VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The visual presentation, writing, and character development are all above average, but not stellar, particularly at the beginning. All these things do visibly improve over the course of the game, and it is cool to see the progression of Caribdis' skill at posing/animation, environment design, and framing, especially in the final act of the story.

    It's worth noting that a) this was my second playthrough of the game, and b) I did play with a walkthrough mod, because I do not care to miss out on scenes with a character because I clicked the wrong dialogue option at some point. I'm primarily a VN player, I mostly just want to click and get a good story with sexy moments, and with the mod that's what I got.

    I just played Eternum before starting this game, and I can't say that Once in a Lifetime belongs in the same echelon of quality, but on the grand scale of AVN games, it still earns an "excellent" from me. Where Eternum is a great story with sexy elements, Once in a Lifetime is more like a typical porn game that also has a solid story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfection. Finished the game in one day (with the walkthrough; can't risk losing an entire girl and an ending just because I took the wrong choice at a random place.)
    All the models are BEAUTIFUL. The game is FILLED with plenty, plenty of sex scenes, which are quite high quality (not the highest I've seen but still), some with multiple of them at once. Each girl is unique, has a good storyline, something special.
    The main plotline is very very interesting as well, that is actually what kept me playing for so long. This game never bored me. Amazing, amazing game.

    Oh and the Humor was Awesome!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good! Plot was serviceable and decently written. The humor probably missed more than it hit, but at least it wasn't overly cringe.

    My one real complaint is that you are never really made aware in the narrative when you've strayed from a characters path, there's no conversation - they just silently fall by the wayside.

    So I was more than halfway through the game when I remembered that the "paths" screen existed and had found I'd failed somehow with three of the girls. Felt a bit crap about it, but it ain't a deal breaker and the game still has my recommendation. But if you're dead set on getting all the gals you'll wanna pay more attention than I did.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game.

    Attractive characters
    Interesting story
    Wide variety of sex scenes
    More interactive scenes as you progress
    Great use of humor throughout
    Very good dialog, no cringe

    Sound effects during scenes were lacking or lower quality
    MC looks least at first
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The only game I will ever be able to give a review. Such a masterpiece from this dev. Seeing their next game, I can't disagree that I might leave the second review soon. The atmosphere is great, LORE IS DEEP, and I am in completely in love with how it turns out. RECOMMENDED
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is such a great journey for me. I like the sense of humor of the developers, not too much but enough to enjoy every little moment. All the render are good and have no body, limbs problem.
    The conversations between are really normal, i immersed myself in this game and it was such a wonderful time.
    If you want a soft, gentle game, this should be one of them.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't typically write reviews, but I really enjoyed this VN. It didn't have the most complex or unique main story, but it didn't make it convoluted or try to do anything unnecessary with it. Additionally, the girls were all great, even if I feel like some should have gotten more attention than they did, but overall I enjoyed them all. The affection system could've used a bit more work, but that's a super small gripe and it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the game at all.

    The character designs were all fantastic. Usually I dislike Ren'Py VNs due to the uncaniness of the models, but these ones were some of the best I've seen. I especially liked Jasmine's design, with her dark hair, tan skin, and golden eyes, plus her personality from start to finish all made her one of my favorites in the game. The main character definitely could've used more attention, but I doubt most people are playing this because they want to look at the MC, so I digress.

    The sex scenes themselves were alright. A bit vanilla for a majority of the game (with the exception of the last sex scene), but it was nice.

    Overall, a really good experience! All my complaints are small, so this is an easy 4 stars. Can't wait to try their other game, Eternum!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is honestly so good. The renders are great once you get used to the models, the dialogues are hilarious. The game itself does have some tricky choices near the end, but still beatable to the harem route especially with a bit of guide help. Very enjoyable ride from start to end
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Once in a Lifetime [v1.0]

    + Does a good job of building up the world and environment
    + Interesting story
    + Humorous at times
    + Characters are diverse with unique-feeling personalities
    + Good animations and variety of adult scenes and situations
    + Well done harem ending

    - Story pace can feel a little slow at times
    - Some characters feel a little too stereotypical or shallow
    - Not very emotionally engaging, for the most part (but good for lighthearted fun)

    This is one of the better completed adult visual novels out there for sure, and one of my favorites. The story is interesting, humorous at times, and it's the first game where a harem ending didn't feel forced, but actually good. I usually don't like harem endings at all, but this one was the first game I've played where it felt like the it was the best possible ending, especially with how the characters interact with each other and develop throughout.
    Check out Caribdis's other game, Eternum (ongoing) and support the dev!

