RPGM - Abandoned - On Edge [v0.2.5] [onedge]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Considering the content that's currently available, it can fell a *little* grindy, but otherwise wonderfully done. The art is great, gameplay loop is solid for what it is. It reminds me of superdeepthroat, just actually polished and a real game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite being more interesting than most others RPGM thank's to its management mechanics, this game simply lacks any incentive to makes you wanna grind and the grind itself is for the most part, boring as hell. Yes it's an extremely grindy game: you have to do the same shit every day, go to each place on the map to gather ressoucres, go trough the same dialogues every day. There is some management going on at some point, but most of the gameplay loop is really brain dead.

    Making a grindy game is not an issue in iself, but you have to keep the player entertaineted and rewarded to make it work. In the case of this game there is none of that since 1. The game looks super basic and boring, it's the most basic RPGM game visuals ever. 2. there is no gameplay other than UI management. 3. The rewards wich is adult content is really tiny.

    I would also add that having our character constantly being showed on the screen is no justified if you don't introduce way more different visuals, poses etc. All she does is 2 or 3 face expressions and that's it.

    On the good side the writing is pretty good and the dude behind the game seems to know how to build up excitement and erotic situations.

    I will try it again in a few months, I hope it gets better with the time because it's not all bad but for now it's not worth it at all. Like you expect me to grind this thing for 6 hours or more just to milk the tiny bit of content that there is in there ? c'mon man, even debbie wouldn't do it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for 2.4:
    This game as a lot of potential. The game play is simple, but there are meaning full decisions (Factory and Sex perks). As of right now though, it's extremely grindy with little pay off. There's only one male that you can give a handjob/blowjob to, and even then it's only once every two days. The main thing I am worried about is if it will ever get even close to being completed. There's a significant amount of content the the dev has planned, and if he's really planned it, it the updates and progress should be smooth sailing (dependent on how much experience he has in game making).

    tl;dr - Wait a year to see if the dev will continue with updates/wait for more content.

    Edit: apparently Gary is also "milkable", but by day 20 I had not gotten that to happen *shrug*
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has potential, the premise is different and the sex scenes are not just limited to the "scene", the game has RPG and strategy elements, there is a certain skill progression and the scenes are not static, they have some movement and I think the author will improve and expand this in the next updates.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I can see the potential here in the distant future, but in its current state (v0.2.4) it's just not worth playing.

    Basic premise is that in order to feed this village, you need to gather ingredients (water, fresh vegetables, etc.) and give them to a magical alien machine to process into meals for distribution to the populace. Because of course, humans are incapable of eating carrots that haven't been run through alien supertechnology first, and also nobody else in the entire village is willing to do any work.

    The pornographic part is that the alien food processor is powered by semen, so you're supposed to ask it to drug assorted men and teleport them to the magical facility so that you can anonymously jerk them off in order to fuel your machines.

    The big problem is, it takes like three men worth of semen to provide enough energy for one day worth of food... and you can't target a man who isn't horny enough, so you need to go to his house and do something to get him worked up... and a full day of activities in his house only get him halfway to the point where he will deign to accept a handjob.

    So at the start of the game, when there's only one man available, you need to grind through six days of drudgery for every day of food you give the village. Every day you don't feed the whole village, you lose HP (on top of what you're already spending to do every bit of manual labor in the place).

    So obviously the solution, to increase energy flow and also to finally see some content outside of the stupid dull grind you've been on for the past several hours, is to poke around and try to figure out how to unlock a second target, right? But once you do so, the food requirements increase by 30%. And the magical alien kitchen is incapable of producing more than one point of energy at a time, even in some hypothetical situation where you could produce more than a third of a point worth of cum in a whole day. And on top of all that, every interaction with the second man costs huge amounts of your rapidly dwindling HP.

    In short, the whole game is set up such that you will never be able to afford to keep up. And I'm not saying that like 'oh she will be forced to fall further into depravity to keep going' like some corruption games, I'm saying you are literally prevented by the basic game mechanics from whoring enough to keep afloat.

    Maybe everything is balanced under the assumption that you'll be doing a lot of things every day that aren't in the game yet. Maybe earlier prototypes had more things you could do, and they got removed because they needed to be reworked or something. But what we have right now is basically unplayable.

    That said, it does look good, and I was pleasantly surprised by a few of the incidental features, like hopping over obstacles along common routes through town instead of having to spend another second going around them. So if the development gets all the way to completion without being abandoned, it will probably be something great.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great one of a kind gloryhole game, still in very early stages but shows a ton of promise. The hearts "battle" system is pretty unique, and allows for strategizing. Illustrations and graphics are good, writing is good.

