
Dec 3, 2018
As you know, Zoey Raven worked on the walkthrough for the first 2 updates but as of now, I'm taking over this guide with his kind blessing. Thank you to Zoey, for his help and guidance - I won't let you down. Here's the updated walkthrough. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can either ping me in the thread or send me a direct message.
You can also join .

Guide updated to V0.4 Final.

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All supporters will be granted Early Access - get the updated guide 1 week earlier!

If you want to express your gratitude to Zoey Raven or check out his other content, you can do it here:
@bloodMares Any chance of a a sequence for v0.5?
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Aug 17, 2019
Can we talk about Jeremy filming Alison without her consent and sending the video to Ian? Jack in GGGB did it the same shit to ruin a person's life and Jeremy did it.. to get his bro off? I'm confused - is he officially the worth person in the game or the best friend ever? :unsure:
You have a pics of this scene to show me? I use in android version and it's not work well


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
What do you mean when you talk about Sheppard and say "he". "she" mate. Sheppard is a badass woman who's all about blowing cunts .
Well :p Mostly when casual people think of Shepard, they think of the soldier Earthborn Sole Survivor dude John Shepard with a buzzcut that appears on all the covers and promo materials. He's the "default" (almost "canon") Shepard.
@bloodMares Any chance of a a sequence for v0.5?
As soon as v0.5 Final drops. I'm not in the mood to make 3 versions of the same guide. I have an outline ready but I'll wait until the Final to drop to properly fill the guide with details.
However, if you want to become my patron, you can have a short with instructions on how to unlock each scene/path. A similar scene guide for Lena will drop today, as a reward for my patrons as well.


New Member
Aug 15, 2018
I found a similar game
Eve, of course, does much better
But it seems like a good one you can play


Dec 4, 2017
Once again, Eva kiss is doing a wonderful job. Erotic scenes sometimes without much.

I'm following two different paths: soft Ian and Lena on one side and stud Ian and slutty Lena on the other side. Obviously, soft guy don't have much opportunity.

And I can't wait to see Holly in action, I just hope she will not finish in a gangbang .... ok, perhaps I'm lying a bit.
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Aug 6, 2018
Once again, Eva kiss is doing a wonderful job. Erotic scenes sometimes without much.

I'm following two different paths: soft Ian and Lena on one side and stud Ian and slutty Lena on the other side. Obviously, soft guy don't have much opportunity.

And I can't wait to see Holly in action, I just hope she will not finish in a gangbang .... ok, perhaps I'm lying a bit.
I'm wondering how Ian's soft route is gonna play out.


Aug 4, 2017
did you download it and how?, it requires a decryption key.
You didn't open the full link, you have to copy/paste rather than click.

EDIT: Seems like this one is a male PC game. And you have sex pretty much immediatly. Oh and the game ends if you choose the wrong option...
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
What do you mean about Ivy? It absolutely bothered her that Jeremy was a cheating bastard. Replay that meeting after gym, where Lena and Ivy stumble upon Ian and Jeremy. Ivy never knew that Jeremy had a steady girlfriend. In fact, when he was busted, he tried to weasel out and claim they have an open relationship, or that she's not really his girlfriend, etc. If Ivy wasn't bothered by it, this revelation wouldn't matter to her. Instead, she started to keep her distance and play hard to get, and wanted to have fun watching him squirm.
Did she now? Keep her distance, I mean. She wasn't keeping her distance in chapter 5, that's for sure. She was playing hard to get for at least 3 weeks before she found out and now she seemingly continues to string him along. That's what in my understanding is what she means when she says that 'now I have a reason to give him shit for'
If my interpretation is right Jeremy will have sex with Ivy in the near future. I guess we'll find out:)


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
Did she now? Keep her distance, I mean. She wasn't keeping her distance in chapter 5, that's for sure. She was playing hard to get for at least 3 weeks before she found out and now she seemingly continues to string him along. That's what in my understanding is what she means when she says that 'now I have a reason to give him shit for'
If my interpretation is right Jeremy will have sex with Ivy in the near future. I guess we'll find out:)
Of course she did not keep her distance, you're right, but ONLY if Ian is with Alison which means that, to me, Ivy had it all planned ("giving him shit for"). On the contrary, if Ian is not with Alison, Ivy probably decides that Jeremy does not need her to screw things up. And that's what happens, he goes after Alison and Louise sees everything.

So I don't think they're gonna have sex, but it's just my way of seeing things, and that's what is really great about the game : what you see depends entirely on how you played the events before. And you're right : we're gonna find out ;)


Dec 3, 2018
Well :p Mostly when casual people think of Shepard, they think of the soldier Earthborn Sole Survivor dude John Shepard with a buzzcut that appears on all the covers and promo materials. He's the "default" (almost "canon") Shepard.

