VN - Ren'Py - Our Red String [Ch. 12.3 FULL] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game so much! can't wait to see whats going to happen next, the characters, the different paths how they intertwine or dont depending on the descisions you make, it really is a great story so far.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    EvaKiss continues her tradition of excellent adult games that she started with Good Girl Gone Bad with Our Red String. The same branching narrative, now from 2 POV characters (a boy and a girl this time). This is a sexy take on Friends if you ever wanted one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A worthy successor of GGGB and the quality is really standing out compared to the usual VN we see here.
    The visuals are a huge improvement and experiencing the events from two different MCs is interesting.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    this is wonderful game. The images are great. There is even a video in this game compared to the previous game. in short it is a very nice game but I wish we could only control the female character or the male character because it's always better to focus on one character. Another game could be made with a male character
  5. S
    4.00 star(s)


    I don't usually give the 2D games a shot, but I thought this one had enough going for it that I wanted to try it, and I'm happy I did. It's a solid game with some really excellent storytelling and interesting characters.

    The 2D style wins you over pretty quickly, and the choices in the game feel like they genuinely matter (in some cases, perhaps a little too much, but I'll get to that). The story feels genuine to the experience of 20-somethings living in the city, even if it's amazing how often they just happen to know each other through a friend.

    The only real drawbacks: the change in viewpoint from one character to another is jarring if you weren't expecting it. I almost quit the game then and there, but decided to keep on and hope I could get past it. I did, and eventually the change back and forth between MCs felt more natural. Also, after a couple of playthroughs I've discovered that if you don't play like a complete horndog and bone everyone around you, you miss out on a ton of content and ability score increases.

    If there are other ways to make up for missing those increases, I didn't find it. It's possible they're in a walkthrough somewhere, but I dislike using walkthroughs in most games, and this one felt like it would be better experienced without one.

    Regardless, it's a solid game and I am definitely enjoying it. Looking forward to the next update.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game - Eva brought us GGGB and now brings this masterpiece. I can't stop wating for new updates, I don't really know how she can deliver so much!

    At first I didn't know what to expect. The art is an improvement since GGGB, and way better than most adult games. The drawn art feel is awesome. The story is great, and I feel like the city is real somehow.

    It's one of the few adult games I care about the story rather than the sex, so... well done, Eva Kiss!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult VNs you will find.

    Eva manages to combine both a captivating story together with astonishing art! This is a game where you feel your choices actually matter, so many different routes in well crafted world that feels alive!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, Great renders. Love that you can play with both characters.
    I enjoyed playing this game. And recommend it to all.

    Only thing that worries me is the paths, if i dont want the boy and girl get together but go with others, will i get less scenes or not really....
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Only at 0.5 and already know that the story is going to develop into something special where the characters have some real depth that isn't seen in many games. Already find myself replaying it see where how my choices will potentially lead the character. Considering how much I loved GGBD, I sincerely think that this might be at that level once again. Very promising start!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic game, from masterpiece GGGB to this excellent work, I really like this game because of multiple character and all sex fetish included in this game, build the character depends of what you choose

    5star for this masterpiece game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Legitimately great game, even beyond the confines of a lewd game. Similar to a Dr. Pinkcake game, Our Red String has great characters, a fun story, dialogue that is both well-written and flows naturally*, and music that you will find yourself humming hours after hitting the X in the corner. ORS also features a great art style, and some of the sexiest and most beautiful characters I've personally seen featured in a game. 5/5, and can't wait to see more from this. Putting it on my watchlist, and subscribing on Patreon.

    * (other than the use of "sex" as a noun to describe someone's genitals during H scenes, which is nothing short of bizarre, and completely throws me out of the moment and makes me feel like I'm reading one of the million poorly English-translated games in this genre. Legitimately unsure where this comes from, as there isn't a single other writing quirk in this game that would imply non-native levels of English)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, the drawnings are awesome, the sound track is very nice and the story is very well writen. Also, there are a lot of content to be played.

