VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Oh Daddy [v1.0 Full] [Nightaku]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4327961

    it's a little bit of rough. Not perfect in plot or render. i can't feel the magic and immersion. I don't want to spend my time with the virtual 3d objects. The story is not plausible and i don't like it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible everything. The story is very engaging. How it all goes in time and seeing that it doesn't go straight to the sex is the key. The designs are very well cared for. I just hope it doesn't happen like other games that after several updates it keeps changing the characters, so for the moment my five stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible renders, the designs are great and very beautiful, the story is slowly getting hooked. It is very good that it goes little by little and with short but fast updates, not like others waiting months and months for an act of 30 min. Five stars for being great.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game if I like it, it goes well with the story, I don't like games where from the beginning you have sex. The animations can be improved a bit, although they are decent, and the renders look very very good, almost in top quality. The designs are very good, although I expect more of the story with the mother, it was only seen a little at the beginning. All in all the game is in my top5 and that's a good sign.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Decided to review this one after playing it a couple times.

    The Good:
    - The art is very solid. Models are very cute.
    - The story idea is good. A daughter corrupting her dad is pretty unique.
    - The animations are solid

    The Bad:
    Ok, so I said the story idea is good. However, the story itself is not. I feel like we just got dumped into an already halfway complete story. No buildup or character development. Literally nothing at all.

    The first day, the girl is sucking her dads dick and being very openly sexual with him. And he just..let's it happen? In fact, he enjoyed it. That's why I said it feels like we got dumped in halfway through.

    The progression was already done pre-game, we're just seeing the results. We skipped the best parts, the buildup and progression. Building of tension. Walls being broken down. Lust increasing. All of it, glossed over. We're in the pot of gold without even seeing the rainbow.

    This game could've been a solid 4.5/5 star, if it actually had a real plot development. I'll give it a 3.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0,4 of Oh! Daddy:

    Story: I'll be honest, I'm not impressed by the story. It's a straightforward plot with a father who finds himself alone with his daughter and suddenly finds himself attracted to her. a very standard plot written in an okay style. Nothing really 'happens'

    Characterization: The characters suffer from a "tell and not show". We constantly hear how the father allows everything, how the girl is a good girl but also a witch and how the mother is strict, but we don't really 'see' a lot. things just kinda 'happen'. Most characterization comes from the girl who is sometimes incredibly flirty, sometimes acts like a child and sometimes like an adolescent. It's hard to immerse myself or feel for the character if I can't really create a mental image of her. In addition, she is very clearly designed as a loli - which can be the developers choice - but then let her act that way. Either make her an adolescent with a young adult design or a child with a loli design. But not a loli design with three wildly differing personalities.

    Art: That's simply amazing. Hands down one of the most beautifully made games. The attention to detail, clothing, surroundings and sensuality is amazing. The animation as well is just... crazy good.

    Verdict: 2/5, maybe let the story be reviewed or even written by someone else? because that art style combined with some excellent story writing would be incredible
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.5

    This game looked promising to me, the idea of a different "DMD" didn't seem bad, but I ended up being wrong. The game has its strengths and weaknesses, the good side is a "loli" character but the bad side is its story. So the game lacks depth, it gets to be interesting and at the same time not interesting. I was following it until I played version 0.5 in which I ended up losing interest.

    The story is very poor and weak. I hate games with corruptive stories that are rushed or have unnecessary grind (it is the MC's daughter who tries to corrupt her father).
    The story gets right to the point without having unnecessary grind (Great if you don't care about the plot).
    The story is not the game's strong point. It might be better if there was a little corruption building between them, something similar to DMD or that at least you corrupt the girl instead of her corrupting you. The dialogs are a bit silly and not very enjoyable (Not so bad, but "meh").
    Great for a quick fap. No choices, just accept or refuse. No statistics or scoring system. Just a common VN.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The renders of Sara and Yuri's models are good, very sexy and hot. But talking about the sex scenes, a little improvement is needed. Some renderings of Sara's ass appear seems to be a little deformed and the animations of the sex scenes also need to be improved; But otherwise everything is okay.

    Why I did gave 2 stars?
    The first time I played this game (version 0.2), I liked the bold way the dev did in creating his game. It is rare to find similar games like this, you have to be very careful besides the will to do it. But speaking in general about the game, the story is not very captivating or exciting, in fact a little, but as you go along you see that the corruption is going too fast and you lose interest. Of course games like DMD have a relationship with a lot of grind that makes us angry with many silly things that the dev creates, but in Oh Daddy maybe if there was a moderate corruptive relationship building would be a little better, but until then, it is not so bad, just poor and weak, because Yuri arrives at the house and it is not known how many days she has spent, then you have the events and then the hot scene, and she then leaves to appear another character (ver. 0.5) and Sara enjoys sharing her father with her friends. Therefore, the game offers you a very quick teasing, with some exhibitionist scenes to get you excited and quick story for you to fap quickly.
    I am giving 3 stars (the correct would be 2.5) because I have lost some interest in following the game, I suspect the game will be completed very quickly (I hope not). So, If you want something fast to play, give it a try. But I recommend waiting for more updates, maybe you will be a little disappointed about the story and maybe some sex scenes.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    For the life of me, i can't figure how people could rate this decently.
    First things off the bat, the "writing"... It's bad. To a point where it just hurts. Even with the patch someone uploaded, it's till so incredibly frustrating to read. The next thing is worldbuilding, story and backstory. Ore more the lack of said things. Because they basically don't exist. That little we got in said regards is just a joke, a bad one at that, too.

