
Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
Regarding Perry's dad, that's my impression too. He has done a poor job and seems like a "let's throw money at problems" politician. But at least he seems an honest good man, Seymour's puppet probably only care for Seymour and his other backers' interests. So not really a good option for Baluart any of them, which seems a sadly realistic reflection of today's politics in most cases.
That might be my Cynism and life experience speaking, but I do not give a flying fuck if a politician is a honest good man or an asshole, as long he is competent! Yes, it is great if a good guy is also competent, but I also take a competent ass if he is the better option. Seymour might be an a..., but he needed some competence to come this far. His puppet candidate might be a puppet, but if he is halfway as competent as Seymour needs to be, then he is the better option for Baluart!

I have a special disdain for those politicians who pretend to be honest good guys, like our current government. Incompetent, dogmatic, lives in a bubble and calls everyone not agreeing with them names. The worst government in over 1 1/2 centuries, even media loyal to them are hinting that early elections would be better for the country, but they cling to their seats since they know they will loose the next national election big time. They think only for their incomes, not the nation, but they still trumpet the fairy tale they are the "good ones".

I agree with you that today there is a definite lack of good politicians in high positions. What currently happens in a couple nations once again proves Ambrose Bierce right, who once said that not dictators are democracy´s worst enemy, but mediocre democrats.
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Active Member
May 25, 2018
Ngl, after careful consideration i've come to the conclusion it's time for Ivy.

Also Lena boring af she the second least hot woman in the cast, only after the redhead nerd i forget the name of because her route put me in a coma and my brain's fucked now.

View attachment 3990397
I was on the beach tonight, a drunkard approached me spouting nonsense. He told me I should listen to him though, because he is Jesus. True story. It reminded me of the Beatles during the Fixing a Hole recording, but now it will remind me of you instead.


Active Member
May 25, 2018
That might be my Cynism and life experience speaking, but I do not give a flying fuck if a politician is a honest good man or an asshole, as long he is competent! Yes, it is great if a good guy is also competent, but I also take a competent ass if he is the better option. Seymour might be an a..., but he needed some competence to come this far. His puppet candidate might be a puppet, but if he is halfway as competent as Seymour needs to be, then he is the better option for Baluart!

I have a special disdain for those politicians who pretend to be honest good guys, like our current government. Incompetent, dogmatic, lives in a bubble and calls everyone not agreeing with them names. The worst government in over 1 1/2 centuries, even media loyal to them are hinting that early elections would be better for the country, but they cling to their seats since they know they will loose the next national election big time. They think only for their incomes, not the nation, but they still trumpet the fairy tale they are the "good ones".

I agree with you that today there is a definite lack of good politicians in high positions. What currently happens in a couple nations once again proves Ambrose Bierce right, who once said that not dictators are democracy´s worst enemy, but mediocre democrats.
Oh man, you're an absolute caricature. Your post is an average joke from an average Saturday Night Live show, it's hilarious.

You are the kind of guy that will make independents like me vote for Kamala Harris.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
However, Baluart is most probably in the US, not in Europe.
Baluart is a fictional medium city somewhere in Spain, likely in Kastilien, Aragon or the Extremadura since the sea is quite a travel away.

Oh man, you're an absolute caricature. Your post is an average joke from an average Saturday Night Live show, it's hilarious.
You are the kind of guy that will make independents like me vote for Kamala Harris.
I hate to tell you, but I do not care one bit about who you Americans vote for in autumn beyond what it means for my nation. Like us in 2025, you simply have the choice between two politicians which are average at best. I have seen e.g. the economic ideas of both Trump and Harris, oh god what two bunglers! Looks good on first sight, but if you look deeper...
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Active Member
May 25, 2018
Baluart is a fictional medium city somewhere in Spain, likely in Kastilien, Aragon or the Extremadura since the sea is quite a travel away.

