The animation is okay, but you have to grind a lot to get a picture or animation that is repetitive. I've broken down about half of them so far, but there are a lot of repetitive images and animations where nothing really happens.
The idea of the game is very promising, it has improved a lot, but unfortunately the developer has not changed that.
But with animations where something really happens, for example with a one male character, it could be one of the best games.
My idea is that you could unfold the posts like a skill tree and develop them into whatever you want, e.g. anal, bj, titj, bsdm etc.
If the developer were to do this, it would probably take its place on the lists, as technically the animation is very ok.
Some bugs:
If I stop the music and go back to the main screen it turns on again it's quite annoying.
If I go to the "promotion" tab does "marketing" not bring any money? Or not as much as it should?
The minigames need describe control
Some post no have voice
As soon as I put the game on the tray, no money is made
So far that's all I've been able to gather about the game.
If the developer needs it, I'd be happy to help with ideas, I have a ton.