VN - Ren'Py - Oppai Odyssey [v0.4.5] [Cryoxxx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Is solid and doesn't really do anything badly, the only thing I disliked was the sandbox aspect, I prefer to play through a story, but once you're in the game it's easy to get used to. The girls are great, the sex scenes are great, the music is great, the animation and art quality is great, there isn't much to say bad about this. There only weird shit is about alex, who we could have seen less off but thankfully has taken some other path.

    I really like the harem aspect of this game, there are a variety of girls with more coming and they keep you occupied very well. I would rank them like this:
    1. Nyx (w/ domination)
    2. Lym - she's the childhood best friend, pretty much perfect body but has a bit of a weird development that doesn't go much of anywhere. Though I'm not complaining, since it allows you to focus on the other girls, and she's still around and I assume will have more scenes in future.
    3. Pip/Sybil - Can't choose between the two of these. I love how both the relationships with them are developing, Pip is a fascinating character that I'm enjoying seeing her arc and looking forward to making her truly yours, and Sybil is just insanely cute and the relationship developing with her so far is great.
    4. Noel - she's a great, fun character with some good sex scenes. Not much else, but she looks great and is an essential crewmate.
    5. Zara'thul - Dragon mommy has 90 lust and 90 affection for a reason. The only reason she's this low is the relatively low amount of interaction compared to the crewmates. But the time you did spend with her and those interactions, infact the entire Idris mission was just incredible.
    6. Momiji & Mars - these two have killer bodies, but we have yet to see more of them.
    7. Blonde chick you save from the Bellona
    8. Dr. Clermont - not my type, but she's a good facilitator for your other relationships with the girls.
    9. Ibel
    10. Dragonwoman captain (forgot her name)
    11. Juni

    I love how the story is going. The music is varied enough, though I'm recognizing everything by now. I love the harem in this game, it's really good quality with good variety and makes me want to see more and how it'll develop, especially with the possibility for your superiors in Momiji and Mars, and Pip.

    I have 450 pages of saves, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game and can't wait for more. Probably in my top 10.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Oppai Odyssey 0.3.8

    This is a game that I wanted to like but it's just been sitting there unplayed for many months. The main strength of this game is that it is Sci-Fi. I've been reading a lot of Sci-Fi books lately with androids, aliens, advanced technology, bioengineered humans, spaceships, etc. and it's really fun to experience that and feel like you are there. This game starts off great with a likeable, strong MC, good looking characters, and plenty of lewdness and sex. Then it entered sandbox mode and that is where I began to lose interest. But I interacted with some people on the ship, visited a planet, got myself another crew member. And then I abandoned the game. I just can't be bothered to look at a map full of rooms and randomly decide what room I want to go to and talk to a character who might just give me the same dialogue as the last hundred times or might give me a new piece of dialogue since I fulfilled enough requirements or it's a new enough update. This game would be better if it was just a story mode with choices that affect outcomes, but also have more focus and emphasis on Sci-Fi stuff so it doesn't feel like you are just in a computer room with good looking chicks. Actually have some Sci-Fi terminology so the readers can feel like they are in a whole new and different world with interesting things to learn and imagine about.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I know a lot of people really like this game but I just couldn't get into it.

    The setting is cool, sci-fi is always fun, and the world Cryoxxx made is interesting but that's kind of where my praise ends.

    The models and the scenes are both pretty average, they're not worth raving over but neither are they worth complaining about. The moment-to-moment dialogue is again, average, I never fell in love with any character but I also didn't dislike anyone. My big complaints come from the pacing, which is both way too fast and slow simultaneously, and the MC/decision making.

    On the pacing side it feels like you instantly get laid with every female character, with no build up. Even in seemingly important events like your first date with Lym, you ask her out, have your first kiss, and have sex, in rapid fire without any events in between. Every character you meet you then have sex with very rapidly, it takes away a lot of the buildup to these relationships and makes it all seem hollow.

    My complaints for the MC/story is that this was basically a Kinetic Novel. There were tonnes of opportunities where I wanted to make a decision and had no control over the character, just having to blindly follow the MC's strange decision making to its conclusion.

    What ultimately killed the game for me what when Nym questioned me about the General. She first tries to physically torture you but you withstand it, good, then she gives you a handjob and you tell her everything she wants to know... WHAT??? It makes absolutely no sense! Also why are we keeping her on our ship after she tortured us. I don't think I'm a spiteful person, and I often argue against the 'edgy anti-hero kill everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you' characters; but this is a military vessel and she assaulted the captain. She cannot remain on board; it makes no sense to keep her around.

