VN - Ren'Py - Oppai Odyssey [v0.4.5] [Cryoxxx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    After my first playthrough of Oppai Odyssey, I can honestly say I didn't think I'd ever be reviewing this game. That's because the playthrough was about 15 minutes long, and covered 3/4 of the prologue. At that point I'd decided I didn't like the MC, the renders were OK, and the setting was pulling me out of the story. So I quit and uninstalled.

    Happily for me, a month or so down the road, another VN player who had given me some good recommendations before suggested this game. I told him about my first experience...and all he said was; 'Keep playing'

    Boy am I glad I did. After some tentative steps out of the gate, Oppai Odyssey improves in leaps and bounds, to it's current state where it's one of my favorite visual novels.

    So, will you like it?

    The Renders - Oppai Odyssey is a great looking game. After a bit of a shaky prologue, the visuals get better, and then continue improving the longer you play.

    The Characters - I don't want to spoil anything, but while you may find a few tropes explored among the crew, there is also a lot of originality and deep character building going on.

    The UI - Generally I hate sandbox games, but this game does a nice job of straddling the line between Sandbox and Kinetic Novel. The story is linear in progression, but allows you to make choices within it, including when to visit the various ladies. There is no time gated content, no annoying grind, and no immersion breaking repetition. If you have to have sandbox elements, do them this way please.

    The Kinks - I normally can't stand fdom in games, and there are certainly some overtones of it in this one, but it is generally up to the player to engage in it or not. If it's your cup of tea, I hear that path is highly enjoyable...if you're not into it, there are plenty of other interesting routes to travel, and much as the renders have improved, the game is getting bolder and more interesting in the kinks you can enjoy.


    Audio - It doesn't detract from the experience, but as of the current build it's not adding much either.

    Main Character - He's serviceable as a stand in for the player, as a believable starship Captain he still has a good ways to go.

    Slow Start - Around the time you get to your first planet and pick up Nyx the game really starts to take off. Previous to that there are good scenes sprinkled in with others that are less good.

    Final Verdict:
    Oppai Odyssey in it's current version 0.3.6 is a great looking game with a deepening story, a roster of beautiful and interesting women, and a developer who is clearly committed to releasing updates on time, and not just continuing to put out work, but continuing to improve it.

    Edited to Add:
    As of the 0.3.7R rework of the prologue and many areas of the story, this game has become simply one of the best AVN that you are going to find out there. I can't give it more than 5 stars, but I would if I could. Stop reading these reviews and go play it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of Oppai Odyssey [v0.3.6]

    Well then, hello there dear traveler! Let's see what can be said about this game and if it actually is for you.

    STORY 3.75/5:
    Story wise, the game has somewhat of a clumsy start and would recommand to revisit the first half of the game and adjust it. What I mean is that the first half feel (at least in the case of MC) like the game's trying to mend together two absolutly opposite personalities and it really doesn't work that well for the game.
    Now that those thorns are out of the way, lets talk about the story and characters in it. There is fairly large variety of girls you can (and must) ship your MC with in the progression of the story. There are cute girls, shy girls, annoying girls and other variants that give the story some nice flavour, ALTHOUGH I can see, why one of the characters might scare some ppl off... I was nearly one of them, but my mood sky-rocketed through the roof, when I actually got to the part where you start to get your deserved revange.
    Overall rating of the story is 3.75/5, thanks to the a bit hectic start, but this rating is probably going to change as Mr. Dev is planning on revisiting the prologue, which, if done correctly and no doubt it will be done correctly, will change my rating which I expect to go up to 4.5/5.

    Characters in this game are just... amazing. Every girl has her own personality and day to day life issues that she is dealing with. Earlier I would fuss over one character, that kept on pis**ng me off, BUT my opinion was changed after I got to the later part of the game where you actually get to walk all over her instead. Well back to the characters, as I wrote earlier, there is incredible variety of personalities from a tender and shy girl that is your BF through one that hides her insecurities behind funny mask (also there is alcoholism involved) to a girl that is bossy (two possible ways, either you are sub or dom, only sad part is there is actually no way to romance her on equal standing, but oh well, we can't get everything we want)

    GRAPHICS 4/5:
    The game shines on it's animations and I would say it's one of its selling points. They are beautiful, what else could I say and althought there are sometimes some dislocated joints it is all good and forgotten in the end.
    The main downside of this, is that it seems that there was not much of the budget left for backgrounds, where really only background worth mentioning is on your spaceship.
    Overall I would rate graphics of this game as a solid 4/5.

