The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.921...
This is a parody of the Star Wars universe, and although it isn't always funny, it was still entertaining for what it is... It is in essence a slave trainer game, but with so much more meat on it's bones...
The visuals are all 2D hand drawn, and looks pretty good... No real animations beyond some static picture change type animations now and then... The UI is easy enough to figure out... Still has some WIP sections...
The script is pretty good, as with all the text, I only ran into an occasional spelling/grammar error, but not many... The plot revolves around a male protagonist smuggler who ends up on a derelict war forge ship along with a Padawan Jedi... They both suffer minor memory loss, but the protagonist becomes the forges owner and the Padawan becomes his slave... From there the game play begins as well as the grind... With the goal of training characters as the protagonists slaves, while repairing the ship, and keeping the slaves happy as well... There is even a slight inkling of maybe one or more of the slaves actually falling for the protagonist a tiny bit near the end of the current content...
The game play mechanics are a grind style, with various relationship building, corruption, skill training, exploration, base building, and missions to complete... As the game progresses various story lines play out with both characters as well as main story lines and quest lines... Different dialogues open up as well as sexual encounters and story events... Even though there is a lot of repetition, there are also random outcomes to some choices as well as new variations for the same choices as the game progresses and character stats progress... The game is a time intensive grind, but because the randomness and variations that open up on various activities, it keeps the game fresh and entertaining as you grind away....
I was pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed a grindy game like this one... And I think it stems from how much content there really is, and how the developers designed it to feel less repetitive due to those subtle changes now and then... An example, is when you do various sex events at night, sometimes jobs you send her on may alter the text of the event, or training/relationship building may cause a prior sex act to have a new variation in the text, and so on... Just a bunch of stuff like that... Yes you will still get some basic repetition now and then, but it's not as bad as others I've played...
Overall, I was finding this game fun to play, and probably spent around 12 hours or more playing it... You will eventually run into a content wall, once you build most of the sectors and try everything out... Leaving you with only the main mission chain left... Once you see that all the choices do nothing but repeat, you've probably reached the end of the current content...
Even though this is a grind based game, there is actually a lot of story text, and event text, and so on... Which gives this game more meaning and depth, which was a pleasant surprise... Not everything is falling out of your seat laughing funny, but you do see a lot of sarcasm and funny dialogue... And it is still under development... Will I revisit this one? Most definitely...