Haven't beaten the game yet, but I don't need to, to know that the ending sucks. The game isn't bad for a trainer, but it could be so much better.
The first step in doing that, is the dev stopping this insistence in tying the game into the show, because from the sounds of the ending, it's just god awful, nor makes any sense. The Republic has lost more than once already, and the meter for it just resets instead of anything else happening.
The number of times they lost, should have affected things, but instead, there's this huge insistence to stick to canon, which I've heard Star War fans are devoted to, but this is just insane. Art is decent, though I've seen people complain about inconsistency, but it could be worse.
There have been more obvious inconsistent art. The pacing of the story took too long for my taste, and the nightmare warnings were unnecessarily unskippable. But there's a lot about this game that was like that and could be improved on. The grinding is just god awful, and on the level of the Avatar trainer. But even after getting through it, there's a lot of why's?
What was the point of adding the other two girls when they had so little scenes? I get that it's called orange trainer, but they could have easily had as many scenes as Ahsoka. The blue alien could have had a scene, along with all the other prostitutes. There should have been variations of the scenes, if this game's really going to have the Sith Skin for both main girls.
The ship's repair I still can't tell if it was ever meant to be repaired at all, since there's no progress bar at all. It was disappointing to not being able to watch the holotapes the old lady kept giving, as they turned out to be repurposed affection gifts. One of the biggest sins of this game, besides not having a deepthroat scene, is having Ahsoka mention footjob, and there's no scene of her with one.
If a 2.0 ever happens, I'll play it, but it'll more than likely have the same restrictions as this one, if the game is like any other Star Wars fan, and rather insert itself into a possible timeline.