There's a dialogue with Riley that said Evelyn was upset, but I was sure I picked Evelyn at the start.
I had a quick skim through in case I missed something but I couldn't find this. You should only be talking about Evelyn being upset if you didn't turn Moonsong down. Feel free to shoot me the exact part though so I can triple check.
Good news is if you didn't turn Moonsong down, you'll get my favorite character moment so far when you go to talk to Evelyn.
I just wrote, how much of a downer it is, that you cannot have that first time with Evelyn (Which was the main point of chapter 1) without turning it into a forced threesome. Turns out, it will be a threesome even if you opt out of the girl-on-girl action.
Too bad...while i like the renders, the story and this vn overall, the decision to destroy the first time and give it to the other girl is an absolute bummer. The first time is from start to end and not ramming her 2-3 times and then fucking another girl.
If i can't have the first time with Evelyn why given the "choice" in the first place.
I can appreciate this honestly. I've said this before but originally there wasn't an option to turn Moonsong down at all. The reason being I didn't want MC to obtain Evelyn's power yet, and I needed something immediately visible once he's done the deed. Another wolf suddenly appearing is a pretty clear giveaway that something has changed in MC.
Back when I was demo-ing to a few people, they were a bit bummed out that it forced you to do the dirty on Evelyn, and I completely understood that because she's among my favorite girls. So I compromised and introduced that scene as Evelyn essentially rewarding MC and revelling in seeing him have fun just as much as she would if he was with her (scene where she's holding on to him from behind while he's inside Moon... my fave).
If you've played Desert Stalker, you'll know of the MC's wife character (I forget her name). She's all about encouraging the MC to be with other women and I find that incredibly hot. Evelyn is very much like her.
I don't care how hot the otehr girls are, Amber will always be best girl .... even though we can't see her.
She amuses me.
More Amber focus coming Chapter 4