    Overall Rating: 9/10
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great for people new to Carib's games and the HS2 art style. I think this is a better introduction to HS2 than games such as Pale Carnations and sets a good expectation for people looking forward to playing or have already played Eternum looking for more of Carib's work.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun and interesting story,really good animations and very beautiful girls with interesting and diverse personalities. Can't recommend this enough. (y)

    Also, a bit of a spoiler but, Stabby Mike, what a legend!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an awesome game with delightful characters. That said, you can really see the progression the creator made between this and Eternum when you play them one after the other. Can't wait to see what else this creator comes out with as time goes on and their skills progress!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a reason why this is one of the highest rated visual novels on this website. If you've never played this game while on this website, please do yourself a favor and try this game out!

    Overall tone is light-hearted and comedic slice-of-life mixed in with some pretty interesting occult mystery in the background. The pacing along with the frequency of sex scenes is also well-balanced. Enough story and mystery to keep things fresh and interesting, but also enough spicy scenes interloped in between them. I personally think it hits the perfect balance. The animations and character models are simple, nothing super flashy or high-def. However they hold up very well even today, as long as you like the honeyselect style. And it's complete as well, so no need to wait another two three months just for a snippet of story/sex scenes.

    So, what are you waiting for? Go download the game and try it out if you haven't already!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 MUST-PLAY

    One of the best visual novels I have ever played, calling it just a porn game is a insult. The sex scenes are good but the story is greater, some times I just stopped beating the meat because I was too involved, the girls feel like actual beings and not some random human husk of pleasure, and the humor is top notch too, it made me laugh out loud lots of times.

    Though I don't recommend playing this game if you are entering the adult game world, it would set the bar of quality too high, and it would be hard to find good games like this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply incredible, I've already played it three times and I still love it. The story and characters are incredible. I was sad when it ended but I'm happy with the ending. I hope to be able to play upcoming projects and I look forward to the Eternum update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Worth reading. A clean and simple narrative that goes in somewhat unexpected directions, with a relatively straight-forward mystery plot. Entertaining, arousing and well done. Not perfect, but solid enough to warrant the 5 stars.

    Heroines are well-proportioned, attractive and sufficiently memorable, though there isn't much if any character development to be done. The MC is okay, though much like many porn MCs we just have a massive dick and give "the best sex ever" [direct quote] despite nobody liking us to begin with, and soon enough all the girls are falling for us easily. Some of the side characters stand out and are very memorable. H themes are very clean and that is appreciated.

    The writing is fine, though it is horribly dated by certain pop culture references. At times it becomes completely asinine, but this is outweighed by the funny moments, which even had me laughing out a few times. The attempt to set the game in England is hilariously cute, though the writing forgets that on occasion. I've never seen a fire escape in England, for one, nor do the english drink budweiser, eat american pancakes for breakfast, use dollars, or sometimes speak in a very american way, but I won't hold that against the dev or the VN. It added to the fun for me.

    The plot goes off the rails with a mystery cult, but the mystery is well introduced and despite a strange appearance of a "japan trip" arc out of nowhere, the story is delivered competently. The ending feels a little rushed and heroines often brush aside very logical concerns in order to get on our cock and things tend to just "work out". This lack of complexity isn't a bad thing and I found it very refreshing and enjoyable. I must admit I fell for the red herring. There is a reveal near the end and clues were in place from the very start, but I fell instead for the simple explanation suggested near the middle of the story and so the reveal caught me off-guard.