    We continue with that all 'lewd-scenes' are locked as far as i can tell.
    Like literally paywalled. Thats.. What the fuck is that? We basically get a bad written demo without any action and with only boring, stretchy content that you are forced to skip, first time, cuz' it's so terrible.

    i wish i could rate with 0 out of 5.

    Please, please do me a favor. Read the 5/5 ratings.
    They tell you about amazing renders, perfect models and the awesome personality of a girl, that .. Literally changes from mentally retarded to sexual genius on a whim... If those aren't bought .. Or talkin' about a completely different game, i'm not sure what to think anymore.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    For Oh Daddy to be improved you'd have to restart it from the beginning with a writer behind the wheel. As is, it's an absolute slog. The fact that this is sorted under VN is egregious. Horrible story structure, zero conflict, poor dialogue, a sophomoric understanding of human sexuality and desire, and not an ounce of suspense. Even if you were to download this purely to mash your way through it for the CG, you'd get carpal tunnel. Each scene takes ages as every character drones on and on and on and on and on and on and
    Some people enjoy games with borderline-too-young characters, whatever. You could even argue that there's a ton of potential with that setup. At least write them consistently.... One second she talks like a primary school girl and the next she's more sexually confident than the majority of women. Your brain rots trying to follow the "story". It's pure, masturbatory fantasy. Even if the kinks are for you, there are better VN's and games that exist.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Story and character building is pretty much non-existent. There's little to no build-up to the sex scenes, so no sexual tension or anything typical of incest taboo. Writing is pretty mediocre. Characters look like lolis but act and talk like adults so not sure what the point is. Choices boil down to "do you want to see a sexy scene or not" so it might as well be kinetic. Renders are decent but the animations are very "janky" and also unskippable. Everything about this just feels rushed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great character definition, high quality graphic renders, a bit linear, but that doesn't take away from the work that can be seen. I hope they continue in this linear, and I think it will become a top 10 game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just woooooooow
    What a game, the animations the characters, the details, all super nice.
    The story is like ok nothing much, at least for now, it was fine.
    I really hope the future for this game is strong and all the best
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect renderings, well designed characters. The story so far is going very well, if they are fixing the English translation as they say it would be the best. So I leave my 5 stars for them to continue on this path.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with very sexy models and the daughter is amazing, love her personality. A bit bland characters overall maybe, they don't have much depth but the dialogue is surprisingly good and feels kind of realistic(in that the parents actually act a bit like parents and not just like they are friends like in most games).

    Needs a bit more choices too, and maybe some tweaks here and there and more content, but overall, a great game so far, and 8/10 from me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Wow this game is amazing! From start to finish the buildup and also the character designs and dialogue is top notch! I highly recommend this game wow you will not be disappointed! 5/5 stars keep up the good work DEV!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    As a cheap Loli porn fantasy is decent, that girl look hot as hell, Cringy uncanny valley also, but hot, cant deny that. Renders are good also, but deformations and stuff is still the same, nothing remarkable.

    And i would even consider giving an average rating but the final available scene for 0.3 is a dream, and at the apce its going that scene makes kind of sense, even if it didnt happen in this update i would definetly happen in the next one as a first or second scene, so its kinf od pointless maing that scene a dream.

    Still, devs subverting expectations is something that triggers me inmensely so thats why i have to keep it at 2.

    Good potential, as one of those easy straight forward horny loli games, but since there is no character development and the game now is short, its just poor.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Like it so far. I am amazed at how people can not separate fiction from reality. They can make a movie with child prostition or a book dealing with Tween masturbation, but have a problem with a fictional character. People are just insane I guess. Keep up the work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a great game and has nice animations. the character models are cute. I look forward to the next updates for this gem. The story is also very good. The whole environment feels realistic. So good job all around and thank you for the developers.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This was a hard review to write. I'll start with the pros.


    - Game looks good. Renders are nice, characters look very good.
    - Situations can be kinda fun?


    - Story is kinda non existent at this time, but it is early on.
    - The writing is not great, kinda confusing at some points, and the English isn't very good, also confusing at some points. Why does the Daughter call you Daddy sometimes and then your name at other times?

    It's still earlier in this games development and there is quite a lot to like so far, mainly in the renders and the way the daughter looks. There's plenty of potential for a good game somewhere in there but the developer needs to get the writing and language issues under control. The story also jumps quite a bit, she does gymnastics for like 5 frames and that's supposed to take up hours of time? Hard to follow a little.

    With a little more polish on the story, and some proofreading this game has the potential to be good. The renders are good and the daughter is very cute. some solid foundations to build on. Will definitely check this one out after another update and when some of the issues are ironed out.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Night Silis

    Great renderings, good story, excellent character designs. I love this creator and I've been following him for months on Pixiv and he has an incredible imagination. I hope he keeps it up. I even say it's much better than my Rebel project.