On writing, underage characters

Dec 15, 2022
Unfortunately, there is an underlying flaw in this reasoning, and it's a major flaw. The flaw is the assumption that anything you see becomes something you would want to try.

I can tell you right now, this does not happen. For instance, you bring up anal sex. I have seen women receive anal sex, reacting positively to it, and even cum from it. And I can tell you right now, I have no interest in performing anal sex. Not giving, not receiving. No matter how much it comes up (and let's face it, anal sex is a popular fetish), I have not changed in my disinterest. Sure, if I happen to love a woman and she really wants me in her bum, I would at least attempt it, but exclusively only because I care for her and want her to enjoy our time together. I would never suggest it myself. I'm not even sure I would physiologically be capable of performing the act. (yes, that is a thing)

And unfortunately, this flaw comes up attached to many other arguments of various topics that I've seen over the decades. It has never held up. 'Violent video games make people violent'. There's been actual scientific studies that definitively kill that claim. 'Dungeons & Dragons is a gateway to satanism'. Old 80's religious paranoia in it's prime. 'Homosexuality can be cured by forcing the gay to watch straight porn'. Yeah, they really tried this, even Clockwork Orange style, was completely pointless and ineffective torture.

The bottom line is what you see does not necessarily become what you do, and it never has been. You might become aware of a fetish you didn't know you had before, but it absolutely cannot create interest in that fetish from nothing. Want another example? Urethra play. Watch enough hentai, I guarantee you'll see it show up on your screen. And I'll thank you to stay the hell out of my urethra, thank you.
I never heard about Urethra play, thanks for showing me. Another thing I wished I had never seen.

Nobody Cares

Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
We're getting a little off topic, but I still remember an anime where the girls was "assaulted" by the tentacles. A fetish that my wife loves and kinda grew on me. Well this time the tentacles suddenly and without warning turned into syringes! An instant turn off due to my Trypanophobia.
Dec 15, 2022
We're getting a little off topic, but I still remember an anime where the girls was "assaulted" by the tentacles. A fetish that my wife loves and kinda grew on me. Well this time the tentacles suddenly and without warning turned into syringes! An instant turn off due to my Trypanophobia.
I can imagine...