VN - Ren'Py - Our Red String [Ch. 12.3 FULL] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun but TAME!

    The great thing with GGGB was the variety.
    Vanilla, incest, ntr, cuck, cheating, drugs, bullying, lesbian, trans. It was all there. Only thing missing was bestiality and rape to have it all.

    Red String so far is incredibly vanilla. Maybe that will change but it's already a long game and there is basically nothing other than cheating/harem.

    To be clear:
    I'm not saying a game should ever force extreme kinks. But it's so much more interesting if it offers the opportunity.
    With GGGB i really felt that my choices mattered because it ranged from vanilla to murder depending on my choices.
    Here... well it's a bit more soap opera ish
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    Our Red String [the title still intrigues me] is an amazing project... the rich story unravels and surprises, the choices are not only meaningful but often difficult [temptation, huh?] and there is beauty in the detail throughout. But what truly makes this tick is the careful way that each character has been crafted... all of the "cast" are unique and realistic. Fabulous work!
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Corvo Attano the II

    *Spoiler Alert*

    I don't normally write reviews but here is my opinion because I do genuinely like this game.

    GGGB was a clusterfuck of ball to the wall drug fuelled sex without a coherent plot. And that is ok. It gave you choices on how to impact the story and you the person playing choose whichever path you wanted all if you wanted and tried all of them.

    ORS is a different game to GGGB and its main criticisms boil down to:

    #1 2 Protagonists which leads to many problems. Go to point three.

    #2 Characters are too realistic and people can't connect with them this happens to all Lena Romances a common reacquiring theme in this thread is nobody likes Lenas Romances except Ian and Axel.

    #3 There is an Inverse of GGGB on the matter of Choice because of coherent storyline and needing to write romances for 2 protagonists. Instead of saying being able to fuck Emma, Cyndi, Alison, Cherry, Holly and Lena you are forced to choose which path to go down to. Same thing with Lena instead of being able to both bang Louise and Jeremy you are forced to choose.

    I like this game and damn I love the art but this is not GGGB and being forced to follow paths I do not know how they will end especially because I wanted to do stuff I do not know the Author Eva will include makes me sad.

    3/5 Arbitrary Stars

    If the Author Eva reads this. Do what you want you are making this game not me and as I am too poor to even support you I can't make any demands about anything. Also do not take this review as an opinion telling you that ORS is bad its not it is very good but its just not my cup of tea.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing storytelling, likeable characters, a lot of choices, and this is only the beguinning
    This game (like GGGB) is a gem.
    Personally, i like this one more, because there is a lot of characters that i love (who am i kidding, is mostly because Cindy, i love her!)
    Very worth your time
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Comparing this game to GGGB, this game lacks the darker theme of GGGB like pornstar, drugslord.
    But where this game really shines is its storytelling.
    It´s topnotch. You can play both as Ian or Lena giving you both perspectives.

    And there is ton of stats to choice to from unlike GGGB which is only good and bad.
    This game more in depth choices unlike GGGB.
    But perhaps the best part about this game is the more realistic arts, storytelling and settings.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A major step down from Good Girl Gone Bad. In particular it completely lacks the edge and darker material of GGGB. If your preferred routes in the previous game were the incest ones or cucking the boyfriend with his father you'll be disappointed here.

    Instead the writing is now that of a teen soap opera. Picture a standard CW drama but with explicit sex scenes and you'll be fairly close to what you can expect out of Our Red String.

    I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who do enjoy vanilla romance stuff - and for them this game will be perfectly fine - but for me not a single character or scene was particularly interesting.

    In general, the characters, situations, events, and overall writing is just far too plain for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best 2d games i ever played. The plot allow a lot of decisions, the characters can develop their stats in time made by the decisions of the player, which influence the further decisions which can be made. The graphic is very nice and the sex scenes are super hot. The relationsships between the characters are complex like in real life and that makes the story never boring. I really do like the many sidestories beside the main plot. Following this game is more like reading a good book full of unexpected opportunities, which makes the whole game better. Hope to see many more updates here...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So, first of all; this game is ALIVE. I have a lot of favourites out there but this game is something different. This IS a choice based game. You can play however you want. You can go after from a lot of characters and you can just ignore others.

    Everyone is talking about the artistic side of this game so I won't however I must say that I am in love with the design and the visuals. Apart from other things, When I was playing this; I was the main character. I felt it. I felt all the emotions of Ian and Lena.

    This game has so much plots, characters, dynamics so there is so much potential. I hope that Dev will complete this game with this quality. Congrats and thank you, this game is amazing.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    If i had to define Our Red String with one word it would be FREEDOM, as Ian or Lena you can choose who to pursue, and who to turn down, as an example i just finished v.06 Final, and as Lena i turned down ALL the guys,ALL OF THEM, except Ian who is the only likeable dude, maybe because i control him?, again as Lena i turned down all the "slut" content she could have,that cut her screen time in more than half but i don't care because this is MY red string so i will shape as i see fit, so as Lena i am only after Ian and some girl x girl content, and as Ian i liked all the girls so i let him bang them all in multiple saves of course. Your decisions matter and impact the story and the relationships you are trying to build, kinda like in a D&D game, the artwork is gorgeous the story is nice, the soundtrack is good, so i advise to give this one a chance, i never played a VN where i had so much control as i have here,this one is a must play in my opinion
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried the first game and it wasn't really to my personal tastes. It took me a while to buy in to this game but once I downloaded I was immediately taken. The developer has done a great job on using what they learned to improve their game, and I can say without a doubt this is a true masterpiece.

