I would completely agree with you if there wasn't a pattern. HOW does she keep finding these manipulative men? If you followed the story with her manuscript, you saw her using this man for his wealth, too.
She chooses them, as seen by the comedy bit in the cafe, and having her own villain group, again, regardless of the comedy of it.
I recognize she's a victim, but she's a victim turned into a villain of her own.
Just because she doesn't force others into sex with her it doesn't mean she hasn't done awful things herself, completely for her own benefit, with no remorse even. Mostly seen from her feminist-book-taken replies.
This is why I want MC to make her change her tune HARD. Sure, be nice to her, after she properly recognizes she's a mess and she will follow his lead, becasue we've seen how things go when she's leading: To a gunshot.