    So far it's fairly short/repetitive, a lot of walking to the same two spots to raise fire level and not a lot of action in the actual gloryhole yet, but can't wait to see how it develops.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Cons: Hidden gem honestly, right now the game has extremely limited content and thats why i feel like the grind seems even worse than it is. I wont lie though the grind is pretty bad, I usually dont have a problem with grinding but i had to cheat for this game, so it was pretty bad hopefully that wont be the case as more stuff is added to the game.

    Art. The art is top notch, one might argue its ugly bastards but honestly they dont look like ugly bastards at all and the dilf tag is definitely the right one to go with scarlett ann's art. There's not much to say here, the mc looks great, the scenes look great. All in all pretty amazing.

    Gameplay. The gameplay is so so right now because its mostly a walking simulator other than for the fun bit, and the fun bit is really well done. It can be hard to grasp if you're new but once you have a hang of it and understand it, it's easily one of the best gameplay experiences i've had in a H game.

    Abstract Thoughts. I think this game has real potential, it feels like watching karryn's prison in early alpha stages all over again if you're familiar with that one, I dont know how or if the dev will go around with adding penetration scenes but I'm looking forward to finding out.

    Feedback for dev. So for now it seems like most days you have nothing to do but just fire up one dude and go to sleep and I think this might get better once more characters are added but even then it seems like the intervals between might be a bit too long (it takes 6 days to get matthew fully fired up and even then the returns are the equivalent of one charge on gary which is pretty lame.) but again this might just be because higher action quality isnt implemented yet.
    Another big thing from gamplay pov i felt needed changing was unlocking the new cards, it would be nice if we could see what the new cards are before we unlock them using CR cause some just feel like a waste of CR in the early stages when you want to optimize your upgrades.
    Other than this I think the mats collection and prices need a major overhaul, idk how anyone is supposed to collect 15mats without losing their mind and then do it again for the next upgrade, that's insane and feels like it'd only drive people away from your game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very promising, as the others have said. Current gameplay is a bit grindy as you get close to mid game. Hopefully there ends up being more to do as development progresses to make the grind less boring.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game and premise. Lacking in content so far, but very promising. The game would freeze some times forcing me to close it and lose progress.

    My biggest suggestion is to add a little glowing icon on top of any spot where you can do an action. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do because I did not know which actions I can do.

    I recommend removing the first phase where Debbie refuses to go into the gloryhole room. That part of the game is very confusing. I spent almost 10 days doing nothing because I did not know how to progress to the next stage in the story.

    It should be possible to save anywhere. There is no reason to make saving only in the factory. Very inconvenient.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe the only extensive gloryhole dedicated game out there. Pleasant art design and addictive gameplay.
    Also I would like to thank the author personally for not including the omni-present and ever obnoxious hentai-style high pitched female squeels and moans - here the girl quietly does her job, and all more sexy for it.

    Cons: certain repetitiveness and somewhat tough start.

    Still, after getting grasp on game mechanics, new unlocks and abilities make this rpg/sim fun and rewarding.

    The author deserves all the support he can get to complete this already fun and exciting game *fingers crossed*!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting concept, but I'd echo some of the other criticism.

    • Choice of RPGM seems strange. It has no meaningful RPGM tie-ins or use of basic interface. Ren'Py or Unity would have been a better choice.
    • Mechanics seems ill-explained or confusing. The first 4 days you've got no meaningful explanation of what to do; hopefully you just assume you're meant to collect resources from all 3 locations and sleep, otherwise you're missing out on that experience and resources. Then you have your first milking session and from the dialogue I was led to believe the ATV is automatically harvested off the sperm once ejaculated. However it only seems to harvest ATV from the spunk left on your face when you sleep...which is strange since your first milking session must be done in the morning and therefore you've got to wash it off before you continue your day.
    • The grind! Basically you've got to spend 8 days firing up the farmer and milking him to get enough "beauty cream" progress for 1 ATV...all while the village is getting hungry and MC is losing confidence points because there is no power to create food. It literally just becomes a grind of "farm-gather-gift-talk to sandra-sleep-farm-gather-gift-talk to sandra-MILK-sleep" repeated ad nauseum. Sorry dev, but you lost my interest by day 10, and by day 25 I'd had enough of the grind.
    • Mechanics of milking are really unclear. I just assume I play a card every turn and then give a HJ. Then after 8 rounds of this 11-14ml of spunk is shot on MC's face. There might be more mechanics once additional skills are unlocked...by day 25 I had unlocked the VR feed, some gathering skills, the bots (which the CPU recommends but are essentially useless given the lack of power) and realized it would be about another 20 days of grinding to earn some more CR points. No thanks!
    • I appreciate it is 6 months since first WIP release, but there doesn't seem to be any significant content. There seems to be 6 actions -- mine mats, harvest veg, gather water, talk with Sandra, fire up the farmer, milk the farmer. One of these is enjoyable (to some degree).
    Kuddos for your originally versus the typical "evil demon takes over the world and MC must become a sex pervert to defeat them" genre, but there just isn't yet fleshed mechanics to warrant a high rating from me.

