Ren'Py - Completed - Orange Trainer [v1.2] [Exiscoming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love it!
    Ashoka was a shy little fantasy of the star wars the clone wars universe but became reality in that game right here.
    I can not only recommend the game to star wars fans but also to those who weren't that interested in that genre before and maybe want to give it a try because the gameplay , art and humour is great!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like the artwork/characters, the game is definitely worth playing.
    Interesting, well paced story, entertaining character developement and intuitive progression.
    Gameplay is superficial (I mean this is ren'py not rpgm etc) with about the right amount of grinding.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty good "Trainer"-styled game with only minimal grinding required to continue (usually because you got enticed by an upgrade you didn't really need right away). The player is allowed to pace the game and explore. Ample warning is provided for "the point of no return".

    Writing is well done, although a few glitches may be found, it doesn't detract from the reading.

    Clean art style and the UI is just enough Ren'Py to be familiar but different enough to not feel like it's the same as all the others.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good writing and devolpment for the characters though sometimes the art of ashoka was a bit of a turn off in my opinion also the ending brought it down as well keeping it from 5 stars though it is still worth a try none the less in my opinion.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm actually NOT a fan of the art style but I'm still rating this 5 stars, only because the game design and the story writing is impressively absorbing. This is what other trainer games should learn: having subtle dialogue changes as the player trains the slave. This is the only trainer game I know without boring repetitive grindings. Elaborate depiction of characters, unique storytelling, enjoyable management element. FUN.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good. Really good even.
    There's not much in terms of smut content and the art is pretty basic but decent.
    The writing is the best part of the game, you have an interesting story (with some bow towards old Star Wars RPG's), and while you always have to turn off logic for these "virgin to a turboslut" transformations, I'd say it's handled rather well. It is also placed in said Star Wars universe, which is a huge plus for me.
    You'll find some grind here and there but it won't become your day job.
    Overall it is an enjoyable game, and it's worth playing even if you're not necessarily a Star Wars fan.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Story. Pacing. Addictiveness. Art. All excellent.

    This is amazingly polished and ends very well. No walk through is needed although it seems a touch slow at the beginning, so i wouldn't want to regrind it. Only one glitch encountered (it allowed me to use a stim i didn't have and dropped me to qty -1 at one point)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished this game. have to say,this is an INCREDIBLE game. one of the best H games i have ever played. the writing is pretty good and each scene has tons of variations that show the gradual fall of the Jedi. the art is extremely good. the music is fitting.the missions are varied and have tons of random interactions. honestly,there is only one point i can critique and it is the fact that you cant go all the way into the corruption and turn her and yourself into full on Seth, but that is just a personal preference and the story that was told instead was intriguing and enjoyable. 5/5 and i am very interested in whatever the developer makes next :)
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    A pretty good Trainer game, it gives alot of content which you can discover. The game is well written in my opinion, and to be honest some plot-points are a bit obvious but nonetheless it's still enjoyable. The ending isn't what i initially thought it would be, however it's still have humor which is a selling point for me.

    The Art-style is a bit wacky at some point, but it still delivers a good enough game with an ending and a well thought of story. I recommend this game for anyone who likes Trainer games and star wars (the clone wars).
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    For me this game is still not finish, if it was still in developement i will rate it good or excellent because i will not care for the placeholder, unfinish quest and buggy content. But if this is a finish game, well despite using the star wars "licence" it's not a good game :/
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game, especially nice since it's complete. Good game play and dialog/humor. My only minor complaint that keeps this from 5 stars is that it would be nice if there were some more artwork, and the style and models were more consistent.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a nice amount of content to be discovered. Kept me entertained for a few days and made me a fan. Finally a developer, who finishes their product! Please support this guy.

    +Great story & interesting concept
    +Great over-all writing (witty and funny) & sexual scene writing was also stellar
    +Artwork is pretty good, would wish for some more pictures
    +I'm a fan of extra big titties and the option to upgrade your girl's bust was a huge plus
    +The game runs bug-free and is extremely pleasurable to play

    -Not all of the initially planned content made it to the final version, but it's still enough to keep you entertained

    5/5, recommended
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Haven't beaten the game yet, but I don't need to, to know that the ending sucks. The game isn't bad for a trainer, but it could be so much better.

    The first step in doing that, is the dev stopping this insistence in tying the game into the show, because from the sounds of the ending, it's just god awful, nor makes any sense. The Republic has lost more than once already, and the meter for it just resets instead of anything else happening.

    The number of times they lost, should have affected things, but instead, there's this huge insistence to stick to canon, which I've heard Star War fans are devoted to, but this is just insane. Art is decent, though I've seen people complain about inconsistency, but it could be worse.

