My birthday is tomorrow, and my birthday present to myself is going to be to unwatch this thread again, hopefully for as long as I possibly can. And no, it's not because I hate reviews completely, because there was a dude who gave me three stars and I totally respected what he had to say. He made good points and objectively didn't like the game. That's fine with me. But when you just go spew a bunch of nonsense that's not true, and we'll see if the mod's do anything about it, I don't know I hope they will. But, I'm not holding out much. That shit is just hard to stomach. But, if I wasn't here I wouldn't see it and I wouldn't care and it wouldn't matter. Again, that's why a lot of devs don't come on here anymore. You have no idea how many people have told me to get off this site completely. Other developers. That I should shit can my mods and walk throughs so I don't have to come on here at all. But, I keep refusing to do that, so I have to deal with this bullshit.