The "game" is still in an very early state right now and nothing is final or set in Stone. I did indeed use the assets from the original game as both placeholders for future assets to replace or nostalgia reasons, while still remaining true to the original games design. I wrote all texts by myself from scratch, loosely based on the original Auction and Event-Descriptions.
Also, Unity is not what everybody thinks it is, and it certainly wasn't a good choice compared to other engines - But I started with Unity and I have to finish with Unity - and all the problems Unity has. EG: all bugs related to the Navigation (clicking the Arrows & keys) are Unity's BS I have to try and compensate in my Code somehow.
I'm aware that the quest-mechanic are a bit wanky and I will update it in the next version, so it make more sence. The "Visit the Auction"-Quest can be compleated if you click the "Auction"-Button from the market. If you see "buy slave" and "sell slave", open your Questbook and complete the quest.
fzdc If you buy and sell a slave, its gone. If you then return to your pens, of cause its not there. There is also currently a bug where the wrong text-lines are used for the Bidders (a still actively bidding Bidder is described as if he had stopped bidding), so maybe you have't even won the auction (Player's lines are colored Orange). Also the Game doesnt have a saving- or loading-option as of right now, but i'll add it in the next Update. And yes, aside from the navigation-bugs and skipped proffessions (eg. Housepet, Cook, Artist), the game is playtested and works as intended. There's just not much to do.
t727 I chose to skip the Actions for the skills like cat-mimic and other "professions" for this update. They will get added in 0.35 or 0.4 when it makes sence to have them and the game is "actually playable". Also the fullscreen-problem is one of those Unity-BS-Problems. I have to code it manually now, since they yeeted their already present functonality of scaling and the resolution-choosing starting window thingy many other Unity-Games still somehow have to this day out of the window instead of fixing it.
Infamy That was a "fuctionality" I didnt get either in the original Otherworld, that had to do with both the game not having male slaves and to avoid loli/child-porn. So we will do it differently. You will be able to knock up and have babies with slaves all you want, or even get knocked up yourself. Then you can maybe sell them young or raise them as sons/doughters... or for "personal use". And no - no Loli content or anything that gets close to naked children/sexual interaction. Though, that has to wait for additional 4-5 updates.