    When it became clear she was staying I had to drop the game, the negatives far outweighed the positives and I was finding myself minimizing every 10-15 mins of playing because I had to decompress to force myself to keep going; and why would I want to play a game I have to force myself to play, much less enjoy.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Very consistently good VN with nice scenes and characters. Has some flaws but very much worth playing. Nyx has the best femdom I've seen in any game on this site, would recommend you download just for her honestly. Had dreams about her for 2 nights after playing the game.

    Ah Oppai Odyssey, where to begin with you. When I first came across this game my expectations were pretty low, even despite the high ratings. I figured a game with a name like this was just going to be some trope-y terribly written weeb fantasy.

    Boy was I wrong.

    The writing:
    Now I'll be the first to admit the writing in this game isn't going to blow your cock away with super deep and philosophical themes or keep you on the very edge of your seat in suspense. At the end of the day, it plays on tropes a fair amount, even to the point of including a pretty generic reclusive elf race. It's a generic sci-fi plot about colonizing worlds but the crew finding something much scarier than intended.

    But that's perfectly fine. The story and world-building are good enough to keep you intrigued and motivated enough to keep playing in order to see what happens next. It gets the job done and isn't too in your face about it(most of the time). Honestly that's already extremely high praise coming from me because I'm sick of stories either being non-existent or having way too much focus put on them and acting like that's the main reason I'm playing. Oppai Odyssey takes a nice middle ground and it's such a breath of fresh air.

    I say it's not too in your face most of the time because there is one section where the game gets very melodramatic and it's pretty damn sudden(the part where Sybil's ship gets attacked). I'd be fine with something like this, but the dev didn't really build up to it and just rushed to the outcome. If you're going to have a big traumatic event that alters the perspective of everybody, you need to spend time working up to the mood and climax you're going for. As is, that event feels pretty hollow and doesn't really evoke much emotion, especially because it's so tonally different from the rest of the game.

    The renders:
    Honestly not much to say here because you have eyeballs and can look at how good they are for yourself. I will say though that the dev pays a lot of attention to detail within scenes. Whether it's Nyx's eyes lighting up because of her crestology, the cat on the ship just showing up sometimes, or having characters sweat because they're working out. It makes the game very charming and shows how much the dev cares. The animations are decent enough and all the environments are detailed and well-done, no qualms there.

    The characters:
    Simultaneously the weakest and strongest part of this game. I know that sounds dumb but just hear me out.

    You have Lym: An extremely generic childhood friend that has a crush on you. She's diligent, shy, and very sweet. Wants to stop living in the shadow of her older sister.

    Doctor Clermont: A nympho doctor that cares for the crew. That's about it.

    Nyx: A mysterious woman you find on one of the planets you go to. You don't know why she's there initially and she's very secretive, but she warms up to you over time. She's domineering and likes to tease people, but you can turn the tables on her and make her your subby bitch if you stand up to her. However if you allow yourself to become her plaything, she starts becoming much more affectionate and you essentially become her soulmate.

    Noelle: Engineer tomboy that is hesitant to get into relationships and has some minor family issues. That's about it.

    Sybil: A shy girl that lives in the shadow of her friend and partner. People often speak for her and she confides in you that she has a problem with it. She likes her partner and cares for her greatly, but Sybil wants to stop living in the shadow of others and start being her own person. You can either compel her into relying onto you completely or help her blossom into having a voice of her own.

    You see the problem here? Characters can range from extremely simplistic fap-bait to interesting characters that feel layered and real. It's just really jarring going from characters like Nyx and Sybil to Noelle and Clermont, especially because the latter two are a part of your crew for longer. I hope the dev puts more effort into rounding out the amount of care put into each character, because it definitely feels like there are favorites.

    And since we're on the topic of characters, the best one gets a section all to herself!

    If I'm being honest, Nyx by herself is such a huge reason to play the game. She's handled wonderfully and is a perfect example of a great character in a porn game. When you first recruit her, she seems like just another character to join the crew, no big deal. But then you check her codex entry and see that she has a dominance bar leaning towards being full. Hmmm... How interesting.

    You go do her scene and start playing a game with her. If you win, she shows you her tits. If you lose however, she teases you and her dominance bar goes up. After this, you always have a choice of either showing this dommy mommy her secret subby side or succumb to her will and be her plaything.

