Oh So Hero! v0.16.000
Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~
Windows 64-bit: Setup EXE -or- ZIP File
Windows 32-bit: Setup EXE -or- ZIP File
macOS: ZIP File
Linux: ZIP File
Changes made since last patron release (v0.15.100)...
New features:
Gallery Mode! Our $5000 goal is finally ready. This will allow you to review the game's sexy animations. Here's a brief overview of how it works:
You can access the gallery from the title screen's main menu. When you first load up the gallery, it will be empty. As you play the game, you'll see various animations. Whenever metagame data is saved (see below for details), these animations will become viewable in the gallery! The gallery currently provides simple playback and pause functionality, but we will be expanding upon the controls and features in future updates.
NOTE 1: The gallery music is not finalized; we plan to update this in the next build.
NOTE 2: The gallery background is not displaying on Mac; this too will be updated.
Metagame data. Currently used only for the gallery, this is data that is shared across all gameplay saves. Metagame saving is denoted during gameplay with a purple star in the bottom-left corner of the HUD. This will occur during the following events:
Whenever gameplay is saved normally (yellow star).
When selecting "Return to Title" or "Quit to Desktop" while the game is paused.
When the player is knocked out and then views the Game Over screen.
Expanded in-game Options. The Options Screen is now split into categories. Furthermore, new Video Options now replace the pre-game splash dialogue window. The UI will need to be revised at a later time, but it's functional.
NOTE: If you change the Select Monitor option, you must immediately quit and restart the game for it to take effect.
Epilepsy Guard Option: Defaulted to ON. When on, this will disable certain flashing light graphical effects, such as the pre-climax flash. You can turn the guard off in the Video Options to restore the flashing effects.
Improved beachball in Sheo Islands Beach. Play volleyball with a Daku or bounce the ball on your head. Now that's a spicy beachball!
Improvements & bug fixes:
Updated Unity from 2019.1.1f1 to 2019.4.17f1 and upgraded Fungus (dialogue system).
NPC / Teleporter menus should now have properly highlighted selected items (we hope).
Lock pause menu input during the PC knocked out message or while leaving gameplay.
And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Update from Red:
Hey guys! I still need a bit more time on the monkey enemy among other stuff. Wanted to get it done this month but it won't be possible considering how unfavorable this past week has been to me. My health has been giving me a bit of trouble and I've lost time trying to get to the bottom of it. I'll keep you guys posted.
Progress on the monkey has still been solid though and should be ready next month! For those who won't be able to pledge next month though no worries! We will be sending a direct message to you here on Patreon with a Dropbox link that we'll be using to upload a build next month! Please make sure you save that link!