    Final rating:

    This game deserves solid 4/5 maybe even 4.25/5. I would strongly advise devs to revisit the actual start of the game and redesign it a bit, but as for cosmetics, those could be done... well, before the final launch. As always take my reviews with grain of salt as it is just my opinion and everyone should make their own opinion of the game, because I'm just a scrub lord of a reviewer. :D
    Would I recommand you play this game, dear reader? Yes... definitly big, fat YES.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It is astounding to me that Oppai Odyssey has not garnered more attention. Please stop what you're doing and play it immediately.

    I have to assume that the reason for the dearth of attention is due to the game's rougher beginning and maybe its preview renders: but it improves IMMENSELY throughout. Today's product is nothing like the game's earlier missteps. Cryoxxx learned and realized what worked and what didn't, and amended the game accordingly. The game's one-off renders are great, but not where it shines brightest: Oppai Odyssey's animations are what allow it to shimmer.

    Currently, there are 3 devs out there who are truly demonstrating the potential of Honey Select 2: Caribdis, with Eternum; Niichan, with MBML; and Cryoxxx, with Oppai Odyssey. But Cryoxxx blows everyone away with his custom animations in HS2. The detail, the varied scenarios, the complex alien character models -- Cryoxxx is really in a league of his own when it comes to each of these elements. Of particular note is Lym and Nyx's bathtub scene on Zara's planet: I cannot imagine someone ceasing to play after witnessing the expressions Cryoxxx was able to convey there.

    The girls are amazing, with Sybil, Zara, and Nyx being the most conspicuous members of the cast. Sybil, the adorable newbie on the ship, who believes she will find some solace in her quest to seek vengeance for her missing friend; Zara, a Queen who has fallen irrevocably for the Captain, and provides the dev with a fantastic opportunity to explore tender, vanilla content with a lady whose outward appearance would imply anything but; and (my personal favorite) Nyx, the space elf, whose role allows Cryoxxx to play with a veritable spectrum of fetishes and kinks and flex some nascent-but-excellent dialogue muscles. I've really been impressed with the last few updates of the game, and it is easily apparent that Cryoxxx has found some groove or formula over the last half year that yields superb content. I believe he'll be able to build on these writing skills and create an even more impressive product over the next few updates.

    The game is still early-on. The captain is still learning, the girls are still being introduced, wheels are still being set in motion. Cryoxxx is determined to move the plot forward though, and is going at a breakneck pace: monthly updates packed with significant lewd scenes and great character-building. The game deserves much, much more support than it currently receives, and I cannot wait to see where Cryoxxx decides to take the story next. Definitely one to keep an eye on, discuss, and contribute to on Patreon!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    ok let me just start with saying this is one of the best honey select games on this website and honey select done right

    anyway to start off with let's talk about the graphics how these models look as good as they do baffles me i mean the original honey select doesn't even come close to how good this game looks how good these character models look or how good every object looks how every room looks just the entire game looks gorgeous especially the models my god the skin looks so good it's actually unreal i don't know how these developers do it graphics

    now let's talk about the story and the characters first off the story is actually pretty good and i think somewhat original it doesn't feel rushed the pacing feels organic and the overal story starts simple and just get's better and better anyway that's all i'll say about the story now the characters i'm not gonna lie in the beginning it feels rushed but it get's better later in the game i actually found myself caring for each character even the minor and background characters feel real but the main characters which are of course female are the real stars of this game even the MC is really good grounded and feels like he could be a real person as the story progresses you start to learn more and more about them and they are all so well done my personall favorite is nyx if you completed the game in it's current version 0.3.6 you will probably know why anyway that's all i'm gonna say to not spoil anything

    now for my favorite part the sexual scenes which are the most important in any porn game now if you are like me and don't play porn games that don't have a decent amount of sexual scenes in it yet don't worry in it's current version 0.3.6 there are sex scenes a plenty first off the fetishes this game has a lot of fetishes already from tittyfuck footjob handjob blowjob to even some extreme female domination scenes it has something for pretty much everyone and even i won't spoil with who or when but an extreme facesitting head crusshed between thighs scene which was one of the best and hottest porn scenes from any porn game i've played to date like goddamn and i've played a lot of porn games i just hope that it isn't a one off thing i hope there are more scenes like that in the future currently there is only one scene like that anyway i do have one complained about the sexual scenes in my opinion there are to many vanilla sex scenes not enough blowjob facesitting footjob etc. scenes for me vanilla sex scenes don't do anything for me so i hope in future updates the developer experiments more with more obscure fetishes