    My issues was that you can't play this game without a walktrough and you can't get a pure harem route (even if the game name is "our red string").. you will have to choose one girl over the other (so there will be less content for that girl, since you wont see her unless you load the save) and there will always be someone trying or, worse, fucking the girls.

    I've got really pissed with Ivy hitting on Axel (Lena's ex boyfriend) because i wanted to get her. There were no other reason for that if not to get us pissed. Anyway, if she keeps acting like a slut i will avoid her, unfortunally.

    The same ocurred with Cindy. We act like a Mr. Perfect guy, just for Axel snap his finers and gets her babbling for him.

    Furthermore, if you aren't interested in Lena, the protagonist, you'll have a problem, because everytime someone is flirting her and you MUST play in her skin, so if you don't like her but don't like seeing her with another guy, you'll need to turn her into a lesbian..

    In short, this is a good game but you'll need to play it with a walktrough, choose one girl over the other and if you would like to see a harem (even tought the game name is "our red string"), deal with other guys wooing the girls you have interest all the time.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    First, i think this is a not a adult game, i think EvaKiss tries to get the XXX feel in the start, when the MC will jerk off, but he sees a pornstar who looks like his ex and become sad, so no fap, after that i don´t remember anyone talking about his ex, whatever...

    - EvaKiss give a HUGE upgrade on the visuals compared to GGGB, the art looks very good.
    - The 2 MC´s idea is bold, different, i like that.
    - The dialogues are good, there is not much useless information, they are fast to read.

    I loved GGGB, you start the game in a life changing moment of the MC, you decide if she will be a slut, almost slut or a good girl, the objective are clear, and the history was unique, she knows new people, try new stuff, you as the player knew the objetive, what you want.
    Why i said all this about GGGB, because this game have nothing about this...
    - The MC´s life are boring, they have between 20 to 30 years, and they are basic, nothing is happening beside a normal life...
    - The friends, i have the impression that they are in most part friend from school time or friends of friends from school, what they are doing until now?!?
    - The 2 MC´s idea is good, but it hurt the game a lot, i really don´t care about any MC, but i think the objective of the game is to make they become together, this idea could be used much better, wasted potential, the 2 histories could be linked better.
    - Everything is slow... takes too much time to anything really happen, looks like a mexican soap opera, "in the next chapter!"
    - I don´t feel in control of nothing, i really don´t understand the objective (a game needs a objetive), i don´t see how i could ruin their life's or make better, but i really don´t care either.

    To resume, i think this game looks like Friends meet Ren´Py, but without the funny guy.

    I will give this game a new look after sometime, because i really like GGGB.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Never has a game made me depress by a points system. NEVER.

    The art is very good and the characters are interesting, but the attribution system comes from hell.

    Our Red String
    , It's actually a Romance novel if you are focused on the relationship between Ian & Lena, on the other side, you can make both characters real bitch and cuckold. The Romance side is extremely slow or even punitive, while the Lust side is easy and very open. So what is the final goal? Make the player suffer for the Romance? But not the Lust?

    As you think, our choices have an influence on our two characters and the people around us. There is a relationship bar for all the characters, but above all, a progress bars for all the skills, this is where the fun part is. Skills influence our choices a lot, the fact is that you should not calculate on five, ten or fifteen choices to do what you want, but on several hundred choices very spaced with all points and different consequences... At the end, depending on how you played, chances are you will have to start over.

    A visual novel must be a pleasant experience, here we are in the reverse. The game gets bogged down in a system where further we advance in the story more the game becomes complicated for nothing, which leaves a penalizing feeling.

    To summarize.
    + Lots of choices with consequences, characters with their own personality, good writing on the Lust side, Art rather well done.

    - A skill system that can block the player much later in the story, writing and choices are much more open to Lust, the Romance side is put less forward with a writing and boring conversations.