I hate to tell you, but I do not care one bit about who you Americans vote for in autumn beyond what it means for my nation. Like us in 2025, you simply have the choice between two politicians which are average at best. I have seen e.g. the economic ideas of both Trump and Harris, oh god what two bunglers! Looks good on first sight, but if you look deeper...
I am not an American - I said independents LIKE me, not ME - and I also suspect we are from the same country given the 2025 election - unless there is an election in another country I am not aware of. If you consider MLP as "average", just like any candidate from other mainstream parties, you have a real issue, I confirm.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2018
Man, every time someone adresses the politics in ORS, which is a decent topic on its own, it immediatly spirales in RL politics and accusations that rightly get deleted.
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Active Member
May 25, 2018
Man, every time someone adresses the politics in ORS, which is a decent topic on its own, it immediatly spirales in RL politics and accusations that rightly get deleted.
I know, I know, my posts are gonna be deleted pretty soon by the AngSoc moderators of this thread. It's fine, I'm accustomed to it.
I feel like O’Brien is deleting my posts every time, and it's kindda flattering.
People who have not read Orwell will not understand anything from this post, I know too. No problem.
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Oct 28, 2019
You know EK has based Seymour on Mariano Rajoy right ?
Yes, I think I read it here. Personally I don't see more than a bit of a physical resemblance because of the beard.

While I am not a conservative, I do frown at "let's throw money at problems" solutions and politicians. However, Baluart is most probably in the US, not in Europe. In Europe, governments have a problem with systematically throwing money at problems I agree. However, and conversely, in the US and the UK they have the opposite problem: they don't throw enough money at problems. So in Europe I might vote blank between Perry's Dad and Seymour's candidate, however in the US or the UK I vote for Perry's Dad hands down.
But Eva being spanish would have our political mindset, not the US's. And so far, I would say that Perry's father and Emma are supposed to be the good guys and Seymour and his puppet candidate the bad guys.

That might be my Cynism and life experience speaking, but I do not give a flying fuck if a politician is a honest good man or an asshole, as long he is competent! Yes, it is great if a good guy is also competent, but I also take a competent ass if he is the better option. Seymour might be an a..., but he needed some competence to come this far. His puppet candidate might be a puppet, but if he is halfway as competent as Seymour needs to be, then he is the better option for Baluart!

I have a special disdain for those politicians who pretend to be honest good guys, like our current government. Incompetent, dogmatic, lives in a bubble and calls everyone not agreeing with them names. The worst government in over 1 1/2 centuries, even media loyal to them are hinting that early elections would be better for the country, but they cling to their seats since they know they will loose the next national election big time. They think only for their incomes, not the nation, but they still trumpet the fairy tale they are the "good ones".

I agree with you that today there is a definite lack of good politicians in high positions. What currently happens in a couple nations once again proves Ambrose Bierce right, who once said that not dictators are democracy´s worst enemy, but mediocre democrats.
Good intentions without the means to implement them are worthless, from a practical standpoint at least. But competency when your objective is benefitting yourself and your backers is also worthless for most of the population. Housing prices are a serious problem for Ian, Lena and their friends, but they are not a problem for Seymour and the others who actually own those houses and are getting crazy incomes from their properties. So competent or not, Seymour's candidate is not going to solve what is not a problem for his friends.


Active Member
May 25, 2018
Yes, I think I read it here. Personally I don't see more than a bit of a physical resemblance because of the beard.

But Eva being spanish would have our political mindset, not the US's. And so far, I would say that Perry's father and Emma are supposed to be the good guys and Seymour and his puppet candidate the bad guys.

Good intentions without the means to implement them are worthless, from a practical standpoint at least. But competency when your objective is benefitting yourself and your backers is also worthless for most of the population. Housing prices are a serious problem for Ian, Lena and their friends, but they are not a problem for Seymour and the others who actually own those houses and are getting crazy incomes from their properties. So competent or not, Seymour's candidate is not going to solve what is not a problem for his friends.
Man, you have killed any rightwinger here. And you did it without being a leftie.


