No one can.
To be perfectly honest, I do have a particular distaste for over the knee opinions.
Like a moderately famous Neurologist (Portuguese but educated in the US) is keen to point out, "Having an opinion is a LOT of work" (emphasis mine).
For an opinion to have validity, the opinionator must be thoroughly informed on the subject, he's also forced to be impartial, otherwise it isn't a fair opinion but a political statement.
The simple fact that you have something to say about a subject, any subject, all the subjects, isn't really an opinion but a point of view. It has no weight. It means as much as YOU the carrier of the POV mean to the receiver.
In most of these cases, in what they call a "Review" around here, they mean Nothing. Sure they are given the power to express their POV, rating what they hardly ever understand with no objective criteria and most of the times with a rather superficial knowledge (when they do even have ANY) of the subject.
I've read "Reviews" where the reviewer states that they skipped most of the content... Yet, they had the gall to "Review" it. I don't think I need to say that I reported each and every one of those.
Zoey Raven while I empathize with your reaction to those reviews, I have to say that you shouldn't let it have any effect on you. If it's clear that they misunderstood everything, ignore them. If it's clear that they have ill intentions, report it. If, however they make good points and do it respectfully, learn what you can from it. Just don't feel obligated to act on it. Whether you do or don't, is always your choice. Always.
I speak for myself, but I think several others here will agree with me, I have your back. If they try to derail this, you may always intervene, but, you may also leave it to us. Focus on doing what we can't do for you, Create.
Am I right or Am I right, folks?