    Decent amount of H content. Facial expressions sometimes leave a lot to be desired and the early H scenes are pretty simplistic, but the quality improves as you make progress. Later H scenes are well done from a narrative and animation perspective and there's a number of threesomes down the harem route, all good points. Unfortunately the epilogue lacks any dedicated scenes aside from a few suggestive stills. A few more harem scenes would be the perfect end of the story, but it is good nonetheless.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I think Caribdis is probably the best developer of erotic visual novels. Both this and their other game Eternum are some of, if not, the best you can get. The characters are sexy while also being endearing, the writing is engaging, the games look great, and it all just comes together. They're more than recommendations. They're must plays.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This AVN has a lot going for it. I jumped in expecting something else, but was pleasantly surprised.

    There are lots of different games on the site, but for me they generally fall in one of two categories: A game that has less content, but a complete and concise story OR a game that has a lot of content, but an AGONIZING grind attached to it - along with very sub-par writing. You might be asking what the hell I'm talking about, it's a porn game. Well, do you want your fap material to be associated to a 2-3 hour grind when it doesn't have any mods/gallery unlockers?

    This game is one of the more concise, complete packages on the site. The story is pretty out of left field, whereas the characters feel pretty normal. The MC is pretty funny/silly, whereas his family is pretty down to Earth and grounded. His school mates are some of the comic relief, with his hot teacher being the clear exception. Overall, there isn't really a clear antagonist for like 3/4ths of the game. It's a really lighthearted VN.

    The models are serviceable, they're nothing special - but well-made for the release date. The sex scenes are nice - but I wish there was more sound/voices - as they are feels barebones. They have a lot of atmospheric moments throughout the VN. To be honest, it felt like a horror VN sprinkled in at some points.

    Story goes: You're living in England with your family. You have bad grades. Your Dad is disappointed as all hell in you and figures he'll disown you if you don't figure something out. He leaves on a business trip. Meanwhile, the rest of your family is supportive of your endeavors and attempts to help you. One day, you visit the house basement and figure out your Dad might be shady as all hell. Then it turns out that he's involved with some sort of cult that aims to sacrifice people to make their dying leader immortal. Cue your journey to find the stuff the cult needs to perform the ritual, whilst also having the women in your life thirst over you.

    It's a 4 out of 5 for me. I expected a little more content - but if you're looking for a somewhat comedic/whacky story with some horror elements sprinkled in, you can't go wrong here.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Like a lot of the stuff here. Always enjoy this art-style, whatever program it is, it's consistent, unlike some other stuff.

    Game's got incest, lots of girls, scenes come fairly regularly, there's no sandbox element, there's a gallery, even if you don't use a walkthrough you can figure out pretty quickly if you've fucked up most of the time.

    Something's really funny about how the mc looks at people and they look back at him when something crazy is happening, it always makes me laugh.

    One negative thing is the japanese. It doesn't really matter, especially since most people know 0 japanese, but it seems to just be complete google translate, or else it's someone who took one semester in uni and then dictionaried a bunch of words to fill in the blanks. It's hard to describe why. It's like the people speaking don't use any contractions, and always explicitly state the subjects instead of saying 'it' or 'this'. That's the best english equivalent I can give. I don't know why this happens anyway, just put it in english and like change the color to indicate that it's japanese, or just don't do it at all, somehow this isn't the first game I've seen this in a game.

    Still 10/10 though.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, this game is one of the best games I've ever played.

    I laughed at this game, the characters are super funny and the story is interesting, one of the few that I didn't skip the entire game just to see the sex scenes.

    The art leaves something to be desired, but it's decent, there are some scenes where the discrepancy between the textures is very strange, but other than that, it's very good, the character models are cool too, especially the faces.

    The characters are interesting and it's really cool to see their evolution throughout the story.

    The story is very captivating, you can play and be interested in what will happen.

    The humor is one of the best points the game has, holy shit, I laughed my ass off, the jokes are good, the abrupt cuts are good and references and the comic scenes are so fucking awesome, especially with the fat jack/fit jack, Tom and Stabby Mike, they are so funny throughout the story.

    I saw a review that made me play the game, the user 7twenty wrote that even if the game didn't have the sex scenes, he would play it, and that's why I tried it, and now I totally agree with him, this game is actually really good. It's truly a once in a lifetime experience as user PhantomRem said.

    My rating is 9/10, if the sprites were better and the graphics were more current, I would say this is the best game on this site.

    Go play brother, you won't regret it.

    Thanks Caribdis, I will follow your next works with excitement.