    While I haven't fully played through a domming Nyx route, I've checked the scenes for it and I have to say it's done well. It's not exactly subtle, but the MC doesn't just start ordering her around like a dumb slut every chance he gets to bring her submission up. He does what she wants, but the way HE wants. Let's say she gets super horny for some reason and starts riding your face. You either let her use you for her pleasure, or you turn the tables on her, flip her on her back, and take control of the situation while still pleasuring her. It's a nice and logical way of getting this type of character to slowly submit over time.

    Her femdom route though... Holy fuck her femdom route...
    It is the BEST type of femdom out there. She knows what she wants and takes control to get it, but she doesn't just treat you like some worthless trash. She praises you while you do it, and while she knows she has control over you, she never abuses it(too much). It's a slippery slope and if you give into her too much, she starts taking control in different ways. I won't spoil anything but it's *Chef's kiss* perfecto.

    The MC's reactions to being dominated like this is very believable, too. I won't say how exactly, but it does lead to some wonderful interactions with Nyx that really shows she isn't just interested in treating you like a piece of meat. She really does care for you. You're her Aluwin, after all.

    The scenes:
    While they are good, most of the scenes feel tilted towards maledom and the MC taking the lead with most characters. Make of that what you will. I personally would've liked the option to make things more equal or have the girls take the lead sometimes. Not a big deal but it is noticeable.

    I do have to admit that the lewd writing is VERY nice and such a breath of fresh air from the usual boring and terse shit I usually come across. The dev really knows how to make things lewd and appealing to read on that front, so I have to give massive credit for that. It might not seem like a big deal, but when there are so many games that have such shitty writing for the scenes, it really stands out when a game puts effort into it.

    Oppai Odyssey is a diamond in the sea of mediocre and boring Ren'Py games out there. It has great renders, appealing(albeit varying quality) characters, a nice story to help things along, good progression, and scenes that make your time worth it. It has all the benefits of a sandbox without the shitty parts, too. While it does have flaws, they don't get in the way of your enjoyment too much and can be remedied with time.

    If I'm being honest bros, I wrote this review just because I'm simping hard for Nyx. I fucking love this bitch, dev you did literally a PERFECT job with her. She's actual waifu material, no cap.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A really really enjoyable game ... Story is really good , visuals are fantastic , every single adult scenes are perfectly much fappable material, sandbox is used quite well even through they have some flaws in it but they are negligible and character are really Loveable also enjoyable ... While playing u will feel almost real attachment To the characters ... Truly unforgettable story .... InShort in opinion this game is one those hidden gems ... That's enough praise i guess .

    I would really recommend u give this game a try u will definitely going to love this AVN ;-)


    Peace Out✌☮
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    its goodbut as of 3.9 it has no sex sounds which is disappointing as it is common sense to put in a game. the rating would be higher but it really hurts the quality of the porn and makes it hard to enjoy
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not even one for VNs normally, but this is something else. The game is fantastic. The dialogue and story well paced and engaging, the animations are genuinely top notch, honestly possibly the best in the 3dcg genre here.

    The explicit content within is varied and enjoyable, different fetishes are covered and always appear to be optional. In particular what stands out, as a person who hates femdom content, is the ability to turn around on the character attempting to do it. An utterly underused power dynamic play that makes the game utterly delectable.

    I played through this in a singular sitting, couldn't put it down much to the chagrin of my sleep schedule. If you are looking through the reviews on whether or not to give it a go, definitely do it. The game is great.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    1. I just reached the end for this current version of the game and I gotta say this is literally no ezaggerating the best sci Fi visual novel erotic game I ever. Played Most models are fantastically well down including the animations The plot is well written and enjoyable , do wish there was more choices to change how the mc acts The "scenes" and different outcomes for some characters depending on what you choose is a nice touch and animations are enjoyable So far it's like a solid 9/10 hope the story will be extremely long and more aliens and worlds to explore with it's great plot holding it in the future updates

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking forward to new updates, definitely one of the runner up games here to similar games such as Eternum & Pale Carnations. The story is very good, and the sex scenes are amazing. I give this a 10/10.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I started to play this game a few update before this one so i saw every changes of the early story and first mission reworks. I'm rating actual v0.3.9x but i had to start about this fact because this rework improved a lot the story and it consistency. Second it show how Dev care about his project to rework the first contact of new player with his game. Good point here.

