Unity Abandoned Otherworld New Dawn [Goerky]


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I remember contributing to the original back in the day. I still have some now useless flash tutorial manuals around somewhere.


Mar 6, 2018
a game with slaves with no sexual content?
weird but ok.
if it's truly a remake of Otherworld then it won't stay that way for long. Just remember they can't apply tags for content that hasn't been added. "no sexual content" just means there isn't any yet. I recommend checking out the original game, its very incomplete but it still had a decent amount of content. It will probably give you an idea what to expect here assuming they want to stay faithful to the original to at least some degree.
Dec 9, 2018
I remember playing the original. It was so buggy but it was so promising too. Going wait until more content is added but I will definitely be watching this.

Hats off to you for remaking this old gem.


New Member
Mar 13, 2020
like a few people i played the orignal and still have the orignal saved with multiple releases it was great but think he/she was in over their head and couldnt make thier mind up where the game was going as far as this i think ill wait and see where its going hopeful not a crashgrab route like many other people have went from that era
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Jun 5, 2018
It was one of my favorite management games from back in the day. Glad to see it here and that someone has taken it on to remake it. I wish you the best with the project and look forward to updates. My main suggestion though would be to allow people to create custom girl packs. That is what really drove Slavemaker to become what it was. I know Daisy originally designed this to be sort of a spiritual successor to Slavemaker, but doing any custom girls or mods for her game back in the day was really difficult. So I am hoping you find a way to allow mods and custom girls packs with this remake.
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Jun 1, 2017
Well, I'm interested! Otherworld was a big favorite of mine back in the day, just like Whoremaster and Sim Brothel. I'm glad to see someone's resurrecting it.


Jul 11, 2017
This game don't make us younger...

Why don't use game, like KK (HS/HS2 are maybe not enough manga style) to make female characters and scenes ?


Mar 6, 2018
Whoremaster, Java Sim Brothel and this game, these were the gems of the 2010's I'mma have to replay the original... I'll be keeping an eye on this :)
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
2D Game, Slave, Anal Sex, Bdsm, Exhibitionism, Handjob, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Urination, Vaginal Sex, Management, No Sexual Content, Point & Click, Sandbox, Trainer

Something is wrong with this picture.

How can you have "No Sexual Content" then have "Handjob, Masturbation, Oral Sex and Vaginal Sex" at the same time????


Aug 6, 2017
Gave this pre-alpha(?) 0.2 a go. I think I like where this is planning to go, but right now it is very rudimentary so there isn't much to actually judge the game.

Here are some things I've noticed:

Quest Visit the Forrest: typo "defenetly"

Slave Auction: typo "hygine"

Shift action list: typo "recive"

Shift report: many texts miss the whitespace in front of the pronoun, for example "withher", "gother", "byher" ...

Shift report missing text: "Pia tried to . She did a good job and improved her skills."

Shifts: you can't seem to select "Rest" for a shift.

Auction: If a bidder has withdrawn he doesn't need to be mentioned again each round.
Auction: A bidder managed to raise the price by 0c.

Event overview: if you leave the screen and then return all actions but rest change from the placeholder graphic to to "missing texture".

I cannot seem to progress any quests (Auction and Forest).

The visible girl stats seem to be fixed (health, obedience, ...) and do not change.

It is not obvious when the game autosaves and there doesn't seem to be a way to manually save.

There does not seem to be a way to make money as you can only sell slaves at a loss.
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Aug 26, 2017
so first of all congratz on making a remake of otherworld, it is a nice game from old time.
second i'll wait for this otherworld update to more content first then i download
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