
Aug 4, 2017
I think it's too early, not sure how I feel about comparing a work in progress to a finished game. GGGB has several of my kinks represented while ORS doesn't have them (yet), so I'd be inclined to prefer the former at the moment. I'm also not sure how I feel about the skill mechanics, I tend to give my characters 10 in all stats to not feel limited during exploratory playthroughs, and toward possible future events that I'd prefer not to miss out on.

The art is definitely a step up, and side characters and motives are explored better early on in ORS. ORS already feels massive at this point in time. Not sure what the endgame for the protagonists is going to involve, apart from writer career (Ian) and sing-a-song writer/model (Lena). It does make me wonder if there's going to be a pornstar(-like) ending for Ian :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Not sure what the endgame for the protagonists is going to involve, apart from writer career (Ian) and sing-a-song writer/model (Lena). It does make me wonder if there's going to be a pornstar(-like) ending for Ian :p
Well, not sure about porn stud route for Ian, but he can become more like Seymour, using other people to serve his goals.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017

Who's room is this?
Being able to invest money on ORS has enabled me to commission awesome background art for the game, opposed to GGGB, where I had to cut corners. But his also means I need to be selective with which backgrounds to commission, since they're expensive! That's why I have to be mindful of the scenarios where the story and the action happens, and make good use of them.
In Chapter 6 I will use a new background. Do I need to tell you who's room this is?
C'mon... it's definitely the Seymour's bedroom! Can' t you see the action figures of Marx and Engels? Not to mention Nietzsche's poster!
Joking aside, if anyone is interested, you can find (and eventually download) a GC gallery updated to chapter 3 of ORS, at this link: .


Mar 26, 2020
C'mon... it's definitely the Seymour's bedroom! Can' t you see the action figures of Marx and Engels? Not to mention Nietzsche's poster!
Joking aside, if anyone is interested, you can find (and eventually download) a GC gallery updated to chapter 3 of ORS, at this link: .
Not gonna lie, Seymour being a closet weeb would be the mother of plot twist, in an hilarious kind of way XD !!


May 26, 2017

Ed and Molly's café
This is the first background that appears on ORS and one of my favourite. Lena found work in this small and cozy café run by the lovely Van Dyke couple. But the city's living through hard times when it comes to the economy, and the café is struggling to attract clients.
What's Lena's relationship with the Van Dykes in your play-through? Are you trying to help the café keep afloat or will you let it sink? And if that happens... how will you manage to make ends meet for poor Lena?
Some of those questions you'll be able to properly answer in Chapter 6!


Jan 5, 2018

Ed and Molly's café
This is the first background that appears on ORS and one of my favourite. Lena found work in this small and cozy café run by the lovely Van Dyke couple. But the city's living through hard times when it comes to the economy, and the café is struggling to attract clients.
What's Lena's relationship with the Van Dykes in your play-through? Are you trying to help the café keep afloat or will you let it sink? And if that happens... how will you manage to make ends meet for poor Lena?
Some of those questions you'll be able to properly answer in Chapter 6!
I don't know how she's gonna' help but I hope at some point I see Molly get some action :D

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017


It's been a while since Good Girl Gone Bad was finished and Our Red String started development. Looking back on my first game and deeper into the second one, I can't help but compare them and see what lessons I can extract from thet.

The structure and gameplay mechanics in ORS are very similar to the ones in GGGB. The focus was to create an interactive story where the player can influence the plot through several narrative choices. I wanted him to feel he had the power to actually shape the story in a meaningful way, that his actions have a clear effect not only on the outcome of the plot but on the characters themselves. And I wanted to trim all the fat from the experience: no stat grinding, no pointless roaming around and no cumbersome game play cycle. Just a streamlined and engaging story that moved forward and evolved with your choices.