    anyway i hope you could get through my review because i ramble so much about certain things it's just because this porn game is so good i just have a lot to say most of them good with some critics like the amount of vanilla sex scenes but that's the only bad thing i could think of with this game overal this game is one of the best in the honey select genre i guess you could call it and just in general one of the best games on this website the story 9/10 really good and well told the characters extremely well written and fleshed out 10/10 graphics really good even more so if you think about how this is a honey select game like just how did the developer make the graphics so good 10/10 sexual scenes 9/10 and it only get's that high a score for that facesitting scene otherwise it would have been 8/10 still really good but that scene alone get's it a higher score please developer make more facesitting scenes anyway just overal a fantastic game PLEASE developer don't drop this game this game is already one of the best and high quality games on this website and it still has a lot more to offer it would be such a waste if this game get's dropped
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game from a great Developer. The renders and animations are some of the best HoneySelect2 AVNs have to offer. The writing and story starts off a little slow but things quickly pick up and get interesting. Play this if you're looking for a fun but sometimes serious AVN with lots of heart.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun story and setting, with above-average writing. All the girls look good, and all sex scenes are animated.

    Things I didn't like:

    - Very early renders, from when you are still on earth, don't look very good. As soon as you get on the ship things get a lot cleaner, though, so this minor.

    - So far, I have encountered two Fem-dom scenes; one where you are drugged, and another where you are tied up. I think there will be more. Great if you like that, but I wish it were avoidable.

    - Alex, the other male crew member, is an odd inclusion. I've only just begun to see the start of his story line in chapter 2, and I do not like it at all.

    - The MC is very boring, and does not act like a captain at all. I get that he is just out of school, but he really feels way to passive. He has absolutely zero commanding presence, and mostly just lets everyone walk all over him.

    All in all, though, I do think this is the best sci-fi adult game that I have played. I am looking forward to following this one, and hope the dev can keep up the good work.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, this one starts off kinda goofy and rough, but not unforgivable.

    The MC is a oddly too immature at the start. Some of the initiation into H scenes are really strange as a result. However, as the game continues, the MC becomes more competent. I recognize the MC is literally a high school graduate, but that doesn't offset the fact the high school is a military academy designed for space cadets.

    It's certainly not a perfect game, but as the plot thickens, the game allows the characters to grow on you. Speaking of the characters, they're all different and pretty great. Each one feels real enough, and I'm sure they'll continue to get better.

    There's definitely a level of self-awareness of what's happening, and that's good. I think as this game continues development, it will get better. There's also A LOT of references in this one. Most are decent enough jokes, but could do with some more refinement.

    Aside from that, the presentation is top notch. We have a nice sci-fi UI, great animations, nice H scenes, and great looking characters. Maybe too much of the same song though.

    Oppai Odyssey certainly has potential, and I can see it getting better.
    Likes: t727
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Oppai Odyssey [v0.3.5]:

    Story: 5/5
    Graphics: 5/5
    Animation: 10/5
    -One one of the best game out here for sure. It's nowhere near your generic HS2 games out there.
    -You can see a lot of effort being poured into making this masterpiece, not to mention all the animations and hot scenes in it.
    -No grind which is a huge plus to me. You can quickly get to the parts you want and we all know what that is. XD
    -None of the characters' personalities come off as generic as a result of okay-ish writing. Each one of them has a real personality to boast and I like them all, especially Noel.
    -Story is very interesting so far with a touch of mystery in it and I'd like to see more!

    To the Dev: You do what you need to do, my man. You're in the right track. Keep up the good work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game <3
    One of my favourites. Its very well made

    - The female characters
    Simply amazing. You rly can not pick a favourite one. All of them are just top tier waifus
    Alll of them are super hot and thicc too <3
    The relationship progress is also done extremely well. The romance is sweet af
    The dragon waifus are something else, I love them so much, they need to be a perma thing
    Needs more hand holding tho ... and more butt groping

    - No NTR
    No NTR whatsoever. Zero !
    Only MC is fucking and its all about the waifus and him <3
    No cheating, no sharing, no cucking, no nothing
    Also there will never be anything of the sort in the game

    - Story is good
    It can actually get kinda heavy at times. But it never gets depressing.
    The plot is very interesting with a touch of mystery