    Nice artwork though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty raw at this point, but it's incredible. I love the writing and the gameplay. There's only one type of sex scene and little in the way of progression, but I don't care. It's very satisfying and I can't wait until there's more of it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the art style of Scarlett Ann, as seen in other games like Zombie Retreat and Prince of Suburbia. I love the main character
    Has great potential and is fun to play. I really like the mechanics in the game.
    I would suggest that the sessions in the milking room didnt end so quickly. I feel that the hearts bar fills too quickly. But other than that, I really like the game. Hope that new features and scenes are implemented in future builds.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Billy Bobinski

    Dumped 3 hours on this in one go. Love it so far and love the implied features to come. Love the art-style, love the subtlety and build-up, love the fact that it's pleasantly correct English and I'd recommend it to any and all gloryhole-enthusiasts out there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is a little bit slow and there are not many variations for now, besides gloryhole scenes there are not many scenes yet. I believe there will be much more variated scenes both for gloryhole and normal events. It would be nice if we could see CG style scenes with the people we interact.
    Art is amazing for sure, maybe cum effect could be more dense with a little but white-ish colour on it. I'm really excited for this game, keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice picture. An interesting plot point. I like the gameplay. Not too easy. If you don't figure it out, then you will lose. I wonder what the author will offer next in the development of the story and the corruption of the heroine.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damn interesting game. Artwork is really good. The premise is really good.

    Took a while for me to figure out how the minigame worked, but once you get it with the cards and stuff, it becomes really fun as well.

    It can be a bit rough and unforgiving tho, specially with the confidence stat regeneration being so low, at least at the start. Ended up softlocking myself, a few days after rebuilding the workers union. However this was easily solved by online save editor. If anyone else is planning to use that, I can save you some time with the variables, HP = Confidence and Gold = Cock research.

    The village atm feels a bit to big for the amount of content in the game. Its probably just a nit picky thing, but running across like 5-6 squares to talk to three different people, which is what the game comes down to in order to start your daily lewd things, is a bit unnecessary. Tho I assume it will all be filled up later on.

    In any case, absolutely recommend people giving this a go :)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the concept for this game, and when I say I love it, I mean I've spent eight hours on it, trying to get every last bit of content.
    And I usually hate grindy content.
    With that being said there is one major issue I have so far, besides it being so early in development, and it's that taking off your shirt of turning on your camera RESERVES your horny points, making the blowjob skill, that relies on a lot of horny points, practically unusable.
    I suggest you remove or tweak that feature ASAP.
    Besides from that it's a really good start to an awesome game.

    I've seen a few complaints in the reviews about the main stat being called confidence. I have no problem with that, and see where the creator is coming from. It takes confidence to do jobs and certain... interactions.
    However, and I'm sure this is just a matter of early development, having low confidence does not effect the conversations as of yet. Which I really do hope will change, or the creator should label the stat as energy to avoid confusion.

    With that being said, it really is a good start to an awesome game, and I will be watching this thread with interest.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    The concept in this early access is potentially good. However, potentially good doesn't give you 5 stars.

    The intro is overly long. Plot is incomprehensible and far-fetched.
    The girl already dresses like a cam whore but acts like a stuck up librarian. The tits defy gravity and logic and stick straight outwards like metal bricks.
    The game mechanics are barely explained.
    Walking back and forth to grind resources and 'fire/heat' is tedious.
    The only H scene is barely animated.
    Saving is buggy.
    RPGM is annoying. Would recommend unity or html.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Milking or "using semen as a tool" sims with an actual progression and story are surprisingly rare, so I can only say I hope this will get far.
    I can't really recommend playing the game as of now, it's way too early, but I expect that the more complete game will be pretty hot for people into that fetish.