GGGB was my first attempt at something like that and I had no real idea of what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to push the branching mechanics to the extreme and give the player as much sense of agency as possible. With that in mind I took the potential of a fairly bland starting point and pushed it in different directions, giving Ashley wildly different possibilities: she started as a fairly normal and innocent girl and could end up becoming a gang leader, dealing drugs and shooting people, and everything in between. The only real mechanic other than tracking the different choice variables was a simple Good vs Bad point system to help the player keep track of his standing, and those points interacted with the gameplay giving you access to special dialogue options and choices, similarly to Mass Effect.

ORS basically takes that system and builds upon it. Instead of a binary point system, now you have different stats and a complementary mechanic with Will points, implementing them to the gameplay in a more dynamic and intrinsic way. The backbone of the experience still is the choice-driven branching storyline, but this time, instead of pushing for the most outlandish variety possible, I wanted to explore choice and consequence on a deeper and more nuanced level. I’d say ORS is building up on what I learned with GGGB, a more mature and better structured version of what erotic VN storytelling is able to offer, but the motivation behind both games is practically the same.

What is your opinion on the matter? Do you think ORS improves on the gameplay compared to GGGB? And which approach do you enjoy more?
I couldn't pick which is better or which I like more honestly. I really like aspects from both games.
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Creeping Death

dies in loneliness
Jan 28, 2018

GGGB vs ORS: Main characters
One of the things that made GGGB unique was the female POV of the story. Most adult VN are written and played by men, so it’s natural the male POV is the prevalent one. When I started GGGB there were a few female POV games out there, but most of them were, how to put this... not too well done.
Writing from a female POV was something that for some reason appealed to me, and I thought I could do a better job than what most people were doing at that moment. It also allowed me to explore some erotic themes from a fresh and cool perspective, and it was just fun. So I took this angle and went with it. Some people had trouble playing from Ashley’s POV, but a lot of you really loved it.
Ashley as a character was rather plain, a fairly simple model that could be easily transformed by your choices. My main contribution was writing her like a coherent character, delving into her inner monologue and elaborating into her feelings and personal relationships. It was fun seeing how this simple girl could change, fight for what she believed in or fall prey to lust. I know most people expected me to keep doing the same when GGGB was finished and ORS was announced, but I knew I didn’t want to repeat myself. It’s important for me to keep things interesting and fun for myself, and I knew I needed to go beyond what Ashley provided as a main character.
The choice of going with a double protagonist was a bold and risky one, but it’s one I stand by. Lena is true to GGGB spirit, giving the player a female POV similar to Ashley’s, but introducing a male POV was something I had been wanting to do for quite a while. Dave, Eric and Jack were NPCs I really enjoyed writing, and often I imagines the story from their perspective. Ian would allow me to create just that, and intertwining his POV with Lena’s also allowed me to explore branching storyline and choice mechanics in a new way I hadn’t seen done before. It was a challenge that motivated me and opened up a lot of new door for me and for the player. But that wasn’t the only change from GGGB.
Some people have said that Ashley felt like a blank slate in which the player could insert his particular vision, compared to Lena and Ian, which feel like their own person, with their own and particular personality and past. That’s not exactly true, since Ashley also has a certain personality and a past. But it’s true Lena and Ian have a lot more entity as characters than her. That’s because they have scars. You could say what builds a character (and what builds our own personalities) are wounds. Let’s look at Harry Potter, for lack of a better example: he carries the literal wound that defines his character on his forehead. Jon Snow is a bastard, Naruto hosts a cursed beast inside him, etc. etc... A good character has a wound that defines him.
Ashley had a background, but no real wounds: those happened during the game and shaped her (Eric leaving, her family falling apart, etc). On the other hand, Lena and Ian start the game heavily defined by a recent wound that ties into their character and their motivations. This is what make them feel more interesting and “real” as characters, and when I talk about ORS being a more focused and nuanced game experience I’m talking about things like these.
I know many of you are on the fence about the new double protagonist approach, but I hope you can enjoy the new angle it provides. Did you like Ashley or Lena more? And do you enjoy having a GGGB-like experience but with a male POV in Ian? I surely enjoy writing it, and playing around with his relationships, especially Cindy's ;)!
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