Oct 28, 2018
IIRC he attends quite regularly these live drawing events (like the one he asked Ian to join him) and actually practices drawing there. To be fair we don't really see how he spends most of his days, with Ian at work and elsewhere.
My memory of earlier chapter may be foggy, but wasn't there a trend when Ian comes home Perry is doing absolutely nothing, or he is playing games, drinking with Wade. From time to time he cooks something and thats it.
Intellectual connection?, from Perry?. Come on, irl the only way Perry/Cherry is happening is if she knows he's the only child of the (rich) mayor. Also, if I'm not missing anything, Perry is only an aspiring visual artist in his head, the guy does nothing but drinking beer, smoking pot, playing videogames and jerking off to girls with dicks. Cherry had an exhibition and is selling her work. I mean, she's the least interesting Ian LI to me after Minerva, but credit where credit is due. Putting the poor girl in the same category as Perry is just cruel and unusual.
Taking in the account how his behavior hasn't changed from ch.1 to ch.12, or you could even argue, that he become worse as the story progresses. And to count how, if we play Ian/Cherry we get to know, how much she needs emotional support. Perry is not the person, who in slightest could understand that situation, or provide something meaningful that could help her.

That whole intellectual connection thing is laughable to me, when you consider that Baluart is full with young people with artistic or other academics background. Then there are differences in background, and characters; Cherry is child of immigrants, who faced with narrow chance of initial success, found the job outside her education background, but still tries to create art. Even when she is full of doubt about how people don't care about her paintings, she still works hard and accomplish her first little breakthrough. Then there's Perry; little manchild of privelege wearing nostalgia googles whos only worries are prices of beer, whining about how could Cindy dare to spend time with her boyfriend and talk shit about Jeremy, Alison and Cindy.

EK wanted Cherry to mirror Lena so bad that she gave them both their own personal slob.
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Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
Perry is socially stunted, and a few shifts in a cafe can make some difference but won't just magically wipe a life's worth of speaking without any filter. Or maybe he simply thinks "this is what i am, accept me or leave me" which isn't exactly uncommon for plenty of (dumb) guys.

Plus, isn't it kind of like complaining that Jeremy stays a carefree womanizer or that Robert still has a short fuse and gets into fights at a drop of a hat, or that Louise gets attached to any guy that gives her attention? Some characters are simply set in their ways and i don't think it's fault of the writing. Having everyone completely moldable with just few player choices would be just like one of these silly power fantasies where everything revolves around MC and they're some sort of unstoppable world shaping force, without any real effort even. Which is just boring.
You also can look at that as an opportunity to roleplay your Ian as you want him to be. Even if it doesn't seem to make a big difference and Perry is still a social retard no matter what you do, you can still choose what way your Ian behaves towards his friend. Wade/Cindy relationship also seems impossible to save. But the end result being Wade and Cindy breaking up doesn't mean that it doesn't matter if your Ian tries to help their relationship or if he fucks Cindy behind Wade's back. I don't see it necessarily as bad writing, irl your behaviour defines yourself, even if you are powerless to change a situation or someone's behaviour.
And this is very different from what we saw in GGGB, where the characters personalities varied greatly depending on our decisions. ORS here seems to be more of a kinetic in that case. Yes, we can choose different interactions with the characters, but they remain themselves. But this is not the end of the game, we'll see what happens when it's all over... in about 10 years.

UPD. I want to add that there are exceptions here. Holly can change in many different ways, as can Alison.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2018

Seymour when Ian submits to the contest a historical fiction novel set in Revolutionary Catalonia.


Oct 28, 2018
Oh man, you're an absolute caricature. Your post is an average joke from an average Saturday Night Live show, it's hilarious.

You are the kind of guy that will make independents like me vote for Kamala Harris.
For that guy Emma is next Stalin, and Seymour is basically second coming of christ.
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Active Member
May 25, 2018
Yes, I think I read it here. Personally I don't see more than a bit of a physical resemblance because of the beard.

But Eva being spanish would have our political mindset, not the US's. And so far, I would say that Perry's father and Emma are supposed to be the good guys and Seymour and his puppet candidate the bad guys.

Good intentions without the means to implement them are worthless, from a practical standpoint at least. But competency when your objective is benefitting yourself and your backers is also worthless for most of the population. Housing prices are a serious problem for Ian, Lena and their friends, but they are not a problem for Seymour and the others who actually own those houses and are getting crazy incomes from their properties. So competent or not, Seymour's candidate is not going to solve what is not a problem for his friends.
Man, you're already too deep for the threequaters of the worrlwide populace, do you realise that ?
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