being. But instead her brain is only full of vocabulary containing curses, and anything about sex. Also there is her daddy who is an aLpHa MaLe who only thinks about his appearance. What a mess.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I’ll try to be objective here but it’s difficult with the sucky ending to part 2 and the foreshadowing of the next part. I’ll come back to this in a spoiler at the end.

    • Decent renders and animations–good but nothing outstanding imo

    • No bad English; but nothing to write home about either
    • This can be either: moves quickly to sex scenes and from one to the next.

    • There’s really no tension building between MC and Sara. Mom’s on business trips a lot, so lets fuck because we love each other.
    • Part 2 is rushed even more than part 1, has little and reused content, and ends on a bad cliffhanger that foreshadows a dumpster fire part 3 imo.

    Why Part 2 sucks
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    So, my overall take was this was about a 2.5 before part 2’s ending. Part 2 is a 1 imo. So I’m giving the dev the benefit of the doubt that the next part won’t be a dumpster fire and give this a 2. [updated with comment on beginning of next game in spoiler above, which isn't a dumpster fire but sure is a stretch]
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    I didn't anticipate Oh Daddy! to capture my interest to this extent. The game involves a young character and explores a controversial theme, but it manages to be remarkably immersive. Despite what some critics say, the character has more depth than initially apparent. I discovered symbolism and meaning in specific scenes, which I won't spoil, and I acknowledge that many might have missed these nuances. The game gets straight to the point, so upon reflection, it may seem unusual, except at specific moments. But those who engaged with it weren't looking for a reflective experience.

    While the narrative may feel shaky, characters somewhat lacking depth, the models are visually appealing, and some shots exhibit originality. The staging is commendable, demonstrating a genuine effort in the visuals and the satisfaction they provide. The young character is endearing, even though the main character is challenging... I agree that he is too prominent, with an excessive number of close-ups. Mentally, let's not even delve into it... but the author's intention is apparent: get straight to the point! In the end, we accept it. It resonates with us, and even if it progresses too rapidly, and we wish for more allure and complexity, there's enough room to stay engaged in the game. It's not flawless, but since everything is embraced and assumed within it, well, it works. Too short, indeed; it warrants a lengthier introduction, but the fervor is evident, so... let's proceed.
  13. 2.00 star(s)



    No plot/buildup/development - the daughter starts walking around the house semi naked and willing to fuck you from the start, because reasons. She also fucks another girl, because might as well. And while clearly a kid, she acts like a trust fund coke whore in her mid 20s. She's probably a 300 years old succubus or something.

    The dialogue/story are bland and forgettable. You can probably read 1/10 screens and get an idea of what's going on, without missing anything that matters.

    The renders have good quality, thus the extra star, although there is a suspiciously large amount of them focused on the body of the (male) MC, which doesn't make any sense, but then again, nothing about this does.

    The renders quite often give an uncanny valley feeling, tho. Might be the faces. I'm still giving it that extra star, because they show more effort than the usual 3D renders on this site.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Good renders but everything else is awful .
    -you dont explicitly know if main LI is virgin or not .
    -no proper buildup
    -poor story writing
    -booring dialogues .
    -taboo part is bland(mc only says it wrong) .
    -the first sex scene was bland
    -doesn't do much justice to f/d fantasy
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    That shit dont work
    i cant start the game
    I can only press event at the bottom left, but I can't play
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are great.
    Writing is poor.

    I'd advise author to tandem with some authors on this site who have horrible CGs but good stories. There's A LOT of them over here.

    And then you can just learn about writing at your own speed, if you want.
    You can start with contrast, triple promises or chain sequensing, etc.
    The last one, for example, is the notion that your every scene should make the reader WANT to see what happens in the next scene (the same you can apply to sentences, dialogue, or even renders).
    Another example is the main contrast of the game: daddy-daughter relationship - "We shouldn't, but we want to." Which should be a very strong one, but handled so poorly that it's like not even there.
    "Oh, I shouldn't, hehe." "Yeah, you shouldn't, hihi." "Yeah i shouldn't, haha."
    You can take a reference from Summer's Gone - and how sister there is crushing on her brother. There's not a single sex scene! out there, but it's still insanely hot. And popular.
    That's just a couple of writing tips to start with.

    Just don't give up. Renders are really great.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, I really do. The girl is super hot and some of the renders and animations are great.

    Other people have complained about the story and dialogue which I agree with, but I'm far more concerned with something I know no one cares about but me, but I'll say it anyway..

    Why., The., Fuck.. ARE.. THERE... SO.. MANY.. FUCKING.. RENDERS... OF.. A.. NAKED.. MAN!? FOR WHO EXACTLY? I'm here to see the girl, not the ripped bare chested man constantly posing at the camera and shoving his cock at the screen.

    I honestly don't understand how this is pleasurable (not to mention tolerable) viewing for you people. How is it a 5 star game to so many of you people when most of the renders are clearly homoerotic? I mean, if your gay and you like it that's cool. But if you're strait, how is this game worth 5 stars?

    This is 40% a loli incest game and 60% a homoerotic slideshow.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very nice games. better then same other gams. I like the style pictures and story . thanks to share for likes this oh Daddy games .keep going the stories and I would waiting for ever. it is excellent game for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, I'm not into pedo stuff usually, but you get around your inhibitions and personal ethics once you realise (very very quickly) this is Nabokov's Lolita set in porn world. And these are 3D meshes after all - no humans or any living creature for that matter get harmed.

    Perfect antidote for those like me who got fed up with the rosy world and pointless drivel of DMD. Simple and straight to the point. The render and animations quality is way beyond what you still get these days on average.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall not my thing as I was expecting at least something like the title image to come in. Regardless on ones stance on this one will have to admit that the quality is fairly high. To say otherwise is to be full of shit. Quite few games are or have scenes as well as the ones in here. Offsets any of the decent lines cause you are dumbass if you play this and call any lines bad here. Lines are expected and at the worst mildly bland and godlike compared to actual god awful stuff easy to find here.

    If the mildly preteen stage of development floats your boat and you're looking for water to float that metaphorical boat then pull up an anchor on this body of water. It is easily and quite sadly among the best ever for.... :unsure: kink? niche? preference I think might be best word to use here.
    Even if not your thing, as an aside this and hell even effing a baby is more fappable to the actual disgusting shit you can find here and I say that towards all the hypocritical full of shit morons that have absurdly stupid braindead things to say about this genre/niche