    So now we know Dev care about this, we can start to talk about what's in the game.
    Good story and very promising. I let you experience it by yourself so i wont talk about it. It's very classic and simple statement so Dev can easily dont lose himself into something too complex for him, but if he's enough confident, his story can be easily complexified too. So it's not gonna be disapointing but it's may be surprising in good way ! (Obviously i'm rating on a scale of sexual VN/Game, not over best Sci Fi writters (No offense Dev ^^, i know you can surprise us with good ideas)

    The "heart" of this game is your Crew with a lot of hot girls mates (Obvious in sex game yes). There is a good dynamic around all the girls. Each one got a function on the ship and has specific temper. Each girl got a "main trait" but there is enough writting to not imprisoned them in a "cliché" behavior.

    The strongest point in this game is the différent kind of event on the ship between "missions". You're gonna spend some times with every girls, in different kind of event : it can be about work on ship, captain talk, girl's struggle with past, but even casual bonding around small talk or playing games. Some times it's gonna be romantic (in a porn game's way obviously), some time sexual (yes it's porn game). All of it gonna works to bond you with your girls.

    Physically we can tell all girls are pretty and there is some interesting thing on "aliens girls" without being too much to freak us out. For me i have to point out the fact that BOOBS ARE TOO MUCH HUGE for half of the casting. If it works well on Draconic Queen, the doctor is way too much, it's for me something becomming ugly at this point and Nyx is close to that too. When body proportions are too much unrealistic on caracters it's break a bit the feeling about the characters writting, and character looks fake. (It's my point of view, i know there is people loving HUGE breast so...)

    Sex scenes are good, and there is a lot of diversity already about differents kinks etc. Good animation (but since last update, animations got a huge framerate drop on my laptop (4 go RAM and shit cpu) so i had to play Android version)

    Music are fine and match it atleast, but i dont play with music on anyway. Ambiance sound barely exist, i do not remember experiencing it, but maybe there is 1 or 2 sounds.
    No sex sound (It's kind of thing that can do the difference in 2022 (soon 2023).

    I would give 4/5 overall because game is one of the best in terms of rhythm between story and characters (hope it's mean something in english it's not my native and i translated word by word the expression x) ), and not 5 to push Dev on improvment... BUT

    Her apparence is so cute (clear purple smooth skin, with perfect body proportion, cute ears, and those eyes !)
    Intriguing characters, harsh temper but there is a soft heart inside i swear x3 ! But the relationship about her being prisoners after trying to get us down, but our compassion involved and every small talk and attempt to get close enough of her got me into this character. (Not enough event with her :'( in my opinion)
    My favorite by far, i'm expecting a lot about Pip in future and really hope we gonna keep her in our crew. My biggest fear is that she's just side story character that just get used to tentacles scene rape taboo kinks (i got it spoiled here, i obviously stopped Nyx from this shit and never unlocked this scene : no one do bad things to her !), and we gonna throw her in military jail/labo and never see her again :'( (even if it doesnt look like the way it's gonna end x3)

    Btw here is a note for dev (Dont know if he gonna read my review here and i'm too poor to patreon this sadly :'( ) : I really hope you take SLOW PACE with PIP about building confidence and understanding between them. I really hope about a slow romantic link construction between prisoner/captain in future ! Dont rush sex scene point here , this is your best character in "romantic" writting possibility . (i know you're not shakespear obviosuly, it's just about rhythm of pace and i know you're good with it so i trust you x) )
    Even if you choose something else for her i trust you ! Just don't throw her in a deep space labo Ö )

    So here a 5/5 for this game, i'm curious to see the next cluster update.

    To be honest it's more 6/5 just because of PIP !

    PIP/5 !

    (Ok it's a bit long as a review, but in short terms, try it, it's 100% worth)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like about the game in terms of the scenes and character models. I do not think the story needs to be unique to be good, it just needs to be interestingly done. I personally think the writing is amazing when it comes to sex scenes, however the dialogue at times seem really off. It's is certainly bearable, but i believe addressing these would make each character more appealing and also give more weight during the sex scenes itself.