    - The sex scenes are simply one of the best
    They are super hot <3
    They have a cinematic feeling to them, tho there are some wierd zoom (too much zoom) ins where it can ruin it sometimes.
    The angles are very good. We always have a clear view of the girlss butts during doggy style or when they ride us.
    We also get good camera angles during missionary too, its not too zoomed it and far enough where the female character takes the whole screen <3
    Needs more Blowjob/facefuck scenes tho
    MY FAVOURITE scene has to be with one of the dragon waifus in the dining room. We sit on the main seat and she reverse rides us and we have a perfect side view of her ass bouncing on the MC's dick. The scene then changes when MC gets up and bends her over the table, grabs her horn and fucks her. We still get a nice angle of her ass <3

    Overall, a masterpiece in the making.
    Its for sure worth it.
    The only problem I see is that some female characters get introduced and then we leave them behind :(
    We still fuck them, but I hope they perma join us on the ship.
    So far only the 4 main girls stay on the ship/ I hope Lyn's sister gets perma added as a main girl since she is super hot, thicc and mature.

    On a side note, one of the mian girls Nyx has a Sub/Dom mechanic now.
    Nothing is forced. You can choose to be dominated by her, or you take charge and dominate her.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I must admit that I wasn't that interested in this game but with each update it got better and better. Now I am hooked. Story is interesting. Graphic is damn nice. Especially so for Illusion models based game. Its clear to see that they were used but most likely with blender or some other editor. It looks like those modes got even more enhanced and detailed than in the game/illusion editor. Which is a damn wecome surprise. Besides that we have easy to track and follow along the story of characters. Each of them has their own story and charm. Which is a strong point for any good game, film or story. To have something interesting to see and in this game there are plenty to go around. Plenty of good points.. if there are any bad points I can't see any. Pace is good. Not too much dick hungry girls around. They appear to have will and personality of their own. Even in bed. Which is nice. Dev haven't used standard animations from game but used his own or modified those that existed but still made a damn good job out of them. Code seem to be working damn well. The only issue I had was with gallery and recorded events there. I couldn't open second page of it without crashing but all in all its a minor detail not influencing the story or gameplay. Its most likely something minor and easy to fix. More like cosmetic surgery for already damn good game with solid story. Graphics and animations and damn they are well made. All in all a good game. Solid updates that get better and better.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3.4
    It is a fun game, I would call it a real Story game with hentai elements.

    The reason I like this game much is because its story plot gets to attract me, while the CG is attractive as well. The CG in the game are quite nice and good quality. And the story plot is interesting as well. Most importantly, FUNNY!
    Also, I like how the writing are done, instead of a simple fixed personality or over highlighted single personality like some other games, the characters here will show their "other side" as the story progress, which made it more interesting to be continued.
    A lot of H-game I saw before failed to do this, they are simply an application that needed a launch and key spams before you can view the CG, or voices.

    Looking forward for the future releases
    (I wonder if there will be voice dubbing added?)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.3.3c version

    One of the best porn games I've come across in a long time. I never liked sandboxes in general but with this one, I'm really impressed. From the high quality level of the renders to the hot look of the girls, Oppai Odyssey is one of those games that must be played at least once in a lifetime.

    Girls: All extremely hot, humans and not . My favorite is Noel... Are u ready captain? :sneaky:

    Animations/Scenes: Top... nothing else to add ( I hope for more bj scenes in future updates )

    Sandbox: not grindy but easy and perfectly will never get bored... to unlock events and scenes you have to only click on the location where a girl is in that moment

    Dev: one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting (virtually of course), always active and available with all, patrons and not... :giggle: I wish you all the best in this world

    Pity that we can give only 5 stars because this game deserves more (y)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing setting and Characters! The character designs are top notch and the story is good as well. A wonderful group of ladies, with Lym being my fav ofc ;) Definitely one of my favorite Harem games :D I Strongly Recommend!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly one of the best porn games I've come across in a long time. I was starting to think I wouldn't find any more hidden gems but this one exceeded all expectations. Here's Why:

    1. The animations are done really well imo. And there's no shortage of them. So far there are quite a bit of hot sex scenes to enjoy
    2. The personalities of every girl are incredibly well done. None of their personalities come off as generic or a product of lazy writing. Each of them has a real personality and I love them all.
    3. The main story progression is quite interesting. I enjoy it.
    1. The artwork isn't as great as I would like, but it's not bad either.
    2. No sound effects in the game make it a little "unfeeling" during sex scenes.
    3. No repeatable scenes with girls. You only get sex when you progress through their storylines.
    Overall I give the game 5 stars because it's still in development and I had a blast playing through the current content. It has a ton of potential. Can't wait for more!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is like Mass Effect, but if you had stripped all the good things about it and put in a lot of smut.
    Went in expecting blue alien ass, got none.
    Got emasculated right at the begining of the game by a redhead busty lady that I'll probably bang later on.

