Unity Abandoned Otherworld New Dawn [Goerky]

Feb 1, 2018
Wait a second, this game is just like jack-o-nine tails! Well, I hope there is more features than just a "remake" of the other game cause I would love to have many options of training. Being either a tall muscular woman or a flat chest girl. I will keep a close eye and play both this game and the orginal.


May 25, 2018
Usure about the Parody tag...
But yes, both this Game aswell as the original Game feature existing Anime-characters, and when the game gets its Lore-updates, it will all start to make sence. I need to sort out a few things and get in contact with an artist to norm & redo the faces & facial features, and while we are at it, might aswell generate random characters with ranodmized haircolor and hairstyles

TheAtheistGamer As we introduce the old game's items and new functions, you will be able to alter the slaves pretty much compleatly. We have arena/combat content planned too, aswell as male slaves, but this has to wait.
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Dec 23, 2018
A good old stroll down memory lane. I will opt to just watch for now :) fingers crossed for the future.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
Same issues the namesake had, misspelling, bad grammar (this isn't a deal breaker for me honestly) but the pre-2010 graphics and wonky game play definitely are.

Basically it's like the dev just yoinked the assets out of flash and dumped them into unity almost word for word/graphic for graphic.

I liked the original despite it's shortcomings then, but this is a travesty. If you're going to re-release a game on an updated engine at least update the game itself.

I'll check back in a few updates.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Issue with otherworld and Jack o nine is that it penalized you for knocking bitches up which was fucking retarded in my opinion what is the point of having a slave if you can't do what you wish and that includes turning her into just a baby factory...

One of the biggest issues with games like this is that for a single dude the project is a massive work load and most burn out before we ever see completion it's just to ambitious for one guy look at Whore Master that game had 4 dudes working on it and still never saw actual completion


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
I get back in 8 or so years for a remake of this remake.
No full screen, no functional game play. I mean, go to place, manually complete quest?
No actions available for the slaves?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
game barely functions.
1) If i click the house button in the middle of the compass, i get hard-locked into an empty screen. That's it. Alt F4.
2) Saving doesn't work. I pressed save 5 times. Clicked Load on menu. Nothing.
3) The visit Auction quest doesnt work. Bought and sold a slave. Quest still hasn't updated.
4) The slave i bought wasn't in my pen. Instead it was a Demo slave.
It took me less than 1 minute to see that this game is buggier than Cyberpunk on day 1. Did the dev even playtest this?


May 25, 2018
The "game" is still in an very early state right now and nothing is final or set in Stone. I did indeed use the assets from the original game as both placeholders for future assets to replace or nostalgia reasons, while still remaining true to the original games design. I wrote all texts by myself from scratch, loosely based on the original Auction and Event-Descriptions.

Also, Unity is not what everybody thinks it is, and it certainly wasn't a good choice compared to other engines - But I started with Unity and I have to finish with Unity - and all the problems Unity has. EG: all bugs related to the Navigation (clicking the Arrows & keys) are Unity's BS I have to try and compensate in my Code somehow.

I'm aware that the quest-mechanic are a bit wanky and I will update it in the next version, so it make more sence. The "Visit the Auction"-Quest can be compleated if you click the "Auction"-Button from the market. If you see "buy slave" and "sell slave", open your Questbook and complete the quest.

fzdc If you buy and sell a slave, its gone. If you then return to your pens, of cause its not there. There is also currently a bug where the wrong text-lines are used for the Bidders (a still actively bidding Bidder is described as if he had stopped bidding), so maybe you have't even won the auction (Player's lines are colored Orange). Also the Game doesnt have a saving- or loading-option as of right now, but i'll add it in the next Update. And yes, aside from the navigation-bugs and skipped proffessions (eg. Housepet, Cook, Artist), the game is playtested and works as intended. There's just not much to do.

t727 I chose to skip the Actions for the skills like cat-mimic and other "professions" for this update. They will get added in 0.35 or 0.4 when it makes sence to have them and the game is "actually playable". Also the fullscreen-problem is one of those Unity-BS-Problems. I have to code it manually now, since they yeeted their already present functonality of scaling and the resolution-choosing starting window thingy many other Unity-Games still somehow have to this day out of the window instead of fixing it.

Infamy That was a "fuctionality" I didnt get either in the original Otherworld, that had to do with both the game not having male slaves and to avoid loli/child-porn. So we will do it differently. You will be able to knock up and have babies with slaves all you want, or even get knocked up yourself. Then you can maybe sell them young or raise them as sons/doughters... or for "personal use". And no - no Loli content or anything that gets close to naked children/sexual interaction. Though, that has to wait for additional 4-5 updates.
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Super Moderator
Aug 15, 2017
Man this is a nostalgia hit.
Back before i even got my foot in the adult game development doors, might have even been my first steps in trying to find out what happened to Daisy and the game when they suddenly went quiet.

So whats the plan here? take the inspiration and base of the game and go ham? cuz i can dig that.

Tho a pointer (or a few?) as you are still early in development ill say it now, SLOW DOWN.
Do NOT go nuts putting any little thing together you can here and there, slow down and build the foundations first.
Early designed solid foundations allow for quicker building on and expansions of the game when it comes to that phase.

Kinda of a side/additional note, if you build early to the ideals of modularity and customisation/modding you might not only help yourself with development but also enable a long term community/fandom too.

Might seem a little out of place for a rando on the internet to say these things, you can trust me as far as you want. These are just my word of wisdom, take them how you will.

All the best to ya, looking forward to where this goes.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
@fzdc If you buy and sell a slave, its gone. If you then return to your pens, of cause its not there. There is also currently a bug where the wrong text-lines are used for the Bidders (a still actively bidding Bidder is described as if he had stopped bidding), so maybe you have't even won the auction (Player's lines are colored Orange). Also the Game doesnt have a saving- or loading-option as of right now, but i'll add it in the next Update. And yes, aside from the navigation-bugs and skipped proffessions (eg. Housepet, Cook, Artist), the game is playtested and works as intended. There's just not much to do.
you misunderstood i bought 1 slave. Sold another.
2 different slaves.
And the only slave i had in my pen was a slave named "DemoSlave".
Quest still wouldn't update after clicking on the quest book while i was still in the auction house.
I noticed the auction lines were a bit out of order but i did win the auction. My money went down and the auction ended.
And the saving mechanism not working essentially means any progress i make in the game is meaningless.

I don't care if you reuse assets, i don't care if some of the mechanisms were done by learning while doing. That's all fine.
But currently the core gameplay does not work (at least for me) and there is no way to save progress meaning i'd be wasting time. Especially with a game ending bug like the compass.

If i came off a aggressive it's because i've seen far too many Patreon devs who copy paste half baked games and just run away with the money. I guess i was too quick to judge so i apologize.
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Oct 5, 2018


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I'm to tired to read everything and i didnt played the original, so sorry if the question was already answered.
Do i need to sell slaves or can i keep them for myself and make them work for money?