    Both of the main characters are likeable while those around them are often not - but not in a way that detracts from the player's enjoyment. The UI and gameplay mechanics are nice, significant but not too over the top. Great balance there.

    The dialogue writing is quite good; but where this game truly shines is the story writing, the different progressions with the characters is all very nicely planned out. While at first the transition between protagonists was jarring, you get used to it quickly and it is done elegantly enough to avoid
    breaking immersion. Plus it opens up possibilities by allowing the author to foreshadow future events and play around with that whole aspect. Pacing feels very nice, and it seems like the development team are really good at communication and updating fast.

    I don't typically review games, especially not incomplete ones, but I'll have to make an exception for this outstanding game. A commendable achievement and in my opinion the best visual novel on the site.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Dual protagonist adult VN with a variety of characters to pursue as well as the main relationship that's intended by the story.

    The art is distinct, dialogue and story are great, and characters have unique personalities. Multiple playthroughs are necessary to see all the content because choices branch significantly.

    The balance is in favor of story but there are hot scenes each update.

    One quibble is that the female love interests generally have more appealing personalities than most of the male love interests who tend to be jerks. Still an excellent game but there's a bit of an imbalance depending on what kind of relationships you want to build in the game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing VN, just like her first game.
    It's amazing how much Eva was able to improve from her first game, which was already very enjoyable story wise. The player could influence the story in a lot of ways and ORS improves on this even further!
    I honestly did not expect this to be this good and it is just about half way through the story.
    Can't wait to see how this game develops and can't wait for her next project, which will undoubtedly be top notch as well!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As a newbie to this gaming genre in general, it appears I luckily stumbled onto a good one via Eva Kiss' "Our Red String". As a big fan of Bioware's KoTOR, Mass Effect & Dragon Age series I'm loving this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This right here is a masterpiece.

    I initially downloaded this simply because the artwork was a little different from all the cookie cutter Unity renders with generic bits of text tacked on flooding the site. I wanted something, anything, a drop of non-uncanny-valley smut visual novel.

    I definitely got a drop and the rest of the fire hydrant.

    My life now has purpose. I am fully confident humanity will start using fusion power in my lifetime. We will reach the stars and beyond, and I will be discussing with my children how silly I was to ever have doubts as they return from their kindergarten field trip to Alpha Centauri.

    All thanks to this game. Thank you. I love you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you very much Eva Kiss! This game is awesome because it's deep. All the intertwining of the characters and their decisions. The complexity that spans - well, real life i'd say - great! (people who are looking for a quick wank should look for something else though)
    And it's funny that so many characters talk about art, about how to write a novel, how to draw, how to get by living of your art - one can imagine why you know about that ;-)
    I can't wait to continue! PLEASE give us more! It really started rolling in the last two chapters.

    I had two errors, forgot what exactly caused them, but it didn't seem a big deal. If you plan Lena + Ian becoming friends and making out with others (I hope on a threesome with Holly :giggle:) it seems a bit railroaded L+I still end up dating. And I love Emma, would be great if she is a real choice and not just candy along the road.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really very good, well worked, very provocative drawings well done and proportioned, however, although the story is well planned taking two different paths, it seems to me that Lena's path or story is the same as that of the protagonist of "good girl gone bad "Yes I know it has some differences but it seems that the female story focuses on both doing practically the same thing. I repeat it is a good game but I only have that little detail to comment on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Juan Carlos Adama

    EvaKiss has improved on the work done in her previous game
    This game has a unique art style that is unlike anything I have seen on this or any other website, the story and the mechanics make replaying very easy while engaging in each playthrough making it very enjoyable to get every scene available, the only downside is that some of the points and values dont explain very clearly what they affect
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters. Great art. Great writing. Best VN right now....
    Good girl gone bad was good, but this is such a step-up. The characters feel relatable, each of them have their own motivations and goals. Its also updated pretty frequently which I cant say for many other games on this site.

    This is my favourite VN.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game ! I just did the 6 chapters in no-time and god i'm already awaiting the next one ! I love all the characters, the story is really good written, I don't know how many chapters there will be in all but I can't wait for the conclusion! Otherwise long live Ian/Lena!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge fan of Eva's last project, and i have to say this one is as good if not better than Eva's last project.

    Pros :
    • The story is amazing and branches out pretty well, it makes this VN interesting so far.
    • The models are great, the girls are so pretty, it is an improvement from the last project. If i have to pick my favorite, it has to be between Lena or Cindy :love:
    • The scenes are animated now, A HUGE UPGRADE.
    As v0.6 Final, i had a really great time playing it and exploring all the available route. There are tons of steamy scenes on the side for all the horndogs out there :KEK: Also props to Eva for trying to make animation.

    There are
    Bugs as well :
    • Could not access Minerva's agenda.
    • Could not access Cindy's agenda after the photo-shoot problem.
    Those are the only Bugs i have encountered so far, maybe there is more bugs.

    Nonetheless, keep up the great work!