    Loved it, good job!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Is this the true Mass Effect remaster? This game is done better than the poorly ported ME remaster BW released lmao.

    Great characters, awesome animations and renders, interactions are not bad or bland, the pacing might be a bit fast, but hey, at least you get to the "important" parts fast. One of the most anticipated games for sure. Hope the story goes deep and interacts with the world. Would love to see different species, their background a bit and such (kinda like Sunrider did, actually great story and conflict), enriching the world is always awesome. Hope this goes far! It has the potential to be a better "story game" (+ porn) than many normal story games on steam.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful characters with rich personalities and backstory that goes beyond their reasons being interested in the main character. The main story itself is fun and interesting, even without the beautiful girls distracting you.

    The sex scenes are among the best I've encountered so far with dialogue that feels more like a romantic comedy than the B-grade porno you find in so many visual novels. There are enough sex scenes that you don't feel cheated or bored waiting for the next hot scene, but not so many that they start to feel cheap or pointless.

    The graphics are incredible. I'd say it's in keeping with a blockbuster game from a AAA studio, but they don't usually put this much effort into the background scenery and images.

    The only thing I don't like about this game is that now I have to find a way to fit it in my patron budget. :p (Because I want to see this game finish, not because of any patron-only extras or anything).
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried this just by clicking games looking for something, i thought "meh still under 1 year, prbly doesnt have much", but, well this is very nice one and packed with good h-content!!

    Very captivating and good looking girls!
    It has great visuals and extremely well worked scenes to show off the attractiveness of the girls (esp Noel!!,also the scene of her just getting on that bicycle in the gym is super f-in sexy!) .
    It has animations , very good ones, it changes angles and moves around too.

    It has Gallery for the good stuff ;)

    The story is pretty simple but captures you if you are patience at start and dont skip the text, to get the idea and presentation, as we get more and more into space to discover all kind of planets and situations !

    Also a small thing i like is the little secrets around that you can find, those give cool images , some are simple and cute , some very eye grabbing.

    The system where you need to navigate thru the map is not confusing as other games, you will always see where a girl is and if u have an action there to do.

    I dont know how the updates work but at v0.3.3 that i tried, it has a very good amount of h-scenes and story seems to actively advancing !

    -->The most important point is: dev seems active, cares about the game and the people that are trying the game!

    I enjoyed this one a lot and recommend to everyone to check for themselves !!

    Please support the dev if you can, imo this type of dev deserves it, seems to be very serious in updating his game with actual content !

  19. 4.00 star(s)



    This VN is pretty good, with plenty of hot scenes but the story is kinda forgettable. Actually honestly I've completely forgotten what the story is about by the time of writing, so yeah. I played this a couple of weeks ago and I've recently decided to review the games I've played so I dont download them twice.

    It's got a lot of nice things going for it, like the hot (and sometimes kinda interesting) characters and the SciFi universe, but it also makes a huge cardinal sin in the porn VN world:

    It can't decide whether it's a sandbox game or a linear VN. Right now it's a mutilated hybrid of both. I seriously don't get why every game has to be a sandbox nowadays, especially when it adds absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay or interesting interactions. It's "event trigger hunting" where I just click on what's available. There are no concious choices by the player taking place at all. I just click on the event triggers randomly.

    The sandbox style gameplay makes the story bits hard to follow, and it really adds nothing to this game, especially since there are no meaningful choices to make. If this dev would drop the pathetic attemt at sandbox gameplay and instead forcus on his strengths then I would definitely rate this game higher.

    12 march 2022 Edit:
    Dev has made a serious effort to improve since the posting of this review. Some points still stand, like the lack of meaningful choices and the "illusion of sandbox" but I'm still raising this game from a 3 to a 4 just because it's honestly better than average now and I feel it's only fair.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually one of the best porn games out there. The sex scenes are well-choreographed, the characters both interesting AND fuckable (a rare combination), and the overall story worth sticking it out for. Really, really surprised by how much I liked it.

    That the dev keeps on such a good update pace so far is also a strong reason to keep up with this one.