    I challenge anyone to play this game without cheating or even walkthrough, you will have great pleasure in BDSM. 2/5
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1249886

    I think this is one of the best written games on this site, if not the best. The characters are interesting and believable, and the character-driven story and many choices afforded to the player make the game very engaging and add a lot of replay value. There are many possible sexual relationships with some different fetish content for each and not too long between any sex scenes; but also the gameplay in-between is very satisfying with a lot of character choices for the player. I especially appreciate that it's a Western-set game that makes sense for a Western audience (the english is very good, no mtl here, and there aren't weird cultural differences for an American audience). It gets very regular updates (about every 2-3 months) with a decent bit of content in each one. It may not be done yet but I anticipate that this will be my favorite game on the site when it is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally an interesting video game with sex scenes and not just a nonsensical succession of cocks. Congratulations to the dev!
    I have played the first five chapters a couple of times and each time I've been able to follow different routes with totally new content in them.
    Besides, it shows that the dev knows what she is talking about with conversations like Seymour's on philosophy or how she writes the fight scenes. Besides the whole subplot of power games, the objectives of the characters are clear and ... damn, Lena is very hot! The erotic scenes have a good literary level, as well as a lot of sensitivity. And the anal scene with Ema is just perfect.
    I can't wait to play more and see how all the characters develop!
    I recommend it 100%
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This will be a short review, I'll post a longer one when the game's complete. I personally don't play incomplete games, but still tried it out cause of the previous game by the dev.
    Art: 8/10 . It's really beautiful and a huge step up from the previous game.
    Writing: 8/10 Both the dialogues and sex scenes are well written.
    One more thing, I really appreciate that the dev has tried something new with the simultaneous multiple protagonists.

    This is a major thing, I honestly don't understand the lack of outfits in the game, same was the problem with the previous one. There is very less variety in the clothes of all the characters and it makes seeing them boring after a while. Same goes with their expressions.
    And although I did appreciate the fact of going with multiple protags, personally for me it creates awkward situations some times. Like while playing with Lena, you have the option to heat things up with your coworker who's a nice guy. But from the male protag's perspective, it seems ntrish and weird. But again, it's me, probably other people don't feel the same.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1131036

    Incredibly good game. Hot girls, interesting choices and lots of spicyness. I'm hoping that there will be lots of different paths and different endings, building on whats already out there at the moment. Definitly looking forward to upcoming content!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The vision of the author Evakiss is really grandiouse in scale, I can see that. The previous game was literally perfect in every way and the author will try to surpass himself/herself. And it may be possible in terms of complexity of storyline and different outcomes, but you can't really relate to your 2 main characters becasue of constant jumping between them. I'm sorry but that's a fact. The game would be better if it had only 1 character, but I understand the author wants to grow, improve and try something new. I just hope the next project will be more consistent in terms of pacing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    (review made after chapter 5) Wow! Once again I'm blown away by EvaKiss's writing! This time with the addition of more romance and mood setting music.

    It transcends its genre as a sexy game and emerges as a powerful story that makes me cry (literal tears) at how beautiful some of the moments are. Particularly with the Ian x Lena route, where I'm convinced their connection goes beyond anything mundane. I had "Cigarettes After Sex - I" playing in my mind during their tender moments, with the way they stare into each other's eyes. They are two hurt souls tied together by the red string of fate.

    Any criticisms I have are caused by the incompleteness of the story. For example, there are many flags that do result in consequences yet - you can string on (pun intended) as many lovers as you can logistically handle with both characters without any repercussion. Stat requirements are maybe too low. I almost met all the stat checks for all the different stats, and so did not have to pick "suboptimal" decisions due to specialization. Having higher requirements would force us to take branches and experience multiple play-throughs.

    The content that I'm looking forward to the most are Lena x Axel and Lena x Seymour, as well as how Lena's music career progresses (the lyrics were great)!