    Didn't really like alex as a character, i understand the trope he's supposed to fill, but everything he says and does is just really really extreme. He doesn't feel like a real person at all.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried this game a couple of times and both times the horrible dialogue became just too much. My god the level of cringe at times-the fake alpha male lingo, the dom female thing are just idiotically done and that's saying something because they are pretty silly to begin with.
    One scene felt more like a rape then two people who liked each other. In the next scene the alpha captain is calling a girl a whore and fucking her up the ass while telling her how much she likes it. I'm guessing there is some femdom version of these scenes too so if you're into that it's there. For me it was cringe, cringe and more cringe.
    The art is pretty good and even the story isn't half bad. It's all pretty standard and then some god awful sex scene happens with the worst dialogue you could make up shows up to make you dislike your own character. On the plus side if you are into dom/sub culture and like being called pathetic this game is for you. I thought about an average rating but the dialogue ruins any lewd scenes so poor it is.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game shows the potential that 3D H-games truly have. Really, really good.
    The attention to detail for the characters and world is very impressive. Sometimes on random talking scenes you'll see, for example, the ship's cat walk by. Something that didn't need to be done, but adds a lot of character to this game.
    The animated H-scenes are also really good, and I hope we get to see more content variety in the future. Considering what is already available, I have high hopes.
    And the incel antagonist is just the cherry on top.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    UPDATE: Game now has a VN mode and its AWESOME.

    Game is gorgeous. Characters are good. lewd events and animations are a 11/10. Game continues to introduce wonderful new kinks. The soundtrack is a fucking jam, not the re-used stuff you've heard in a dozen games before.

    Game is a pseudo sandbox. No emphasis on repeatables, stats, or grinding. You just get to play out the mini (and larger) character events in different order in between the larger story beats.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well always same things happens in many other games Mc with big dick gets many girls but this one is good for me feels like can be more than other ones.

    Sure theres some problems here like traits hardly effective and plot gonna happen so mc need to lose something like that still thats not that annoying.

    Sex scenes amazing as a graphics story and how girls acts for now we have normal and dominate route here and somewhat sub to girls but if you dont wanna that author not gonna force you so thats good.

    Story is for me good but feels like theres no endgame or endboss for this game because in hentai games girls bosses means they gonna get fucked by mc and join them after battle so dont know who gonna be final boss here.

    World building good but its little too big for hentai game if author gets bored rushs game this game gonna be have a bad ending because of rush other than that its good worldbuilding its means that theres lot to see and do.

    So game is good and worth to support i wanna say theres lot of potential here if author does good work this game gonna be really good and %100 worth to play even right now theres lot of content as a story and scenes here so dont worry about playing just play it you not gonna regret it.

    Still i wish theres free roam outside ship maybe like planet to planet and rank up system for Mc rank and upgrade ship like buying or obtaining bigger ship and guns etc if author adds this thigns this game gonna be amazing or even beyond amazing its good as now but if author wanna go beyond that things like this can be good.

    I wanna say thank you to author for making this game its really good and i enjoyed cant wait to see more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun story with a decent amount of content, sex scenes are very hot, well paced, and pretty well written IMO. I love that the scenes are written with a lot of tenderness, dom scenes only works for me when both party cares for each other (ALL of Nyx's scene are absolutely amazing). Only complaints are progression are kinda confusing in the beginning before your first mission, and Alex might as well not be there at all, I think it would have been more interesting if he was a rival captain or had a more insidious reason for betraying the crew than just being a goofy incel. Game deserves a 5* because my criteria for an adult game is whether the game was hot and it kept my attention through out or not and this game did just that, easy recommend.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    the render are top notch. character model are perfect, overall the graphic department is 10/10. The story is very interesting but the only annoying part is in the beginning there's to many dialog about detailed unnecessary thing which just make the game very annoying . but it get less over time which is good Overall the game is amazing totally recommend playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm Sci-Fi lover and this is definetly up my alley, having most likely been inspired from both the star-trek series and the beloved mass-effect game trilogy as the base for the story.
    The visuals are stunning to say the least, I know its with HS2 models and such which are not to everyones like but it is to me and they a very good quality, Interesting story, simple UI, nice pace along with the visual, sounds and animations makes it one of the best out there for me so 5 stars for what it offers!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I will first start off by saying that I have not finished the game and have only made it through the second planet due to a few issues that really dampened my enthusiasm for the game. Maybe I just to spoiled for content

    But most of my issues revolve around the MC and Alex. Mostly due to the fact that Alex seems to be used a a convenient punching bag for many of the same issues that the MC has. What I mean by this is

    1) Alex gets punished by the MC for not following orders -> you don't follow orders you get punished
    2) In the opening scene we establish that Alex is a product of nepotism -> nepotism is bad.
    3) We put Alex in his place for disrespecting you -> Respect the chain of command
    4) Alex wasn't guarding the ship so MC punishes him -> Guard the dropship

    But then what happens?

