Alright my translation for this scene is complete!
This is mostly for my own personal use but I figured I'd share it with anyone else that might want it!
You should be able to read this while playing the scene, whenever there's a paragraph space that means the dialogue in the dialogue box has changed. I also color coded the names to match the color of the names as they appear in the game.
I'll probably translate a couple more of the group scenes like this one, since a lot of them look very promising!
Again, this dialogue is in no way 100% accurate and there are most likely some misinterpretations, but regardless it's still a pretty hot read!
(If you need help with who is who: Aiko is the mom on the top being fucked by Mako. Ryoko is on the bottom being screwed by Hiro. Hiro is Aiko's son. Mako is Ryoko's son)