As soon as v0.5 Final drops. I'm not in the mood to make 3 versions of the same guide. I have an outline ready but I'll wait until the Final to drop to properly fill the guide with details.
However, if you want to become my patron, you can have a short with instructions on how to unlock each scene/path. A similar scene guide for Lena will drop today, as a reward for my patrons as well.
For now i'm struggling to hit the ends month, so sadly i can't be your patreon now. Still, i really appreciate your work here, so i will await until you can release a full version. Thanks a lot dude!
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Aug 28, 2017
As a final note i'm curious as to what would the people here's main playthroughs be?
so i played through the new chapter from scratch, since i often change things here and there, with my current 3 main playthroughs (which are basically 6 since it's 2 MCs).
1. lena and ian's monogamous relationship to each other, while also being brutally honest to their friends.
2. letting lena hook up only with characters i like and ian become a total stud. while also aiming at a possible lena x ian x holly relationship (so maybe the playthroughs get split up if something stands in the way of that).
3. giving lena every chance at a fuck she can get and ian going full alison.

and i gotta say, i was totally surprised that the holly date didn't give much action, but somehow emma came out of nowhere. i hadn't emma on my radar at all and didn't expect to have a scene with her earlier than holly. although i'm not disappointed either.

i really liked the ian in the office bit, too. funnily enough this increased my interest in seymour and even though it was an ian scene, made me wanting to throw lena at him even more. that's not normal is it?
this made me realize however that since we play 2 MCs, regardless of choices we can make them do, i (and i think you probably too) always decide my options depending on how much i like them. including the choices regarding the both of them.

so i decided to make a list from now on, giving each character an arbitrary point system like the one ingame. a lot of you guys are probably not interested in it, but i'm gonna do it anyway.
it's gonna be from -20 to +20, whereas 0 -> 9 is meant as "no strong feelings", 10 -> 19 as "strong feelings" and 20 is reserved for characters that accomplish becoming favourite character in the game, like jack and natasha did in GGGB.
in the future i'm gonna add and substract points per chapter, so i'm showing my chapter 4 points and what changed in 5.

Alison (13)=>(16) +2 since she says she is ok with Ian sleeping around despite also saying she loves him, essentially sticking to the same rules she gave herself and not be a hypocrite about it towards Ian. +1 since she was up for the fingering action in the club, so we can expect more kinky stuff in the future.
Axel (-13)=>(-12) +1 since he seems to be able to be professional in his job. (i wanted to change some more, but that was solely based on assumptions i made)
Cherry (13)
Cindy (11)=>(12)
+2 since it was really cool that she had put so much trust into Ian, to basically let him decide how far she would go with the shoot. -1 since she had no reason to be covert hostile towards Lena.
Danny (8)
Ed (9)
Emma (7)=>(11)
+5 since she finally became more than just Perry's secret crush and showed that she can entertain herself just right. be it befriending some random people in a club that she doesn't even like to be in, knowing how sexy she is with the clothes to show it and not being afraid to get what she wants. -1 since why does she think she needs to keep having sex with Ian a secret, if it's wrong to do it in the first place. either don't do it or don't keep it a secret.
Holly (17)
Ian (16)=>(16)
+2 because of that cool scene in the office, crossing Minerva in the process. -1 since he is willing to go after Emma and keep it a secret from Perry. -1 since he had to be a guardian for Cindy but just shrugged to her question of going further.
Ivy (16)=>(18) +2 since she had every right to give Louise counter for her being a bitch and gave Louise what she needed to hear.
Jeremy (10)=>(10) -2 since he doesn't know when to quit and rather lies to everyone involved to the point that Louise attacks Ivy for his lies and only steps in at the very last second. +1 since he organizes a party free of charge for his friends, which probably wasn't cheap. +1 since he isn't a sore loser when it comes to Alison.
Lena (15)=>(16) +3 for being kinky enough to snatch someones boyfriend (not her fault he cheats), have condomless sex and getting a creampie from a stranger (that's the fun part of fantasy. i wouldn't do that in real life). -2 since she has the audacity to defend Louise in that catfight, although she wasn't reasonable at all. and for Lena to have no insight that Ivy was left with no other choice.
Lena's Mom (-17)
Louise (5)=>(-1)
-5 for not listening to her friend even though all evidence spoke for it and shove the fault towards the flirt instead of her boyfriend (also a shame that we have the eva jess dynamic again). -1 since immediately after heartbreak and her losing trust in relationships, she throws herself at Lena
Mike (/)=>(12) +14 overall he looks good and is attractive to me. and as first impression he seems kinda decent -2 he is willing to cheat on his girlfriend.
Minerva (-13)=>(-18) -5 because she really is a complete bitch and is actively sabotaging Ian's life, even outside his job, just for her petty unkown reason.
Perry (-12)=>(-14) -2 since he is even a fool when Ian is trying to hook him up with Emma and causes problems at the bouncer for being inconsiderate.
Robert (-11)
Seymour (10)=>(13)
+3 since he is a man of his word and actually appreciates people grasping for opportunitys, and knows he can't let Minerva handle Ian's application if he really is as good as he says.
Stan (3)=>(3) +1 since he seems to try and keep the shoot professional. -1 since he is awkward the whole time Lena let's herself shown (that's probably not his fault, but it still decreases my liking of him)
Wade (6)
Wen (8)

if i have left out some characters, like Yuri, then because there isn't enough of them yet to have my opinion settled about.
4.60 star(s) 324 Votes