Steam chapter has multiple bugs:You'll find the patreon version chapter 1&2, plus the steam version of chapter 1, and what you're saying is very interesting, I thought everything was fine with the steam version of chapter 2
1. A key scene where you meet a character has its image files missing, people found them in the old patreon versions when they open up the archive.rpa multiple people on the forums have mentioned it, and have for atleast 6 months. This is a scene on the core storyline, and it even happens twice! so you have the error twice.
2. I got a 'you reached the end of the patreon questline, thank you for your support see you next time' scene. This may be my fault, I copied the files from the patreon version to the steam version (not replacing the files there!) in an attempt to fix 1, even so its nowhere near the end of the game so that should have been scrubbed.
3. There are people complaining that they have to enter the patreon content code, not had that issue yet.
I know the dev got burnt out, I get it, I won't complain they wanted to switch projects, but some of these bugs are well reported, and you are advertising the game as complete.
Also I wish chapter 2 was a DLC for chapter 1, they share so much content, and the core location doesnt change, it just means you have to switch games to see the old gallery, you cant access any of the costumes from 1 in 2 (many reappar but not all), and most importantly regrinding stuff out.
I do hate how games insist on having chapters, I get it, its better for business and people need to eat, but man why are we doing a porn as a service model, make a sequel try something different, stop just adding more