Man way to make some of the characters insufferable, at least all the girls that it was show what their vaginal alterations does.
Lee is a hypocrite who insists she is blame free when she willing tries to manipulate others. Tells to the first guy she warned him, but she has previous experiences and knows it is a thing that is hard to believe, goes around 'spreading her legs' to anyone and is shocked she attracts persistent men. And while they are persistent the only vindactive one is the one she mutilated.
She even says herself "No man has survived being inside me", why go after man so only to complain?
Gabriela is a total cunt at the beginning, also tries to manipulate you with promises she knows she can't (or shouldn't) fulfill (having sex), which also implies that her previous boyfriends were also victims to her since she knew what you happens to them if they had intercorse.
Amanda is suddenly angry with you because she thinks you used the recital to try to fuck her, and even if you did what is the problem? She adimited knowing the coachwas harming the guys but hoped you would deal with it in the dark because she thought the recital was more important, so what moral does she has to blame you if you were also after something?
I guess some parts are understandable, the game has a comedic undertone too, and it's hard to write coherent characters in such a absurde plot, i'm just fed up with rude and inconsistent characters.
If the dev ever read this. The game is well made and the general story is good, just these three characters that grinded my gears.