I can 100% confirm the destroyed PC thing is a lie. However at this point I would not trust the "we're in final stage" or "the va's are finishing recording" cuz they might not even have started the recording yet. What you need to understand is that there is probably like 2 or 3 minutes of cringe dialogue from Dissapear spread in the video as we go along in the scene. At this point if it takes so long it's only because the script writer wants the va's to make the best of their "remarkable" script. Everyone agreed the va's were pretty bad in the previous project. I guess if you really like Omitome's work you'll have to deal with this guy and their so-called talent. The elite subscribers are probably the only ones convincing them that they're actually talented. No hate against anyone of course, it's just wasting everyone's time for a single ego. I would not believe anything until a real eta imo.