    1a) MC failed to follow orders so he gets punished by Mars yet we are to see this as perhaps unreasonable?
    1b) MC immediate gets out of any consequences by having someone willingly volunteer to take his punishment
    2) MC gets in trouble so his immediate reaction is to use his connections to Lyn's sister to get out of it
    3) We can safely conclude that MC does not care for the chain of command going as far as to bring a new member aboard his ship without consulting his direct superiors
    4) MC leaves Alex behind as punishment (reasonable) but then proceeds to leave the drop ship unguarded

    We are clearly meant to dislike Alex yet we see that many of the same flaws are present in both characters except the MC's flaws are sort of just brushed under the rug. I feel like that this clear difference in treatment is so jarring that it sort of snaps me out of it especially since the game creator seems to forget that Alex even exist at times only for him to show up and get bashed and disappear. Like what is his purpose? He was introduced as a potential rival, which could have easily been done by making him the captain of the other ship (which incidentally balances out the crew count of both ships like serious why does one ship have double the crew of the other) but then was quickly reduced to little more footstool for the MC. Not to mention how the MC who was supposedly the best in his class can't seem to even withstand a bit of edging, gets walked over by his crew (with the exception of Alex), and is just an idiot.

    I really want to love this game but with how bad the MC and Alex are I really can't. Like the hub and movement are well designed and intuitive. It has a lot of tags that I like: harem, humiliation, rape, etc. The girls serve as great eye candy in nearly all their clothes. The scifi planet exploration theme gives lots of content potential. If the dev just makes the MC and Alex better I really think it would be a huge improvement. Just a simple touch as having Alex actually show up in the hub and around the ship would be nice.

    I'm going to give it a 2 only because the renders and my horniess are doing the heavy lifting
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I think I'm ready for my first review. And I'm happy that it will be about this game. I have read the review rules, so I hope that I will do everything right and it will not be deleted.
    • Let's start with the most basic - The plot. It is interesting enough not to get bored, simple and unrushed. If you are interested in games with a space theme - YOU MUST play this game. In my humble opinion, the plot deserves an 7 out of 10 rating (the potential is incredibly high)
    • We continue with the Graphic Component. I had some expectations when I realized what engine this game was on. But this game exceeded my expectations, it is truly beautiful. If it didn’t seem to me, then the graphics get better and better over time. I'd say it's a solid 10 out of 10.
    • Since we are talking about graphics, let me tell you directly about Animations. The animation quality is really high. Trust me you will be more than satisfied. Also 10 out of 10.
    • Let me talk about Music, a very important part of any game. Unfortunately, in this part my opinion is the least authoritative. I'm just the kind of person who doesn't always pay attention to the music while playing and reading the text. Don't get me wrong, if there is bad music in the game, then I turn it off almost immediately so that it does not bother me. At the same time, if the music is really good, then I notice it quickly and sometimes I stop playing and just enjoy the music. As for this game, the music is pretty good, there were a few moments during the playthrough where I thought "damn, that sounds really interesting". It has never been too tense and distracting from the game, so I would give the music a 7-8 out of 10.
    • Perhaps someone is wondering "Does this game have problems with the gameplay part and bugs?" I can confidently answer: No. Given that this game has a free-roam element, I did not see any visual glitches, bugs or problems.
    • We're moving on to my favorite part of this game: The text. I was very pleasantly surprised by this part of the game. It is quite obvious that the developer is a very well-read person, the text is written incredibly well and beautifully. Quite rarely, a game can give real pleasure from reading the text. Even during spicy scenes, you will hardly notice banal moments like "Oh yes oh yes faster, slower, I'm at the limit", etc. With maximum confidence I put 10 points out of 10 for this part of the game.
    • Let's talk quite a bit about the Сharacters in this game, shall we? I will try to explain this as concisely as possible. The characters are likable and interesting. Are they different from each other? Definitely yes. I will not go into the details of the characters, you will see everything for yourself. 10 out of 10.
    • And perhaps let's finish with a few words about the Amount of content in the game. (Version 0.3.8 at the time of writing this review) Can this game be played over and over again? Definitely yes. The tab for the gallery of scenes and hidden pictures is quite large. Good luck discovering absolutely everything.
    • As a result, I can say that this game is a masterpiece. Even if you're not into space games, you have to give this game a try. And I mean it.