    There have been more obvious inconsistent art. The pacing of the story took too long for my taste, and the nightmare warnings were unnecessarily unskippable. But there's a lot about this game that was like that and could be improved on. The grinding is just god awful, and on the level of the Avatar trainer. But even after getting through it, there's a lot of why's?

    What was the point of adding the other two girls when they had so little scenes? I get that it's called orange trainer, but they could have easily had as many scenes as Ahsoka. The blue alien could have had a scene, along with all the other prostitutes. There should have been variations of the scenes, if this game's really going to have the Sith Skin for both main girls.

    The ship's repair I still can't tell if it was ever meant to be repaired at all, since there's no progress bar at all. It was disappointing to not being able to watch the holotapes the old lady kept giving, as they turned out to be repurposed affection gifts. One of the biggest sins of this game, besides not having a deepthroat scene, is having Ahsoka mention footjob, and there's no scene of her with one.

    If a 2.0 ever happens, I'll play it, but it'll more than likely have the same restrictions as this one, if the game is like any other Star Wars fan, and rather insert itself into a possible timeline.
  14. R
    5.00 star(s)


    Orange Trainer is a fun and very enjoyable game, it really stands out because of the theme and characters. The gameplay is simple, managing the station is actually not boring and it does not requires lots of griding. The story is basic, but it works out for the Star Wars universe. The scenes are really well done, even though they're just still images and not so much animations are seen in the game. The characters have a great appeal, and the development of them is somewhat interesting. In all, there should be more games like Orange Trainer on the market.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 558732

    I cant sit here and not tell you guys how good this game was im pretty new to this site to be frank and im new to these kinds of game and ill let you these guys who made this or if they are still making it I don't know but they are in a league with akubar and the guys making four elements and summertime saga TRY THIS GAME! you wont regret
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The overall art and everything is good, story actually interesting and sometimes exciting even, sex scenes appealing, it just lacks some finished feeling right now with a lot of placeholders still being in place and a lot of scenes just missing art straight up. It also fails in the pacing on some gameplay elements especially early on.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    We start really strong new world we lost our memories there is a girl who wants to kill us and so much more but after the 30 min of the story it just goes down and feels like every new trainer game.Adding nothing to the story just some simple sex.
    2. Art
    The way they look when we talk to them or change the way they look is nicely done but the art for sex is very very bad.It is like done in Paint and only took 30 min.
    3. Gameplay
    There are a lot of things to do upgrading,visiting,quests helping win the war and many more side things.
    They are done really bad you start with ? you need to explore talk to characters to get the missions and when you do they really don't tell you what you need to do or is it even possible to finish.
    5. my thoughts about the game and the team working on it
    The game has over 1 hour of gameplay but because it is never telling you what to do or even tell you what you can do it takes time or to say it just becomes a time waster.Quest are missing art and you can never come back to do that mission again so you have to start over.There are so many things in the game that are there but the development team jokes about it something like the boobs of Ashoka.A lot of bugs in every new update even those updates brake something older.The art is bad really bad.For a team that takes 3500$ they do things very unprofessional never wanting to get better at what they give to us or do.
    Edit: Final version
    There were no bugs at least in my gameplay, the sex art could be better, the missions still take a lot of exploring and you spending more of your time just unlocking them, story the beginning was good mid story lost me but the end was really good.
    In the end if they could spend maybe a little more time fixing the sex art in the game to be something close to the main story art plus some game elements and story elements i think this game would be really really good.
    Final score 4/5
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    There's no sexual content for the first hour and a half of game play. It's all text based. I kept trying to find sexual content, but it seems it only exists in the text. There are no sexually explicit images.

    After two hours I got to a point where you train Asokha on groping, but there aren't any visuals. It's just text based.

    This is one of those games where there's like 10 sexual images in the whole game and you'll see one like every hour after a super tedious grind.

    I just got the quest "tortuga for hire" or something, but I'm already too bored with the game to continue. This is 95% text and there's no nude content for the first hour and a half. If that's what you're into, more power to ya.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, fun writing and plot. Art started off good, got worse, but is now getting better. Fairly consistent with updates - to be fair, I think they lost an artist in the middle and still recovered. Have encountered bugs in the few builds I've played, but there were workarounds, and bugs weren't there the next time I played.

    Very good overall, and well worth the time!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    FANTASTIC GAME, definetly a turn on, the art and gameplay carry the show because guess what- THE GAME IS BUGGY AS HELL!!!

    The creator gets nearly five grand a month on patreon and still it comes out buggy. I want to donate to his patreon so badly, but the bugs in this game literally made me lose my save file!!! Very depressing!

    Its a fantastic game but, definetly buggy as heck, play for shits and giggles and wait until it improves