VN - Ren'Py - Origin Story [v0.6.0] [JDOR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start and a very promising VN. It's actually funny, sexy and pretty decently written. Can't wait to have more characters directly involved with this. I'll be following this one for sure. Keep up the good job, bro!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review v.0.1.0

    Honestly wish I waited for the next update before I played. I ended with the feeling of not being fully hooked, but wanting to see more. The cliffhanger it leaves off on and events I'd guess are coming next would have likely given me a lot more of a concrete opinion about the game.

    Origin Story does feel competent enough in its writing. It's taking some time to build itself up, which is a positive in my book. The world kinda has a dismal feel to it honestly. The government is corrupt, people get sent to reformation camps if they cause any trouble, your social status is defined partially by your powers, constant stories of people dying in some horrid way due to them not being able to control their powers, etc etc. Not quite sure if I like that or not, hence wanting to see more. There is some comedy mixed it to beak it all up though, which is mostly working for me.

    I'm kind of over AVNs making their young MCs have to constantly talk about how hot all the characters look when they see them, but the MC here is admittedly not nearly as obnoxious as others. Kinda feels like the stereotypical loser/pervert but he's accepted his fate an embraced it, which actually makes him feel a little better to play as funny enough.

    Characters are a bit of a mixed bag for me. There's a couple design(?) decisions that just don't do it for me. Let's take a look at the flashback of the MC's birthday dinner because it encompasses about all of what I disliked. Your stepsister, a stripper, completely misses it to pick up a shift at the strip club. We then learn our stepmother was a former stripper and has fake tits. Cool. After that, she proceeds to flirt with the waiter back and forth until she eventually runs off to the bathroom to masturbate about it. Now I'm not about to cry about NTR or some bullshit, because that's not even what it is. But I simply do not find any part of that remotely attractive or whatever. If anything, it turned me away from both of them. Unlucky I guess.

    Now at the same time, there's a couple characters I did enjoy. Specifically the invisible girl feels super unique. I'm actually really enjoying the way she's been written so far. Feels like she should be the main love interest tbh. That mini flashback scene with her was hot too. The best friend character isn't bad either but what's strange to me is her power. Every day she can experience exactly one day into the future of a person she touches, feelings and all. Which means the game has to tell us that even though she wants to give her virginity to the MC, she's actually experienced sex a bunch of times through other people. Idk, I'm just not into it I guess?

    The team of famous heroines have only been portrayed as sexualized pinup girls essentially, so once again I'm kinda waiting to see what their characters will actually be like under the surface. That might be what makes or breaks this for me.

    I talk more about my problems with this than anything, but I really didn't hate the game or anything. There are elements that feel put together better than the average AVN. Always like when games put effort into music/sounds as well. I really do just need to see more to decide if I'm really with this or not. Feels like the real hook of the game is coming next chapter, so here's hoping I like it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good start. The dialogue is pretty funny, it's written well, the renders are good, and the premise seems interesting. It's a v The Boys-esque world, superheroes have become the norm in a very modern kinda way, and thats the backdrop to a kinda teen drama. Seems fun so far! Hope the rest is good
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    …and any old music will do! ~ Riley
    Even if this were to be just another unimaginative origin story (X-Meh Boringins, anyone?), it'd still deserve high praise for it's dev notes alone. It does, however, offer an engrossing story full of compelling characters on the backdrop of a fascinatingly build world presented in high-quality renders. (Which likely disqualifies it for the aforementioned series, but I digress.)

    It's most astounding feat is leaving me enthralled while barely spanning one rather ordinary in-game day. Granted, it rapidly picks up the pace near the end, most of the fun stuff is packed into the expositionary free-roam event. Exploring lore as well as characters by way of different media and flashbacks was quite interesting. It also led to my being emotionally invested in most of the main cast surprisingly fast. Very well done.

    The game touches on a lot of interesting topics (sexualisation of female supers, social status mostly depending on factors outside one's control) which adds to the world building and also provides some food for thought. I hope to see some of these get explored further, like the downsides of certain powers are. Poor Amber.
    Review based on v0.1.0 (initial release).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I want to like the game more, and it's a really nice start. It hits a lot of my interests but others not so much. I imagine there's an NTR path or something planned that's avoidable, which is great as I'll avoid it. Still you're in a family of strippers and have a stepmom who'll masturbate in a toilet stall if a waiter flirts with her. Not really my thing, though both are probably the hottest characters in game so far. Little irksome, but whatever, not everyone is a virgin waiting for the big dicked main character to make their life complete. The best friend at least scratches that itch, but I was looking forward to the super heroine team to show up which ends in a cliffhanger. A bit to Boys-ish that they all do lingerie shoots because I guess fighting crime doesn't pay the bills, but whatever. I'm willing to play more with hopes it'll be good rather than a tale of a monster dicked 20 year old virgin finally getting access to a bucnh of ran though girls with mutant powers. It's a little off putting, to me at least, that everyone seems to be a whore, instead of you and your weird virgin friend group who I guess are the last to party? I guess it all depends upon how good the party is when you finally get there.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    My opinion ... a really well made start!!! The visuals of the game 9 out of 10 .... the story 9 out of 10 .... I don't know how long I've been playing now ... an hour or so .... missing animations? I don't care ... the story is great, there's something to laugh about and there's action too ... the only thing that stands out a little ... the MC sometimes looks a bit sickly in the face? But anyway, I can only recommend the game and if the next update stays at the same level, you'll have a new supporter.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    After Reading the Dev notes I was well prepared for the AVN. My thoughts:
    - Nice renders, good models
    - I love that you have more than one body type for love interests. Most just put the huge milk bags and nothing else.
    - The story line is good and well thought out
    - Not a sandbox game :)
    - I love that you are working ahead so that gives me some confidence that this will not just suddenly go abandon

    - You are correct that you are not an animator. I very much hope you get better.
    - Some of what the MC says to his step-family is a little forward for my liking but not all bad

    Over all I think 4 stars and maybe update to 5 with additional content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The Renders are quite good done and very good IMO. I love the amount of really good looking and gorgeous LIs. And the story is interesting written so I mean. So far, it seems to be a really good VN and I would personally recommend it! I would also recommend reading the developer notes. They are very detailed!
    Please you all support the Dev and his fantastic work. It lays a lot of sweat and blood in it, so much I can tell!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely give rating on games for their first release. But I felt like this game deserved it.

    The gameplay feels reminiscent of Being a DIK in the sense we have a story VN like part with choices and a free roam part. The free roam was very nicely done.

    Small spoiler incoming, click only if you don't care about that.

    You have posters and photos you can click and relive the memories. First time I've seen that and it's very cool.

    The story is very interesting, keeps you engaged. The dialogue is at least above average at all times, something you again rarely see in VNs.
    Renders are very good. Models are all attractive, and I think something there for most tastes. MC doesn't look like a 16 year old weakling, which is a big plus for me.
    Sound is good as well, music seems appropriately chosen when I noticed it. It certainly never detracts from the story.

    Only "bad" part is that it kind of ends with a cliffhanger. So we need to wait for the next release to see what happens. Looking forward to it.